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August 2006 Report from the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee (CDAC)
(Milton Aponte, J.D., Council Member Liaison; Gerrie Hawkins, Ph.D.,  Designated Federal Official under the Federal Advisory Committee Act; Betsy Valnes Independent contractor; Darrell K. Simmons, J.D., CDAC member and Chairperson)

This is a committee report pertaining to CDAC members’ involvement in follow-up, outreach, and dialogue “catalyst-type” actions since the previous public meeting.
CDAC’s actions have included responses to contacts initiated by representatives for two national organization regarding participation in upcoming conferences (e.g., TASH in November 2006 – Baltimore, MD location; CANAR in February 2007—Capitol Hill location). Consultation with CDAC leaders resulted in encouragement and recommendation for NCD’s staff participation on behalf of often underserved and unserved people with disabilities from diverse cultures. NCD will be available to provide materials for dissemination and participate in discussion opportunities, as appropriate, based upon existing NCD work findings and concrete recommendations.

With respect to support provided for NCD’s ongoing studies, two CDAC members participated in the ADA Implementation Study interviews and an additional member providing written feedback as input on the draft document. NCD’s follow-up occurred regarding a CDAC suggestion was develop to submit correspondence to appropriate Congressional leaders about the importance of the actions taken the previous month (July 2006) supporting the Voting Rights Act reauthorization. When the Congressional deliberations moved swiftly through the Senate, consultation with NCD’s Congressional Liaison (Mark Seifarth) resulted in agreement to send an appropriate letter of thanks to the U.S. House and Senate leaders whose work across party lines supported passage and sending the bill forward to the President for signature.

In addition to the NCD in-house work, CDAC members were involved in federal interagency efforts. The reported communication about best practices and preliminary planning for an Indian Health Service/Health and Human Services 2007 national summit on specific issues impacting Native Americans with disabilities of all ages has been ongoing monthly. 
Since the June 2006 CDAC public meeting, NCD’s new part-time advisory committee independent contractor (Betsy Valnes) has established and launched a new system for CDAC members’ internal communication.

The July quarterly update for CDAC can be accessed as a summary at: http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/advisory/cultural/diversity_07-2006.htm .  

The next public meeting for CDAC is scheduled for September 7, 2006 at 3:00 PM. Interested NCD Council members and the public are welcome to reserved one on the limited phone lines. To be added to available phone lines for the call, please contact Stacey Brown prior to the meeting date at: sbrown@ncd.gov and state the telephone number where you would like to be reached by the operator for the call.  Meetings for the 2007 fiscal year will be announced.


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