USGS Western Ecological Research Center

Davis Field Station Products

  1. Ricca, M. A., R. G. Anthony, D. H. Jackson, and S. A. Wolfe. 2003. Spatial use and habitat associations of Columbian white-tailed deer fawns in southwestern Oregon. Northwest Science 77:72-80. [Journal Article]
  2. Bowen, L., Riva, F., Mohr, C., Aldridge, B., Schwartz, J., Miles, A.K., Stott, J.L. in press. Differential gene expression induced by exposure of captive mink to fuel oil; a model for the sea otter. Ecohealth. [Journal Article]
  3. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, CA Eagles-Smith, and SA Iverson. 2008. Mercury contamination and effects on survival of American avocet and black-necked stilt chicks in San Francisco Bay. Ecotoxicology 17:103-116. [Journal Article]
  4. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, JY Takekawa, JD Bluso, and TL Adelsbach. 2008. Mercury concentrations in blood and feathers of pre-breeding Forster’s terns in relation to space use of San Francisco Bay habitats. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:89 [Journal Article]
  5. Mercury in Forster’s Terns in Relation to Space Use of San Francisco Bay Habitats (March 2008) [Publication Brief]
  6. Mercury Contamination and Effects on Avocet and Stilt Chick Survival (March 2008) [Publication Brief]
  7. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, JD Bluso, JL Yee, and CA Eagles-Smith. 2008. Gender identification of Caspian terns using external morphology and discriminant function analysis. Wilson Journal of Field Ornithology 120:378-383. [Journal Article]
  8. Tsao Melcer, A.K. Miles, J.Y. Takekawa, and I.Woo. In press. Potential effects of mercury on threatened California black rails. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. [Journal Article]
  9. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, GH Heinz, SE Wainwright-De La Cruz, JY Takekawa, TL Adelsbach, AK Miles, DJ Hoffman, SE Schwarzbach, TH Suchanek, and TC Maurer. 2007. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccumulation, and e [Technical Report]
  10. Ackerman, JT, and CA Eagles-Smith. 2007. Mercury contamination in waterbirds breeding in San Francisco Bay. Tideline 27(2): 1–3. [Popular Publication]
  11. Mason, JW, GJ McChesney, WR McIver, HR Carter, JY Takekawa, RT Golightly, JT Ackerman, DL Orthmeyer, WM Perry, JL Yee, MO Pierson, and MD McCrary. 2007. At-sea distribution and abundance of seabirds off southern California: a 20-year comparison. Studies i [Journal Article]
  12. Hothem, R.L., D.R. Bergen, M.L. Bauer, J.J. Crayon, and A.M. Meckstroth. 2007. Mercury and trace elements in crayfish from Northern California. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79:628-632. [Journal Article]
  13. Mercury in American Avocets and Black-necked Stilts Breeding in San Francisco Bay (September 2007) [Publication Brief]
  14. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, JY Takekawa, SA Demers, TL Adelsbach, JD Bluso, AK Miles, N Warnock, TH Suchanek, and SE Schwarzbach. 2007. Mercury concentrations and space use of pre-breeding American avocets and black-necked stilts in San Francisco Bay. [Journal Article]
  15. Ackerman, J., J. Y. Takekawa, D. L. Orthmeyer, J. P. Fleskes, J. L Yee, and K. L. Kruse. 2006. Spatial use by wintering greater white-fronted geese relative to a decade of habitat change in California's Central Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management 70 [Journal Article]
  16. Melcer-Tsao, D., J.Y. Takekawa, A.K. Miles, and I. Woo. 2006. Home range, habitat use, and mercury concentrations of California Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus) along the Petaluma River, California. The Wildlife Society Western Section Co [Poster with Abstract]
  17. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, and CM Marn. 2006. Mercury concentrations in chicks versus adult avocet and stilts: spatially explicit bioaccumulation inferred via radio telemetry. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a [Poster with Abstract]
  18. Schwarzbach, SE, JT Ackerman, CA Eagles-Smith, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, SE Wainwright-De La Cruz, TL Adelsbach, and TH Suchanek. 2006. Mercury legacy to aquatic birds in the San Francisco Estuary: declines from 19th century levels remain insufficient to eli [Presentation with Abstract]
  19. Ackerman J., J.Y. Takekawa, C. Eagles-Smith, C. Marn, and T. Adelsbach. 2006. Survival of American avocet and black-necked stilt chicks in relation to mercury contamination in San Francisco Bay. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollu [Abstract]
  20. Eagles-Smith, C., J. Ackerman, S. Wainwright-De La Cruz, T. Adelsbach, J.Y. Takekawa, and A.K. Miles. 2006. Mercury concentrations vary among waterbird foraging guilds and locations in San Francisco Bay. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Glo [Abstract]
  21. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, JY Takekawa, and AK Miles. 2006. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccumulation and ecotoxicological risk to avian reproduction. Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, New [Presentation with Abstract]
  22. Demers, SA, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2006. Space use and habitat selection of American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) in the South San Francisco Bay, California. The Wildlife Society, Western Section, Sacramento, California, February 8- [Poster]
  23. Bluso, JB, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2006. Space Use of Foraging Forster's terns (Sterna forsteri) in South San Francisco Bay, California. The Wildlife Society, Western Section, Sacramento, California, February 8-10. (talk) [Presentation]
  24. Wainwright-De La Cruz, SE, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, JT Ackerman, GH Heinz, SE Schwarzbach, TH Suchanek, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, DJ Hoffman, and TC Maurer. 2006. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccumulation and ec [Presentation]
  25. Demers, SA, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2006. Space use and habitat selection of American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) in the South San Francisco Bay, California. Shorebird Science in the Western Hemisphere, Boulder, Colorado, February 2 [Poster]
  26. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, S Wainwright-De La Cruz, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, and AK Miles. 2006. Mercury concentrations differ among five species of waterbirds in San Francisco Bay. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, [Poster]
  27. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury concentrations in prebreeding and breeding Forster's Terns. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6. (poster) [Poster]
  28. Demers, SA, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2006. Space use and habitat selection of American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) in the South San Francisco Bay, California. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6 [Poster]
  29. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, and JL Yee. 2006. Mercury levels and growth rates of Forster's Tern chicks in San Francisco Bay. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants Program National Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 3 [Poster]
