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HRSA My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating HRSA My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating HRSA My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
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Setting My Goals

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Reaching My Goals

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To set goals that are right for you, think about what you want to change and why, and what steps you’ll take to reach your goal. These changes don’t have to be big; even small steps can make a difference. Also, think about who can help you and how you’ll reward yourself for making progress.

Use this chart to set simple goals for your physical activity and healthy eating with your health care provider. You can also ask your family or friends to help.

Sample Goal

Get calcium with every meal

My reason for this goal

To have stronger bones so I can play better basketball.

Steps I’ll take

  1. Drink calcium-fortified orange juice with breakfast.
  2. Always drink low-fat or fat-free milk with lunch and dinner.
  3. Eat low-fat or fat-free string cheese as a snack.

Who will help me

My family

When I’ll achieve my goal

Two weeks to get more calcium with every meal

How I’ll reward myself for making progress toward my goal

Buy a new basketball

My Goal


My reason for this goal


Steps I’ll take


Who will help me


When I’ll achieve my goal


How I’ll reward myself for making progress toward my goal


My Goal


My reason for this goal


Steps I’ll take


Who will help me


When I’ll achieve my goal


How I’ll reward myself for making progress toward my goal


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Department of Health and Human Services