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Medicaid State Waiver Program Demonstration Projects - General Information

Research & Demonstration Projects - Section 1115

Section 1115 of the Social Security Act provides the Secretary of Health and Human Services broad authority to authorize experimental, pilot, or demonstration projects likely to assist in promoting the objectives of the Medicaid statute. Flexibility under Section 1115 is sufficiently broad to allow states to test substantially new ideas of policy merit. These projects are intended to demonstrate and evaluate a policy or approach has not been demonstrated on a widespread basis. Some states expand eligibility to individuals not otherwise eligible under the Medicaid program, provide services that are not typically covered, or use innovative service delivery systems.

There are two types of Medicaid authority that may be requested under Section 1115:

  • Section 1115(a)(1) – allows the Secretary to waive provisions of section 1902 to operate demonstration programs, and
  • Section 1115(a)(2) – allows the Secretary to provide Federal financial participation for costs that otherwise cannot be matched under Section 1903.

Projects are generally approved to operate for a five-year period, and states may submit renewal requests to continue the project for additional periods of time. Demonstrations must be "budget neutral" over the life of the project, meaning they cannot be expected to cost the Federal government more than it would cost without the waiver.

Application Process

There is no standardized format to apply for a Section 1115 demonstration, but the application must be submitted by the single state Medicaid agency. States often work collaboratively with CMS from the concept phase to further develop the proposal. A demonstration proposal typically discusses the environment, administration, eligibility, coverage and benefits, delivery system, access, quality, financing issues, systems support, implementation time frames, and evaluation and reporting.

Proposals are subject to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval, and may be subject to additional requirements such as site visits before implementation. CMS does not have a specific timeframe to approve, deny, or request additional information on the proposal. Additionally, CMS usually develops terms and conditions that outline the operation of the demonstration project when it is approved.


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