  30. Adelsbach, TL, CA Eagles-Smith, JT Ackerman, and SE Schwarzbach. 2006. Terns as indicators of mercury and other priority pollutant exposure in San Francisco Bay. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, Wisconsin, August [Poster with Abstract]
  31. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury dynamics in waterbirds: influence of reproductive status and sex. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, Wisconsin, August 6-11. [Poster with Abstract]
  32. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury correlations among 6 tissues in 4 species of waterbirds vary by season and taxa. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, Wisconsin, August 6-11. [Poster with Abstract]
  33. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Rapid accumulation of mercury in black-necked stilt chicks growing in San Francisco Bay. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, Wisconsin, August 6-11. [Poster with Abstract]
  34. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, and JL Yee. 2006. Are growth rates of Forster's Tern chicks influenced by mercury in San Francisco Bay? Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, Wisconsin, August 6-11. [Poster with Abstract]
  35. Oldenburger, SL, MR O'Farrell, JM Eadie, JT Ackerman, GS Yarris, and MP Herzog. 2006. A demographic model for mallards in California: using sensitivity analyses to inform management. Fourth North American Dusk Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, August 23- [Presentation with Abstract]
  36. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, ML Szymanski, JH Caswell, MP Vrtiska, AH Raedeke, JM Checkett, AD Afton, TG Moore, FD Caswell, RA Walters, DD Humburg, and JL Yee. 2006. Effectiveness of spinning-wing decoys varies among dabbling duck species and locations. Fourth [Poster with Abstract]
  37. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, SL Oldenburger, GS Yarris, DL Loughman, and MR McLandress. 2006. Age related reproductive success of mallards in California. Fourth North American Dusk Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, August 23-26. [Poster with Abstract]
  38. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, S Wainwright-De La Cruz, AK Miles, JR Lovvorn, JL Yee, and D Tsao-Melcer. 2006. Diet of San Francisco Bay diving ducks after invasion by the Asian clam. Fourth North American Dusk Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, August 23-26. [Poster with Abstract]
  39. Ackerman, JT. 2006. Hunting vulnerability of dabbling ducks to spinning-wing decoys varies among species and locations. July 2006. USGS Publication Brief for Resource Managers. [Publication Brief]
  40. Bluso, JD, MA Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2006. Space use of foraging Forster's terns in South San Francisco Bay, California. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6. [Poster]
  41. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury accumulation in Black-necked Stilt chicks in San Francisco Bay. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6. [Poster with Abstract]
  42. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, and JL Yee. 2006. Mercury levels and growth rates of Forster's Tern chicks in San Francisco Bay. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6. [Poster with Abstract]
  43. Ackerman, JT. 2006. Gull Predation on Shorebird and Tern Nests and Chicks in the South San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds. South Bay Science Symposium, San Jose State University, California, June 6. [Presentation with Abstract]
  44. Takekawa, JY, JT Ackerman, CA Eagles-Smith, S Wainwright-De La Cruz, TL Adelsbach, AK Miles, G Heinz, D Hoffman, S Schwarzbach, T Suchanek, T Maurer, C Strong, and N Warnock. 2006. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccu [Presentation]
  45. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, S Wainwright-De La Cruz, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, and AK Miles. 2006. Mercury concentrations differ among five species of waterbirds in San Francisco Bay. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants Program Nation [Poster]
  46. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury concentrations in prebreeding and breeding Forster's Terns. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants Program National Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 31-August 4. [Poster]
  47. Ackerman, JT, CA Eagles-Smith, and TL Adelsbach. 2006. Mercury accumulation in Black-necked Stilt chicks in San Francisco Bay. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants Program National Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 31-August 4. [Poster]
  48. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, ML Szymanski, JH Caswell, MP Vrtiska, AH Raedeke, JM Checkett, AD Afton, TG Moore, FD Caswell, RA Walters, DD Humburg, and JL Yee. 2006. Effectiveness of spinning-wing decoys varies among dabbling duck species and locations. Journa [Journal Article]
  49. Ackerman, J. T., J. Y. Takekawa, C. Strong, N. Athearn, and A. Rex. 2006. California Gull distribution, abundance, and predation on waterbird eggs and chicks in South San Francisco Bay. Final Report, U. S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Ce [Technical Report]
  50. Ackerman, J. T., Central Valley Habitat Changes Affect Space Use by White-fronted Geese (September 2006) [Publication Brief]
  51. Ackerman, J. T., Life History Predicts Risk-taking Behavior of Ducks (August 2006) [Publication Brief]
  52. Ackerman, J. T., Hunting Vulnerability of Dabbling Ducks to Spinning-wing Decoys Varies among Species and Locations (July 2006) [Publication Brief]
  53. Ackerman, JT, and CA Eagles-Smith. 2006. A collaborative project to study mercury levels in San Francisco Bay Waterbirds. Bay Bird Review, Winter: 4-5. [Popular Publication]
  54. Bluso, JD, JT Ackerman, JY Takekawa, and JL Yee. 2006. Using morphological measurements to sex Forster’s terns. Waterbirds, 29(4): 511-516. [Journal Article]
  55. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, and TG Moore. 2006. Does life history predict risk-taking behavior of wintering dabbling ducks? Condor 108: 530-546. [Journal Article]
  56. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, DL Orthmeyer, JP Fleskes, JL Yee, and KL Kruse. 2005. Response of greater white-fronted geese to the Central Valley Joint Venture: changes in wintering ecology over a decade. 11th North American Arctic Goose Conference and Works [Poster]
  57. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, KL Kruse, DL Orthmeyer, JL Yee, CR Ely, DH Ward, KS Bollinger, and DM Mulcahy. 2005. Heart rates of tule greater white-fronted geese in response to human disturbance using radio telemetry. 11th North American Arctic Goose Confer [Poster]
  58. Takekawa, JY, JL Yee, and JT Ackerman. 2005. Estimating identification error for similar subspecies: distinguishing tule greater white-fronted geese in the Pacific flyway. 11th North American Arctic Goose Conference and Workshop, Reno, Nevada, January 5–8 [Poster]
  59. Ackerman, JT. 2005. Effects of radio transmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin’s auklets. March 2005. USGS Publication Brief for Resource Managers. [Publication Brief]
