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Activities In Brief

December 18-19, 1996
Group discusses the range of potential applications for models of human cancers, including the elucidation of molecular pathways and screening for therapeutic or preventive agents. Three subgroups formed:

  • Mouse genomics and genetics
  • Mouse models of human cancers
  • Nonmammalian models of human cancers

May 14-15, 1997
Recommendations of Mouse Genomics and Genetics Subgroup include initiating a "mouse CGAP," generating a physical map of the mouse genome, and making a commitment to fully sequence the mouse genome. Recommendations presented to ACD on September 18, 1997.

May 15-16, 1997
Mouse Models of Human Cancers Subgroup identifies resource and informatics needs and recommends strategies for promoting the development of mouse models of cancer and associated technologies. Recommendations presented to ACD on September 18, 1997.

June 25-26, 1997
Nonmammalian Models of Human Cancer Subgroup makes recommendations for resource needs for the following model organisms: fruit fly, roundworm, yeast, frog, and zebrafish. Recommendations presented to ACD on January 12, 1998.

October 29-30, 1997
Mouse Genomics and Genetics and Mouse Models of Human Cancers subgroups discuss issues including mouse repositories and distribution centers, a mouse models database, and technologies for identifying and mapping polymorphisms. Recommendations on polymorphisms presented to ACD on March 1, 1998.

Recommendations on mouse repositories presented to ACD on May 14, 1998.

Fall 1998
Angiogenesis subgroup formed to discuss how best to facilitate research on mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis and development of drugs that target the essential tumor vasculature. Recommendations (developed in several teleconferences) presented to ACD on October 2, 1998.

Activities in Brief
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Extraordinary Opportunities.....Cancer Genetics.....Preclinical Models.....Imaging.....Signatures
Advisory Committee to the Director.....Director's Working Groups.....Office of Science Policy