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Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting Report - July 2007
(Milton Aponte, J.D., Committee Liaison; Gerrie Hawkins, Ph.D., NCD Staff)

These highlights from the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee (CDAC) report include a recap1 of CDAC’s suggested issues/topics for agency planning, and an invitation to Council Members for upcoming CDAC meetings.

CDAC Suggestions for NCD’s Fiscal Year Planning (prior to/since the May and July 2007 meetings): 
Backdrop: For more than a decade NCD documented unmet needs and co-existing factors (e.g., limited system outreach, trust and poverty) that are grave within communities and across lives of many people with disabilities in underserved and/or underrepresented diverse racial and ethnic groups/subgroups. Often the prevalence of disability among African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, American Indians/Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders is higher disproportionately than their group representation in the overall national census.2

According to interim projections by the U.S. Census Bureau, by the year 2050, the country's population will become older3—with an increasing likelihood of disabilities—as people with diverse racial and ethnic heritage increase in number and percentage—representing about one-half of the total population and accounting for 90 percent of the overall U.S. population growth.4 Against this backdrop suggestions for NCD’s consideration during fiscal year planning support a key objective of the committee’s two-year plan5 and are aligned with agency efforts to establish priorities through fiscal year 2009.

Seven broad categories suggested by CDAC are as follows:

(1) Health Disparities [Prevention ○ Mental health parity ○ Accessibility ○ Health education]
(2) Housing
(3) Domestic violence
(4) Criminal justice system
(5) Emergency preparedness (e.g., deaf and hard of hearing community)
(6) Employment
(7) Awareness Raising/Community Education

Three Inclusion–specific Suggestions for NCD’s planning:

(1) Expand strategies for deliberate inclusion of groups CDAC represents across all agency work & activities.
(2) Address common as well as unique issues affecting the lives of people from diverse cultures.
(3) Require all contractors to submit proposals/plans with implementation strategies that incorporate evidence based information about and authentic perspectives gathered from the identified people with disabilities.

1 This is a recap, since CDAC also introduced highlights at the January 2007 quarterly meeting.

2"Transcending The Barriers And Gaining Entry: A Culturally Competent2 Realm Of Community Integration For Americans With Disabilities"; http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/advisory/cultural/barriers_rev051800.htm

3 http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2004&m=March&x=20040318124311CMretroP0.4814264


5CDAC Two-Year Plan Objective 2:to increase support for NCD studies, projects, papers, related activities


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