  60. Schwemm, CA, JT Ackerman, PL Martin, and W Perry. 2005. Nest occupancy and hatching success of Xantus’s murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) breeding on Santa Barbara Island, California during a twenty-year period. Pages 385–394 in D. K. Garcelon and C [Proceedings]
  61. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, JP Fleskes, and DL Orthmeyer. 2005. Decade of change: a tracking study shows how white-fronted geese responded to recent habitat changes in the Central Valley. California Waterfowl, April/May 2005: 16–17 & 58. [Popular Publication]
  62. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, JP Fleskes, and DL Orthmeyer. 2005. White-fronted geese respond well to Joint Venture's habitat improvements. Valley Ventures, Spring 2005: 10-13. [Popular Publication]
  63. Blackmer, AL, RA Mauck, JT Ackerman, CE Huntington, GA Nevitt, and JB Williams. 2005. Exploring individual quality: basal metabolic rate and reproductive performance in Leach's storm-petrels. Behavioral Ecology 16: 906-913. [Journal Article]
  64. Ricca, MA, AK Miles, and RG Anthony. 2005. Effect of lipid extraction on analyses of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in different tissues and species. 12th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Madison, WI, September 25-29. [Poster]
  65. Bluso, JB, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2005. Space use of foraging Forster's terns (Sterna forsteri) in South San Francisco Bay, California. The 7th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference, Oakland, California, October 4-6. [Poster with Abstract]
  66. Demers, SA, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2005. Space use of breeding female American avocets in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. The 7th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference, Oakland, California, October 4-6. [Poster with Abstract]
  67. Eagles-Smith, CA, TL Adelsbach, JT Ackerman, SE Schwarzbach, TH Suchanek, GH Heinz, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, SE Wainwright-De La Cruz, JD Henderson, SE Spring, L Bowen, JD Bluso, SA Demers, M Ricca, C Marn, C Strong, N Warnock, M Wilson, and T Maurer. 2005. [Poster with Abstract]
  68. Ackerman, JT, TL Adelsbach, and CA Eagles-Smith. 2005. Growth rates of Forster's tern chicks at four nesting colonies in the San Francisco Bay. The 7th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference, Oakland, California, October 4-6. [Poster with Abstract]
  69. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, and C Marn. 2005. Survival of American avocet and black-necked stilt chicks in the South San Francisco Bay: variable risks of gull predation. The 7th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference, Oakland, California, October 4-6. [Poster with Abstract]
  70. Schwarzbach, SE, TH Suchanek, GH Heinz, JT Ackerman, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, DJ Hoffman, SE Wainwright-De La Cruz, SE Spring, MA Ricca, and TC Maurer. 2005. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, b [Technical Report]
  71. Ackerman, JT, and JY Takekawa. 2005. Impacts of gulls: predation on shorebird and tern nests and chicks. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Bird Workshop 3: Invasive and Nuisance Species, Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Calif [Presentation]
  72. Demers, SA, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2005. Foraging patterns of American avocets in San Francisco Bay. CALFED review panel and California Bay-Delta Authority, Sacramento, California, November 29-December 1. [Poster]
  73. Bluso, JB, M Colwell, JY Takekawa, and JT Ackerman. 2005. Foraging areas of Forster's terns at three colony sites in San Francisco Bay. CALFED review panel and California Bay-Delta Authority, Sacramento, California, November 29-December 1. [Poster]
  74. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, and TL Adelsbach. 2005. Mercury dynamics in Forster's terns: influence of reproductive status and sex. CALFED review panel and California Bay-Delta Authority, Sacramento, California, November 29-December 1. [Poster]
  75. Eagles-Smith, CA, JT Ackerman, S De la Cruz, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, and R Keister. 2005. Mercury concentrations vary among waterbird foraging guilds and locations in San Francisco Bay. CALFED review panel and California Bay-Delta Authority, [Poster]
  76. Ackerman, JT, TL Adelsbach, CA Eagles-Smith, and JL Yee. 2005. Mercury influence on growth rates of Forster's tern chicks in San Francisco Bay. CALFED review panel and California Bay-Delta Authority, Sacramento, California, November 29-December 1. [Poster]
  77. Schwarzbach, SE, TH Suchanek, GH Heinz, JT Ackerman, CA Eagles-Smith, TL Adelsbach, JY Takekawa, AK Miles, DJ Hoffman, SE Wainwright-De La Cruz, SE Spring, MA Ricca, and TC Maurer. 2005. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, b [Presentation]
  78. Ackerman, JT, CM Marn, and JY Takekawa. 2005. Life and death on a salt pond: avocets and stilts survive amidst mercury pollution and invasive gulls. Tideline, Winter 2005, Vol. 25, No. 4: 1-3. [Popular Publication]
  79. Takekawa, J.Y., A.K. Miles, N.D. Athearn, S.E. Spring, M.K. Saiki, F. Mejia, I. Woo, and K.S. Goodenough. 2005. Habitat Restoration Monitoring for the Napa-Sonoma Marsh Restoration Project, 2005. Unpubl. Prog. Rep.,U.S. Geological Survey, Vallejo, CA. 78p [Technical Report]
  80. Takekawa, J.Y., A.K. Miles, D.H. Schoellhamer, B. Jaffe, N.D. Athearn, S.E. Spring, G.G. Shellenbarger, M.K. Saiki, F. Mejia, and M.A. Lionberger. 2005. South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project Short-term Data Needs, 2003-2005. Unpubl. Final Rep., U.S. Ge [Technical Report]
  81. Ackerman, J. T., Effects of Radio Transmitters on the Reproductive Performance of Cassin’s Auklets (March 2005) [Publication Brief]
  82. Ricca, M. A., R. G. Anthony, and J. C. Williams. 2004. Bald Eagles consume Emperor Geese during late-winter in the Aleutian Archipelago. Journal of Raptor Research. 38: 81-85. [Journal Article]
  83. Miles, A. K., J. Y. Takekawa, D. H. Schoellhamer, S. E. Spring, N. D. Athearn, G. G. Shellenbarger, and D. C. Tsao. 2004. San Francisco Bay Estuary Salt Ponds Progress Report 2001 - 2003, Priority Ecosystem Science Program, USGS/USFWS (CNO)Science Support [Technical Report]
  84. Spring, S.E., Miles, A.K., and Anderson, M.A. 2004. Effects of TCE and PCE on wild rodents at Edwards Air Force Base, California. Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 23(9):2162-2169 [Journal Article]
  85. Effects of toxicant exposure on gene expression in sea ducks. Ryan, L., Miles, A.K. Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Davis, CA. May 2004. Poster Presentation. [Poster with Abstract]
  86. Toxicant exposure and gene expression in sea ducks. Ryan, L., Miles, A.K. Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program, University of California. San Diego, California. April 23-24, 2004. Poster Presentation. [Poster with Abstract]
  87. Anthony, R.G., M. A. Ricca, A. K. Miles., J. A. Estes, and F. B. Isaacs. September 2004. Bald eagle food habits relative to the sea otter decline in the Aleutian Archipelago, AK. 11th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Calgary, Alberta. [Presentation]
