- GMDSS Compliant
- VHF/FM Marine Band Transceivers
- HF Marine Band Transceivers
- Inmarsat Standard B Radio Transceiver with 56 kb high speed data modem
- Inmarsat Standard C Radio Transceiver
- Inmarsat Standard Mini-M
- Radio Teletype Capability
- Weather Facsimile Receiver
- NAVTEX Receiver
- Cellular Phone
- Iridium Phone (tied into shipwide phone system)
- E-mail (KAIMIMOANA's E-mail address is: NOAA.Ship.Kaimimoana@noaa.gov)
- Emergency Position Indicator Radio Beacons (Class 1 and Mini-B)
- Search and Rescue Transponders (X-Band Radar Frequency)
- Portable VHF-FM Transceivers
- Deep Water Echo Sounding System
- Shallow Water Echo Sounding System
- Hull-mounted Acoustic Release Transducer
- Navigation Fathometer
- X-Band and S-Band Radar with ARPA Display
- Global Positioning System (GPS) Receivers
- Doppler Speed Log
- Sperry MK 227 Gyrocompass
- VHF Radio Direction Finder
Scientific Equipment
- CTD System
- XBT system
- Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
- Atmospheric Profiler
- Vaisala Upper Air Sounding System
- Uncontaminated Sea Water Sampling System
- Thermosalinograph
- Autosalinometer
- Shipboard Environmental Data Acquisition System (SEAS)
Data acquisition and processing system
The KAIMIMOANA is outfitted with an upgraded oceanographic system. The Scientific Computer System (SCS) is a computer system and network that collects, stores, processes and retrieves a variety of oceanographic data from navigation sensors, environmental sensors, bathymetric sonar systems, and other mission sensors. The SCS consists of two networked computer systems that provide both data acquisition and data processing functions. One computer is dedicated to acquire, log, and display data in real-time, as well as perform real-time data quality assurance functions. The second computer is dedicated to shipboard scientists for data analysis and their research. Data can be transmitted to other stations worldwide via satellite communications links.
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Inquires and Comments
URL: http://www.moc.noaa.gov/ka/specs/electron.htm
Updated: May 4, 2004