Boulder, Colorado Climate and Weather Data


9/16: Ave High: 78.1 Ave Low: 48.5 Record High: 93.0(200 0) Record Low: 34.0(1965)

Current Temperature: 65.5 F at Boulder's NCAR Foothills Lab, in NE Boulder.

Want to really know the weather? See the Boulder webcam links or the Boulder NWS.

sunset photo
Latest Data Available: Aug 2008

Data Climatologies, Records and Raw Data

Temperature Temperatures

Snowfall and Precipitation Precipitation and Snowfall

Severe Wx Severe Weather and Thunderstorms

picture boulder Other Related Boulder Information

picture globe Astronomical Information

Colorado Regional and Colorado Climate Information

Forecasts Forecasts and Current Weather Conditions

Detailed Current Climate Analysis

o Data Sources

o Interactive climate pages

Sources of data for this Boulder page include NCDC, NOAA Cooperative site daily observations, the National Storm Data Report, NCAR (1890-1947), the National Resource Conservations Service, daily data for 1948-1990 provided by Klaus Wolter (PSD) and the Colorado climate center and summaries of daily data for the last 100 years listed in the Colorado Daily prepared by Bill Callihan. More data (especially ANY wind data) is always welcome!!

Pages are for curiosity only; as in life, there are no guarantees. If you notice any errors, I'll correct them ASAP. Please let me know if you find this page useful.