  88. Takekawa, JY, HR Carter, DL Orthmeyer, RT Golightly, JT Ackerman, GJ McChesney, JW Mason, J Adams, WR McIver, MO Pierson, and CD Hamilton. 2004. At-Sea Distribution and Abundance of Seabirds and Marine Mammals in the Southern California Bight: 1999–2003. [Technical Report]
  89. Ackerman, JT, J Adams, JY Takekawa, HR Carter, DL Whitworth, SH Newman, RT Golightly, and DL Orthmeyer. 2004. Radio transmitter effects on Cassin’s Auklets breeding on the California Channel Islands. Pages 279–303 in Takekawa, JY, HR Carter, DL Orthmeyer, [Technical Report]
  90. Ackerman, JT, AL Blackmer, and JM Eadie. 2004. Is predation on waterfowl nests density dependent? Tests at three spatial scales. Oikos 107(1): 128-140. [Journal Article]
  91. Ackerman, JT, J Adams, JY Takekawa, HR Carter, DL Whitworth, SH Newman, RT Golightly, and DL Orthmeyer. 2004. Effects of radio transmitters on the reproductive performance of Cassin’s auklets. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(4): 1229-1241. [Journal Article]
  92. Blackmer, AL, JT Ackerman, and GA Nevitt. 2004. Effects of investigator disturbance on hatching success and nest-site fidelity in a long-lived seabird, Leach’s storm-petrel. Biological Conservation 116(1): 141–148. [Journal Article]
  93. Ackerman, JT, JY Takekawa, KL Kruse, DL Orthmeyer, JL Yee, CR Ely, DH Ward, KS Bollinger, and DM Mulcahy. 2004. Using radiotelemetry to monitor cardiac response of free-living tule greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons elgasi) to human disturbance. [Journal Article]
  94. Mason, JW, GJ McChesney, WR McIver, HR Carter, JY Takekawa, RT Golightly, JT Ackerman, DL Orthmeyer, WM Perry, JL Yee, MO Pierson, and MD McCrary. 2004. At-sea aerial surveys of seabirds in the Southern California Bight: 1999–2002. Pages 11–109 in Takekaw [Technical Report]
  95. Ackerman, JT, JW Mason, and JY Takekawa. 2004. Seabirds off Southern California–surveys reveal patterns in abundance and distribution. Sound Waves, November 2004, Vol. FY 2005, No. 67: 6–7. [Popular Publication]
  96. Ackerman, JT. 2004. Cardiac response of free-living tule greater white-fronted geese to human disturbance. October 2004. USGS Publication Brief for Resource Managers. [Publication Brief]
  97. Eadie, JM, TG Moore, and JT Ackerman. 2004. Evaluation of spinning-wing decoys in California. Wetland Management Workshop. Colusa National Wildlife Refuge, California, May 14. [Presentation]
  98. Ackerman, JT. 2004. Wintering and breeding waterfowl in Suisun Marsh. Making Science Work for Suisun Marsh Workshop, San Francisco Bay-Delta Science Consortium and California Bay-Delta Authority, Sacramento, California, March 1-2. [Presentation]
  99. Ackerman, JT, J Adams, JY Takekawa, HR Carter, DL Whitworth, SH Newman, RT Golightly, and DL Orthmeyer. 2004. Radio transmitter effects on breeding Cassin’s auklets at the California Channel Islands. Pacific Seabird Group, 31st Annual Meeting, La Paz, Mex [Poster]
  100. Mason, JW, GJ McChesney, WR McIver, HR Carter, JY Takekawa, RT Golightly, JT Ackerman, DL Orthmeyer, WM Perry, JL Yee, MO Pierson, and MD McCrary. 2004. Distribution and abundance of seabirds off southern California: a twenty-year comparison. Pacific Seab [Poster]
  101. Takekawa, J.Y., D.H. Schoellhamer, A.K. Miles, G.G. Shellenbarger, N.D. Athearn, S.E. Spring, M.K. Saiki, C.A. Jannusch. 2004. Initial biophysical changes after breaching a salt pond levee: final report on the Napa-Sonoma Wildlife Area Pond 3 breach. Unpu [Technical Report]
  102. Ackerman, J. T., Cardiac Response of Free-living Tule Greater White-fronted Geese to Human Disturbance (October 2004) [Publication Brief]
  103. Spring, S. E.; Miles, A. K., Effects of TCE and PCE on Burrowing Animals at Edwards Air Force Base (August 2004) [Publication Brief]
  104. Meckstroth, A., and A.K. Miles. 2003. Predator of nesting waterbirds in an urban environment. Final Report. Moffett Federal Airfield, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountainview, California. 49 pages. [Technical Report]
  105. Contaminant concentrations in diving ducks of the San Francisco Bay estuary. Miles, A.K., Takekawa, J.Y., Wainwright-de la Cruz, S., Lovvorn, J.R. 3rd North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA 2003. Poster Presentation. [Poster with Abstract]
  106. Predator control and nesting waterbird success in an urban environment. Meckstroth, A.M., Miles, A.K. 3rd North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA 2003. Poster Presentation [Poster with Abstract]
  107. Ecotoxicology and wildlife management: are contaminants affecting wintering Steller's eiders? Stout, J.H., Flint, P.L., Miles, A.K., Trust, K.A., Hollmen, T. and Reeves, M.K. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Washington, D.C., 2003. Pos [Poster with Abstract]
  108. Effects of TCE and PCE on Wild Rodents, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Spring, S., and Miles, A.K. National Wildlife Society Conference, Vermont. September 2003. Presentation. [Presentation with Abstract]
  109. Diets of Introduced Predators at South San Francisco Bay and Monterey County, California. National Wildlife Society Conference, Meckstroth, A., and Miles, A.K. Vt. September 2003. Presentation. [Presentation with Abstract]
  110. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, DL Loughman, GS Yarris, and MR McLandress. 2003. The influence of partial clutch depredation on duckling production. Journal of Wildlife Management 67(3): 576–587. [Journal Article]
  111. Ackerman, JT and JM Eadie. 2003. Current versus future reproduction: an experimental test of parental investment decisions using nest desertion by mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54(3): 264–273. [Journal Article]
  112. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, GS Yarris, DL Loughman, and MR McLandress. 2003. Cues for investment: nest desertion in response to partial clutch depredation in dabbling ducks. Animal Behaviour 66(5): 871–883. [Journal Article]
  113. Ackerman, JT and JM Eadie. 2003. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat: some nests robbed by predators still produce ducklings. California Waterfowl, April/May 2003: 8–9. [Popular Publication]
  114. Martin, PL, CA Schwemm, W Perry, and JT Ackerman. 2003. Nest occupancy and hatching success of Xantus’s murrelets breeding on Santa Barbara Island, California during a twenty-year period. Sixth California Islands Symposium, Ventura, California, December 1 [Presentation]
  115. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, and TG Moore. 2003. Life-history predicts risk-taking behavior of dabbling ducks: an experiment using hunter predation and spinning-wing decoys. 3rd North American Duck Symposium. Sacramento, California, November 5–8. [Presentation]
  116. Ackerman, JT, AL Blackmer, and JM Eadie. 2003. Is predation on duck nests density dependent? Tests at three spatial scales. 3rd North American Duck Symposium. Sacramento, California, November 5–8. [Poster]
  117. Eadie, JM, TG Moore, and JT Ackerman. 2003. Experimental evaluation of the effect of spinning-wing decoys on hunting success and waterfowl response in California. 3rd North American Duck Symposium. Sacramento, California, November 5–8. [Poster]
