From: Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 7:31 PM To: Subject: What's in your food? (FDA Dockets 00N-1396 and 00D-1598) Dear Corporate and Government Leaders, Neither government nor industry is protecting Americans from the risks posed to human health and the environment by genetically engineered (GE) foods. The Food and Drug Administration's "new" policy on GE foods (proposed January 18, 2001) continues to let the biotech industry regulate itself; it fails to require the long-term, pre-market safety testing demanded by independent experts. The "voluntary labeling" guidelines are a wholly inadequate response to the overwhelming public support for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. Therefore, I urge you to keep all genetically engineered ingredients and crops off the market unless: 1) Independent safety testing demonstrates they have no harmful effects on human health or the environment, 2) They are labeled to ensure the consumer's right-to-know, and 3) The biotechnology corporations that manufacture them are held accountable for any harms they may cause. By not supporting the above points, you corporate and government leaders are in the long run, which may well be sooner than later, placing your own standing with the citizenry in jeopardy. Sincerely Douglas Sloan 1548 Harlemville Road Chatham, New York 12037