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National Council on Disability
Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee (CDAC)
November 4, 2005 - Record of Public Meeting (Teleconference) – Minutes

Participants: CDAC Members – Jean Lin, Darrell K. Simmons (CDAC Chair), Michael Blatchford, Jerry Lang, Wendy Alegra Jones; (excused for work related matters – Paul Leung, Ph.D.; Lilliam Rangel-Diaz. Input was received electronically from these members with respect to moving forward with the vision and mission statements); NCD staff – Jeff Rosen (General Counsel/Director of Policy); Pam O’Leary and Gerrie Hawkins, Ph.D. Designated Federal Official (DFO); NCD Council Liaison and Council Member, Milton Aponte, J.D. (initially active participant prior to technical difficulty).

1. Call to Order and Roll Call - Designated Federal Official (DFO)

2.  Welcome/Brief comments Based on technical difficulty with the teleconference reception and loss of audio capability, the DFO requested substitution for the scheduled Council Liaison comments. In response Mr. Rosen provided a warm welcome to teleconference participants.

3. Review of Meeting Agenda was implemented by the DFO after a recap of the purpose for today’s meeting:

  • To provide information to the committee in response to the members’ request for an update on strategies for committee involvement;
  • To dialogue about ways to increase committee participation in NCD projects and studies;
  • To share the CDAC Vision and Mission Statements
  • To  make public introduction of the new CDAC leadership, as well as  share information about new member recruitment criteria and procedures

4. Information sharing and discussion area:  NCD Priority Topics (FY2006) and CDAC Involvement Opportunities In response to CDAC Chair’s request prior to this meeting, Mr. Rosen shared details with respect to the content of NCD’s FY2006 studies and follow-up projects. The discussion with CDAC members touched upon group and individual opportunities and options as proposal reviewers, potential study group participants as stakeholders during various information gathering activities, report reviewers, and in other appropriate ways.

5. Executive Report/Comments:  New FY2006 CDAC Leadership The committee’s new Chair, Darrell K. Simmons, J.D. was introduced in his new role. He led the discussion and question/answer session immediately after Mr. Rosen shared the summary of FY2006 NCD priorities. The CDAC Chair also solicited member feedback on concrete roles for committee members with respect to NCD priority projects.  Two-way communication will be paramount among staff and committee members with respect to areas interest, expertise and making known the times of different project options. Mr. Simmons encouraged CDAC’s members to increase the level of communication among members. After brief discussion, CDAC members determined to engage in electronic and follow-up telephone communication with regard to identified opportunities to support NCD’s work through the various projects. 

CDAC’s Vision Statement:  To create a culturally and linguistically competent barrier free society that promotes unlimited equal access, inclusion and opportunity for all people including those with disabilities.  

CDAC’s Mission Statement: To assist the capacity of the National Council on Disability (NCD) to be culturally and linguistically competent in all NCD activities and to promote the development of exemplary cultural and linguistic policies, programs, practices, and procedures in recommendations to the President and the Congress.

6. Committee Membership:  New Member Recruitment and Membership Terms Criteria were linked to CDAC’s charter statements about membership. The procedures call for applicants submitting a resume, cover letter and letter of recommendation to demonstrate: (a) Leadership experience in disability and diversity matters; (b) Sensitivity to and experience living with disability and diversity; (c) Broader scope of leadership experiences (beyond the disability community); and (d) Ability and willingness to represent various regions of the country other than current place of residence. 
Dr. Leung and Ms. Shuckahosee had been identified earlier as volunteers to assist NCD staff in the recruitment and review process.

The information shared by the DFO with respect to the length of terms for members included that:

  • No single term can be assigned beyond two years which would be equivalent to the length of the charter.
  • Staggered membership policy allows each cohort to consist of reappointed current members with addition of new members during FY2006.

7. Announcements and Comments:

  • Date Correction – Clarification and corrections were made by the DFO regarding the status of the committee’s Charter. The CDAC charter was last renewed in January 2005, rather than 2004 as the error reported in the September 2005 minutes and the October 2005 quarterly report. The next charter renewal date is set for January 2007.
  • Recruitment Plans - A tentative timeframe to begin bringing new members on board was the end of February or March 2006
  • Meeting Dates:  FY 2006 Public Meeting Calendar as announced in the September 2005 Federal Register shows the remaining meeting dates at 3:00 PM as follows:  March 2, 2006; June 1, 2006; September 7, 2006 (Eastern Time zone). Interested members of the public may choose to contact sbrown@ncd.gov  about availability of a dedicated line for participants.

Adjournment – After the participants were thanked for their time and participation, the Designated Federal Official adjourned the meeting.


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