  118. Ackerman, JT, J Adams, JY Takekawa, HR Carter, DL Whitworth, SH Newman, RT Golightly, and DL Orthmeyer. 2003. Effects of radio transmitters on breeding Cassin’s auklets. Minerals Management Service, Camarillo, California, September 9. [Presentation]
  119. Mason, JW, GJ McChesney, WR McIver, HR Carter, RT Golightly, DL Orthmeyer, JY Takekawa, JT Ackerman, W Perry, JL Yee, MO Pierson, and MD McCrary. 2003. Distribution, abundance, and colony counts of seabirds off Southern California. Minerals Management Ser [Presentation]
  120. Adams, J, JW Mason, GJ McChesney, WR McIver, HR Carter, RT Golightly, DL Orthmeyer, JY Takekawa, JT Ackerman, W Perry, and JL Yee. 2003. Integrating seabird use and ocean features: an example with Cassin’s auklets. Minerals Management Service, Camarillo, [Presentation]
  121. Eadie, JM, JT Ackerman, and M Deering. 2003. Ducks, death, and decision rules: further attempts to link behavioral ecology and waterfowl conservation and management. Invited talk, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Ca [Presentation]
  122. Eadie, JM, JT Ackerman, and M Deering. 2003. Ducks, death, and decision rules. Invited talk, The Winter Animal Behavior Conference, 25th Annual. Jackson Hole, Wyoming, January 18–25. [Presentation]
  123. Miles, A.K., S.P Lawler, D. Dritz, S.E. Spring. 2002. Mosquito larvicide effects on mallard ducklings and prey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Vol. 30:675-682. [Journal Article]
  124. Atkinson, A. J., C. M. Marn, B. Fong. 2002. Terrestrial and Amphibious Monitoring Plan for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program. Technical Report prepared for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program. 432 pp. [Technical Report]
  125. Ricca, M. A., R. G. Anthony, D. H. Jackson, and S. A. Wolfe. 2002. Survival of Columbian white-tailed deer in western Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management. 66:1255-1266. [Journal Article]
  126. Estes, J.A., R.G. Anthony, W.M. Jarman, A.K. Miles, J.R. Bodkin, and M.A. Ricca. 2002. Report on field activities at Adak and the western Aleutians, 2002. Annual report prepared for the U.S. Navy. 28pp. [Technical Report]
  127. Flint, P., and Miles. A.K. 2002. Relationships between boat harbors, fish processing, organic contamination, and Steller's eiders wintering in the Eastern Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. Progress Report Prepared for U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. 1 [Technical Report]
  128. Takekawa, J. Y., N. Warnock, G. M. Martinelli, A. K. Miles, and D. C. Tsao. 2002. Waterbird use of bayland wetlands in the San Francisco Bay estuary: movements of long-billed dowitchers during the winter. Waterbirds 25: 93-105. [Journal Article]
  129. Spring, S., and A. K. Miles. 2002. Validation study, ERP sites 25, 37, 133, and corresponding reference sites. Biological impact of TCE and PCE on wild rodent and reptile populations, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Final report. Edwards Air Force B [Technical Report]
  130. Davis, Sr., R.D., Diswood, S., Dominguez, A., Engel-Wilson, R., Jefferson, K., Miles, A.K., Moore, E.F., Reidinger, R., Ruther, S., Valdez, R., Wilson, K., Zablan, M.A. 2002. Increasing diversity in our profession. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 30(2):628-6 [Journal Article]
  131. Ackerman, JT. 2002. From individuals to populations: the direct and indirect effects of predation on waterfowl nest success. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis. 182 pp. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  132. Ackerman, JT. 2002. Of mice and mallards: positive indirect effects of coexisting prey on waterfowl nest success. Oikos 99(3): 469–480. [Journal Article]
  133. Ackerman, JT. 2002. From individuals to populations: the direct and indirect effects of predation on waterfowl nest success. College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, October 31. [Presentation]
  134. Ackerman, JT. 2002. Resource selection in animals. College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, October 31. [Presentation]
  135. Ackerman, JT, JM Eadie, DL Loughman, GS Yarris, and MR McLandress. 2002. The influence of partial clutch depredation on duck nest success. The Wildlife Society’s 9th Annual Conference. Bismarck, North Dakota, September 24–28. [Presentation]
  136. Weckerly, Floyd F., Mark A. Ricca and Katherin P. Meyer. 2001. Sexual segregation in Roosevelt Elk: Cropping rates and aggression in mixed sex groups. Journal of Mammology, 82(3):825-835 [Journal Article]
  137. May, J.T., R.L. Hothem, C.N. Alpers, and M.A. Law. Mercury bioaccumulation in sportfish associated with historic gold mining in the Bear River and South Yuba River watersheds. Symposium and 35th Annual Meeting American Fisheries Society, California-Nevad [Presentation with Abstract]
  138. May, J.T., R.L. Hothem, C.N. Alpers, and M.A. Law. Elevated mercury concentrations in game fish associated with historical gold mining in the South Yuba River, Deer Creek, and Bear River watersheds, California. Northern California Regional Chapter, Soci [Presentation with Abstract]
  139. Hothem, R.L., J.T. May, M.R. Jennings, M.A. Law, J.J. Crayon, and M.T. Atamian. 2001. Mercury contamination of biota associated with abandoned mine lands: Cache Creek, Bear River, and South Yuba river Watersheds, California. Eighth Annual Conference of T [Presentation with Abstract]
  140. Atkinson, A. J., C. M. Marn, B. Fong. 2001. Terrestrial and Amphibious Monitoring Plan for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program Workshop Summaries for Summer 2000: 1) Habitats of estuarine tidal and diked wetlands of the Delta, Suisun Marsh and North San Francisc [Technical Report]
  141. Wainwright-De La Cruz, S. E., J. Y. Takekawa, A. K. Miles, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2001. Home ranges and foraging depth preferences of scaup in the San Francisco Bay estuary. Wildlife Society 8th Annual Conference. Reno, NV. [Abstract]
  142. Estes, J.A., R.G. Anthony, W.M. Jarman, A.K. Miles, J.R. Bodkin, and M.A. Ricca. 2001. Report on field activities at Adak and the western Aleutians, 2001. Annual report prepared for the U.S. Navy. 26pp. [Technical Report]
  143. Meckstroth, A.M. and A.K. Miles. 2001. Predation of nesting waterbirds in an urban environment, Annual Progress Report. Prepared for NASA Ames Research Station, Moffett Federal Air Field, CA. [Technical Report]
  144. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, N.T Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Phase I Pre-scoping assessment OU4. Ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Environmenta [Technical Report]
  145. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, N.T Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Phase I Pre-scoping assessment OUs 1, 2, 3, and 6. Ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Cent [Technical Report]
  146. Miles, A.K., S.E. Spring. 2001. Statement of Work/Study Plan. Potential impacts of organic contamiants on wildlife at Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Environmental Management Office, Edwards Air Force Base, CA. Januar [Technical Report]
  147. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, S.R. Stevens, N.T. Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Work Plan, Scoping ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Environmental [Technical Report]
