From: Butler, Jennie C Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:35 PM To: Druginfo, Druginfo Subject: FW: Synthroid Safety -----Original Message----- From: or1025 [] Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 10:51 AM To: Subject: Synthroid Safety To Whom it may concern. My wife has been kept a live with synthriod or it's generic for over 40 years with no problems. To me that is is the real test. I have taken about every drug you people have taken off the market for some reason or another over the past several years. I have never had any bad effects from these drugs. One must realize a drug in most cases helps one live with a disease and at some time we all will die no matter how rich or intelligent we thinks we are. If 1 million people take a drug and one percent had bad effect or die; then the drug is not bad it is 99% effective. You are not God; "doctors" . You are just human being who think you are God. Get over it!!!!!!! I have one quesdtion. Why is it when a drug goes Generic it is bad, but prior to that it was great? Case in point. Phen Phen. Do you people think you are fooling all of us non doctors out here in the real world? Your not !!!!!!!!!!! O.R.Jordan