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Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee Summary Minutes - November 16, 2006

In accordance with the FACA provisions, Designated Federal Official (DFO), Dr. Gerrie Hawkins called the meeting to order. After the roll call of CDAC members in attendance, the DFO called upon the NCD Liaison to CDAC, Milton Aponte, JD., for the welcome.  His opening remarks resonated about his perspective on the agency’s appreciation of the work and commitment demonstrated by the committee. He urged finding ways for even greater involvement in NCD’s priorities. He also underscored his ongoing support of addressing unmet needs for people with disabilities for diverse backgrounds. He looked forward to working with the committee for whatever remaining period that his appointment lasts and informed the meeting participants about NCD’s November 2006 quarterly meeting charter renewal approval (See due date January 2007 Charter),

Procedural Summary:  After a review of the meeting agenda items, the DFO transferred leadership to the CDAC Chair, Darrell Simmons, JD who conducted matters regarding CDAC’s Procedural Operations. Included were: (a) a reminder to members that a review of the advisory committee’s Guiding Principles provided via e-mail (September 2006) needed review and an upcoming determination to maintain as currently written or to amend; (b) a vote that resulted in the election of Mr. John Armendariz as CDAC’s Vice-Chair; (c) a consensus that was reached among the committee members targeting the deadline for written comments on the FY2007 draft procedural work plan (specifically focused on measurable goals and key issues/concerns and recommendations to be sent to the CDAC Chair; and (d) a request for individual advisory committee member updates of information due date via e-mail to be sent to the NCD advisory committee contractor (Betsy Valnes) November 22, 2006.

Policy Summary:  CDAC Chair, Darrell Simmons, JD introduced Dr. Glenn Fujiura as the initial member presenter followed by committee discussion around a topic of importance for awareness raising among people with disabilities from diverse cultures and the broader community.  Dr. Fujiura, (Department of Human Development Director, University of Illinois at Chicago) shared information about the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) funded Center for Capacity Building on Minorities in Disabilities Research.  

Announcements/Comments:  Included were: (a) the CDAC Chair’s overview of a telephone dialogue initiated by the American Association on Health and Disabilities (AAHD) that focused on some of the issues and facts on disproportionate findings among people from diverse cultures. The organization is interested in determining how collaborative work efforts might occur with NCD through CDAC; (b) Dr. Hawkins’ presentation (in lieu of CDAC Chair) at the TASH Conference People of Color Town Hall Meeting: Creating a Voice (Baltimore, MD). See written remarks: http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/testimony/2006/hawkins_11-10-06.htm
     Future meeting dates (all at 3:00 pm Eastern Time): February 16, 2007; May 17, 2007; July 19, 2007; and September 20, 2007.  The DFO adjourned the meeting.


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