  148. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, N.T Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Addendum to Work Plan. Scoping ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Environmental Man [Technical Report]
  149. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, N.T Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Work Plan. Phase I: Predictive assessment, ecological risk assessment, installation restoration program sites, Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Envir [Technical Report]
  150. Miles, A.K., C.M. Marn, N.T Garcia-Andersen, and R.A. Keister. 2001. Phase I Scoping. Ecological risk assessment, Ous 1, 2, and 6 Edwards Air Force Base. Prepared for the Air Force Flight Test Center Environmental Management Office, Edwards Air Force Base [Technical Report]
  151. Miles, A.K., Lawler, S.P., Hoffman, D.J., Albers, P.A., Melancon, M.J., Dritz, D., Spring, S., Buscemi, D.M. 2001. Experimental assessment of the toxicity of the mosquito larvicide Golden Bear Oil (GB-1111): (1) Field evaluations on duckling, target, and [Technical Report]
  152. Ackerman, JT. 2001. Nest predation: perspectives from multiple levels of organization. Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Seminar Series. University of California, Davis, October 18. [Presentation]
  153. Ackerman, JT. 2001. Factors influencing waterfowl nest success: rodent abundance, nesting density, and partial depredation. Delta Waterfowl Foundation Student Symposium. Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, July 6–7. [Presentation]
  154. Ackerman, JT. 2001. A summary of factors influencing nest success and duckling production in California. Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group Meeting. Suisun Marsh, California, April 10–13. [Presentation]
  155. Miles, A.K. 2000. Ruddy Ducks. In: Goals Project. 2000. Baylands Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of key plants, fish and wildlife. Prepared by the San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Ecosytem GOals Proje [Technical Report]
  156. Miles, A.K. 2000. Surf Scoters. In: Goals Project. 2000. Baylands Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of key plants, fish and wildlife. Prepared by the San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Ecosytem GOals Proj [Technical Report]
  157. May, J.T., R.L. Hothem, C.N. Alpers, and M.A. Law. 2000. Mercury bioaccumulation in fish in a region affected by historic gold mining: the South Yuba River, Deer Creek, and Bear River Watersheds, California, 1999. Open-File Report 00-367, U.S. Geologica [Technical Report]
  158. Hothem, R.L., J.T. May, M.R. Jennings, M.A. Law, C.N. Alpers, and M.P. Hunerlach. 2000. Biological indicators of mercury contamination from historic gold mining in the Bear River and Yuba River watershed, California. Assessing and managing mercury from [Presentation with Abstract]
  159. CALFED Bay-Delta Program. 2000. Comprehensive Monitoring, Assessment and Research Program. Final Programmatic EIS/EIR Technical Appendix. [Technical Report]
  160. Atkinson, A.J., C.M. Marn, and P.A. Stine. 2000. Development of a Baseline Monitoring Plan for CALFED's Ecosystem Restoration Program: Terrestrial and Amphibious Monitoring Recommendations. CALFED Science Conference, Sacramento, CA, Oct. 3-5, 2000. [Poster]
  161. Takekawa, J. Y., A. K. Miles, D. H. Schoellhamer, G. M. Martinelli, M. K. Saiki, and W. G. Duffy. 2000. Science support for wetland restoration in the Napa-Sonoma salt ponds, San Francisco Bay estuary, 2000 Progress Report. Unpubl. Prog. Rep., U. S. Ge [Technical Report]
  162. Miles, A. K., J. Y. Takekawa, D. H. Schoellhamer, C. T. Lu, W. G. Duffy, and M. K. Saiki. 2000. Science support for wetland restoration in the Napa-Sonoma salt ponds, San Francisco Bay estuary, 1999 progress report. Unpubl. Prog. Rep., U. S. Geological [Technical Report]
  163. Weckerly, F. W., and M. A. Ricca. 2000. Using presence of sign to measure habitats used by Roosevelt elk. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 28:146-153. [Journal Article]
  164. Meckstroth, A.M. and A.K Miles. 2000. Technical Memorandum, Field activities at Moffett Federal Air Field storm water retention pond and eastern diked marsh. Prepared for U.S. Navy, Moffett Federal Air Field, 8 pp. [Technical Report]
  165. Hoffman, D.J., P.H. Albers, M.J. Melancon, and A.K. Miles. 2000. Effects of the mosquito larvicide GB-1111 on mallard and bobwhite embryos. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, annual meeting abstract book 21:230. [Abstract]
  166. Miles, A.K., S.P. Lawler, D.J. Hoffman, P.H. Albers, M.J. Melancon, D. Dritz, S.E. Spring and D.M. Buscemi. 2000. Experimental assessment of the toxicity of mosquito larvicide golden bear oil (GB-1111): (1) Field evaluations on duckling, target, and non-t [Technical Report]
  167. Miles, A.K., S.E. Spring. 2000. Investigation of the biological impact of TCE and PCE on wild rodent and reptile populations, Edwards Air Force Base, CA. Field Activity at IRP Sites 25, 37, 133, and corresponding reference areas. 2000 Progress Report to E [Technical Report]
  168. Ackerman, JT, MC Kondratieff, SA Matern, and JJ Cech, Jr. 2000. Tidal influence on spatial dynamics of leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata, in Tomales Bay, California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 58(1): 33–43. [Journal Article]
  169. Eadie, JM, TG Moore, and JT Ackerman. 2000. Experimental evaluation of the effect of mechanical wing decoys (‘moto-duck’) on hunting success and waterfowl response in California, 1999–2000. Technical Report to the California Waterfowl Association. 56 pp. [Technical Report]
  170. Blackmer, AL, CE Huntington, JT Ackerman, and GA Nevitt. 2000. The link between pair bond duration, parental coordination, and reproductive success in Leach's storm-petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). Marine Ornithology 28(2): 127. [Poster with Abstract]
  171. Ackerman, JT. 2000. Of mice and mallards: the indirect effects of coexisting prey on waterfowl nest success. 2nd North American Duck Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 11–15. [Presentation]
  172. Ackerman, JT and JM Eadie. 2000. The influence of partial clutch depredation on the parental investment decisions of nesting mallards. 2nd North American Duck Symposium. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 11–15. [Poster]
  173. Kondratieff, MC, JT Ackerman, SA Matern, and JJ Cech, Jr. 2000. Tidal influence on spatial dynamics of leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata, in Tomales Bay, California. Symposium and 34th Annual Meeting of the California-Nevada Chapter of the American Fis [Presentation]
  174. Ackerman, JT. 2000. Positive indirect effects of rodents on waterfowl nest success. Raveling Waterfowl Professorship Symposium. University of California, Davis, October 14. [Presentation]
  175. Anthony, R.G., A.K. Miles, J.A. Estes and F.B. Isaacs. 1999. Productivity, diets, and environmental contaminants in nesting bald eagles from the Aleutian Archipelago. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 2054-2062. [Journal Article]
  176. Miles, A. K., and Roster, N. 1999. Enhancement of PAHs in estuarine invertebrates by surface runoff at a decommissioned military fuel depot. Marine Environ. Res. 47:49-60. [Journal Article]
  177. Miles, A.K., Dominguez, A. (co-chairs), Davis, R.D., Engel-Wilson, R. Reidinger, R., Wilson, K. 1999. Challenges and Opportunities for Increasing Diversity in the Wildlife Profession and the Wildlife Society: Recommendations for TWS in the New Millennium. [Technical Report]
  178. Miles, A.K. 1999. Unlucky Ducks. Dragonfly Magazine. National Science Teachers Association, Arlington, VA., p. 14-16. [Popular Publication]
  179. CALFED Bay-Delta Program. 1999. Organic Carbon Drinking Water Quality Workshop Proceedings. August 26-27, 1999. Lawrence Smith, Andrea Atkinson, Carolyn Marn, editors. Final draft. 84 pp. [Proceedings]
  180. Ackerman, JT. 1999. Hard times for nesting ducks on Grizzly Island. California Waterfowl, December 1998/January 1999: 36–37. [Popular Publication]
  181. Ackerman, JT. 1999. The impact of predation and small mammal densities on waterfowl nest success. Delta Waterfowl Foundation Student Symposium. Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, July 29–August 1. [Presentation]
  182. Hui, C. A., R. L. Hothem, M. R. Jennings, A. K. Miles, and M. K. Saiki. 1998. Potential impacts of contaminants on wildlife resources at Edwards Air Force Base: recommendations for research. Final draft report to Edwards Air Force Base for MIRP # F04611 [Technical Report]
  183. Smallwood, K.S. and C. Schonewald. 1998. Study design and interpretation for population estimates of mammalian carnivores. Oecologia 113: 474-491. [Journal Article]
  184. Miles, A.K. 1998. Life Along the Sea. Chameleon Publishing Services. Curriculum Associates, Inc., North Billerica, MA. 16 p. [Popular Publication]
  185. Lawler, S.P., A.K. Miles, D.A. Dritz, and S.E. Spring. 1998. Effects of Golden Bear Oil on non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting salt marshes. Mosquito Control Research Annual Report 1998. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Re [Technical Report]
  186. Ackerman, JT. 1998. Short-term movement rates and patterns of leopard sharks in Tomales Bay, California. Integrative Ecology Seminar Series. University of California, Davis, Fall. [Presentation]
  187. Ackerman, JT. 1998. The direct and indirect effects of predation on waterfowl nest success. Conservation Ecology Seminar Series. University of California, Davis, Fall. [Presentation]
  188. Estes, J.A., C.E. Bacon, W.M. Jarman, R.J. Nordstrom, R.G. Anthony, and A.K. Miles. 1997. Organochlorines in sea otters and bald eagles from the Aleutian Archipelago. Marine Pollution Bulletin 34:486-490. [Journal Article]
  189. Reynolds, J. and C. Schonewald. 1997. U.S. National Parks in landscape contexts; roles for science in the coming century. George Wright Forum 14(3):5-11. [Journal Article]
  190. Miles, A.K., and Tome, M.W. 1997. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in metallic elements in industrialized aquatic bird habitat. Environ. Pollution. 95(1):75-84. [Journal Article]
  191. Smallwood, K. S., G. Jones, and C. Schonewald. 1996. Spatial scaling of allometry among terrestrial, mammalian carnivores. Oecologia 107:588-594. [Journal Article]
  192. Smallwood, K. Shawn and C. Schonewald-Cox. 1996. Scaling population density and spatial pattern for terrestrial mammalian carnivores. Oecologia 105:329-35. [Journal Article]
  193. IUCN Category VI Protected Areas in North, Central and South America. Guidelines for Category VI. 1996. Technical Report for IUCN Parks Commission. Canada; and IUCN Background document for Category VI Protected Areas in North America. Technical Draft f [Technical Report]
  194. Ricca, M. A., F. W. Weckerly, and R. D. Semlitsch. 1996. Effects of soil moisture and temperature on overwintering survival of Curculio larvae (Coleoptera : Curculionidae). The American Midland Naturalist. 136:203-206. [Journal Article]
  195. Ackerman, JT. 1996. Influences of environmental substrate on integumentary coloration patterns of the shimofuri goby. Seventh Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. University of California, Davis, April 27. [Presentation]
  196. Schonewald, C. 1995. Studying protected areas in North America and Hawaii; a research biography. Landscape Architecture December. S. Korea. [Architectural landscape journal] [Journal Article]
  197. Schonewald, C. 1994. Cranial variation in North American wapiti, Cervus elaphus, sexes and subspecies, with intra- and intercontinental comparisons. Acta Theriologica 39(4):431-452. [Journal Article]
  198. Myers, R. L. and C. Schonewald-Cox. 1994. Conservation biologists conduct study of alien species on Hawaiian rainforests. Park Service; A Resources Management Bulletin. National Park Service, US Department of the Interior. 14 (3). [Journal Article]
  199. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1994. Protection of biological diversity: Missing connection between science and management. pp. 171-183. In Biological Diversity: Problems and Challenges. S. K. Majumdar, F. J. Brenner, J. E. Lovich, J. F. Schalles and E. W. Mil [Book Chapter]
  200. Miles, A. K., and Hills, S. 1994. Metals in the diet of Bering Sea walrus: Mya sp. as a possible transmitter of elevated cadmium and other metals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 28(7):456-458. [Journal Article]
  201. Davis, B. N. K., T. R. New and C. Schonewald-Cox. 1993. Editorial. Biological Conservation 64(1):1. [Journal Article]
  202. Miles, A.K., and Ohlendorf, H.M. 1993. Environmental contaminants in Canvasbacks wintering on San Francisco Bay. California Fish & Game. 79:28-38. [Journal Article]
  203. Miles, A.K., Grue, E.C., Pendleton, G.W., and Soares, Jr., J.H. 1993. Effects of dietary aluminum, calcium and phosphorus on egg and bone of European starlings. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 24:206-212. [Journal Article]
  204. Clark, D. R., Jr., K. S. Foerster, C. M. Marn, and R. L. Hothem. 1992. Uptake of environmental contaminants by small mammals in pickleweed habitats at San Francisco Bay, California. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 22:389.396. [Journal Article]
  205. Buechner, M., C. Schonewald-Cox, R. Sauvajot, and B. Wilcox. 1992. Cross-boundary issues for National Parks: What works "on the ground." Environmental Management. 16 (6): 799-809. [Journal Article]
  206. Schonewald-Cox, C. and M. Buechner. 1992. Park protection and public roads. pp. 373-395 In P. L. Fiedler and S. Jain (eds.), Conservation Biology: The Theory and Practice of Nature Conservation, Preservation and Management. New York: Chapman and Ha [Book Chapter]
  207. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1992. Invited book review of Nature Reserves: Island Theory and Conservation Practice, Craig L. Shafer, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1990. "Little islands floating in seas of indifference?" 268p. Biological Conse [Book Review]
  208. Miles, A.K., Calkins, D.G., and Coon, N.C. 1992. Toxic elements and organochlorines in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi), Kodiak, Alaska, USA. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48:727-732. [Journal Article]
  209. Schonewald-Cox, C., R. Azari, and S. Blume. 1991. Mammalian carnivore censuses and densities. Conservation Biology 5(4):491-495. [Journal Article]
  210. Schonewald-Cox, C., M. Buechner, R. Sauvajot, and B. Wilcox. 1991. Resolving Conflicts between National Parks and surrounding lands: A review and discussion. Environmental Management 16(2):273-282. [Journal Article]
  211. Schonewald-Cox, C. and M. Buechner. 1991. Housing viable populations in protected habitats: The value of a coarse-grained geographic analysis of density patterns and available habitat. pp. 213-225. In A. Seitz and V. Loeschcke (eds.), Species Conserv [Book Chapter]
  212. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1991. Book review of "Little islands floating in seas of indifference?" Park Science. [Book Review]
  213. Little, R. and C. Schonewald-Cox. 1990. Fire management policy and boundary effects on parks: Lassen Volcanic National Park -- A case study. pp. 249-256. In C. van Riper III, T. J. Stohlgren, S. D. Veirs, Jr., and S. C. Hillyer (eds.), Proceedings of [Proceedings]
  214. Miles, A.K. and Meslow, E.C. 1990. Effects of experimental overgrowth on survival and change in the turf assemblage of a giant kelp forest. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 135:229-242. [Journal Article]
  215. Erwin, R.M., Anders, V., Miles, A.K. 1990. Industrial strength herons: The black-crowns of Baltimore. Outdoors in Maryland. Spring, p.14. [Popular Publication]
  216. Schonewald-Cox, C. and T. J. Stohlgren. 1989. Biological diversity and global change: Habitat fragmentation and extinction. pp. 217-224. In R. D. Noble, J. L. Martin and K. F. Jensen (eds.) Proceedings U.S./U.S.S.R. Symposium: Air Pollution and Veget [Proceedings]
  217. Schonewald-Cox, C. and T. J. Stohlgren. 1989. Wilderness and the protection of genetic diversity. pp. 83-91. In Wilderness Bench mark 1988: Proceedings of the National Wilderness Colloquium. January 13-14, 1988. Tampa, Florida. U.S.D.A. Forest Se [Proceedings]
  218. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1988. Boundaries in the protection of nature reserves. BioScience 38(7):480-486. [Journal Article]
  219. Schonewald-Cox, C. , R. J. Baker and J. W. Bayless. 1988. Applying the population/area model for planning of large mammal translocations. pp. 52-63. L. Nielsen and R. D. Brown (eds.) In Translocation of Wild Animals. Wisconsin Humane Society and Ca [Book Chapter]
  220. Salwasser, H., C. Schonewald-Cox, and R. Baker. 1988. A protocol for institutional coordination in wildlife conservation. pp. 159-174. In M. E. Soulé (ed.), Viable Populations. Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 189p. [Book Chapter]
  221. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1988. Invited book review of Audubon Wildlife Report, 1987. Conservation Biology 2(4):406-407. [Book Review]
  222. Schonewald-Cox, C. M. 1987. The Boundary Approach: A geographic analysis of design and conservation of nature reserves. Park Science. 7(3):8-9. [Journal Article]
  223. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1987. The Role of the National Park Service in Protecting Biological Diversity. Results of the Director's [scientific] Task Force on the NPS Role in Protecting Biological Diversity, Sept. 1986, Report to the Director, 75 pp. (Proje [Technical Report]
  224. Miles, A.K. 1987. Turf assemblage of a Macrocystis kelp forest: experiments on competition and herbivory. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 136pp. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  225. Schonewald-Cox, C. and J. W. Bayless. 1986. The Boundary Model: A geographic analysis of design and conservation of nature Reserves. Biological Conservation 38(4):305-322. [Journal Article]
  226. Schonewald-Cox, C., J. W. Bayless, and J. Schonewald. 1986. Cranial morphometry of Pacific coast elk (Cervus elaphus). J. Mammalogy 66(1):63-74. [Journal Article]
  227. Baker, R. and Schonewald-Cox. 1986. Management strategies for improving population viability. pp. 73-87. In B. A. Wilcox, P. F. Brussard, and B. G. Marcot (eds.), The Management of Viable Populations: Theory, Applications, and Case Studies. Unpub. [Book Chapter]
  228. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1986. Founding populations in conservation: Problems and characteristics of small populations. pp. 1-16. In F. J. Brenner, S. K. Majumdar, and Ann Rhoads (eds.), Endangered and Threatened Species Programs in Pennsylvania and Other [Book Chapter]
  229. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1986. Diversity, germ plasm, and natural resources. pp. 45-54. In K. C. Kim and L. Knutson (eds.), Foundation for a National Biological Survey. Allen Press. [Book Chapter]
  230. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1985. Genetics, minimum population size and the island reserve. pp. 432-458. In C. Stone and M. Scott (eds.), Hawaii's Terrestrial Ecosystems Preservation and Management. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. (based on Genetics an [Book Chapter]
  231. Schonewald-Cox, C., S. Chambers, B. MacBryde, and L. Thomas. 1983. Genetics and Conservation: A Reference for Managing Wild Animal and Plant Populations. Benjamin Cummings Publ. Co., Menlo Park, CA, 722p. [Book]
  232. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1983. Guidelines to management: A beginning attempt. pp. 414-445. In Schonewald-Cox, C., S. Chambers, B. MacBryde, and L. Thomas. (eds.), Genetics and Conservation. Benjamin Cummings Publ. Co., Menlo Park, CA, 722 p. [Book Chapter]
  233. Schonewald-Cox, C. and J. W. Bayless. 1983. Questions posed by managers. Appendix III. pp. 485-499. In Schonewald-Cox, C., S. Chambers, B. MacBryde, and L. Thomas. (eds.), Genetics and Conservation. Benjamin Cummings Publ. Co., Menlo Park, CA, 722 p. [Book Chapter]
  234. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1982. Trends in research and applied technology: National Park Service, man and the biosphere and natural resources. Trends 19(4):6-9. [Journal Article]
  235. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1982. Trends in resources management: Wildlife population management. Trends 19(1):21-27. [Journal Article]
  236. Schonewald-Cox, C. 1982. Book review of The Desert Bighorn. J. Wildlife Management 46(2):565-566. [Book Review]
  237. Schonewald, C. and J.W. Bayless (Drafted by). 1981/2 36 CFR 2.5 Congressional Record (rewrote section on "NPS natural history collections") [Other]
  238. Helm, R. C., and C. Schonewald-Cox. 1986. Yellow-bellied marmots and vehicle damage in Mineral King, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, California. CPSU/UC Technical Report No. 23. 52 p. [Technical Report]
  239. Brownell, R.R., Schonewald, C., and R.R. Reeves. 1979. Preliminary Report on World Catches of Marine Mammals, 1966-1975. U. S. Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, DC, Department of Commerce, NTIS. PB-290-173, 363 p. [Technical Report]
  240. Schonewald, C. 1977. Temporal patterns of courtship in a caviomorph rodent, the green acouchi, (Myoprocta pratti). Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Zoology, University of Maryland. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  241. Miles, A.K. 1976. Patterns of migration of mourning doves in the western management unit. Master of Science thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. [Thesis/Dissertation]

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