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National Council on Disability
Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
April 21, 2006 – Record of Public Meeting (Teleconference) – Minutes

Participants: YAC members Jennifer Fitz-Roy, Desmeon Thomas, Gary Goosman, Stephanie Orlando, Reagan Lynch, Gina Semenza, Miranda Pelikan, Andrew Phillips,
and Amy Litzinger; members absent with excuses were Michael Murray, Matthew Cavedon. Other participants were Dr. Gerrie Hawkins (Designated Federal Official - DFO); Jeff Rosen (NCD’s General Counsel/Director of Policy; Pam O’Leary, Staff Sign Language Interpreter; Christina Mills, (YAC Mentor); and  Betsy Valnes (YAC Mentor).

1. Call to Order was implemented by the DFO at 3:03 PM.
2. Roll Call – DFO – After the roll call of committee members, Dr. Hawkins expressed appreciation for all present and the time that YAC members devote to committee efforts between the time of public meetings. Comment opportunity provided to Ms. Mills was used for her expression of thanks to the current YAC members for their hard work and included congratulations on the successful presentation and of committee rationale for
Conducting a face-to-face meeting in Washington, DC this summer.

3. Welcome on behalf of NCD was provided by Mr. Rosen.
The DFO then transferred leadership of the meeting to the YAC Chair, Gina Semenza 

4. Business Items - Ms. Semenza gave a brief summary of the agenda and echoed appreciation for the extra time committee members are devoting to the YAC efforts.
She then called for reports from workgroups.

    A. Executive group updated was provided by the YAC chair, Gina Semenza

  • This group, also known as the e-board, continues to hold weekly teleconferences.
  • Face to face meeting information included a review of the plans for travel, and planning necessary for effective session with youth and young adult leaders who are invited (all will be located in the DC area – this eliminates travel and lodging expense concerns and works well because all are involved with youth oriented activities in their home states.  It was noted that July 24 is travel day to D.C. arranged by NCD administrative staff member, Mrs. Brenda Bratton. July 25 is a YAC work day. 
  • The YAC leaders are still determining the agenda for full use of the meeting times available the evening of arrival through the evening of the 25th. One known agenda item is the selection of new YAC leadership. YAC members interested in leadership positions for next year were encouraged to feel free to talk with current YAC leaders about the time commitments and roles.  A transition period among in-coming and out-going YAC leaders will be incorporated to assure a smooth change.
  • On July 26 YAC will be with NCD for the ADA celebration and the travel home day for members who can reach their destination at a reasonable time.
    Ms. Semenza reminded YAC members about the importance of open and timely communication; for example, it is important to let the e-board know that when you anticipate missing a meeting or need time away from YAC for personal matters.
  • Overall, the E-board is currently working on both the face to face meeting and thinking through staggered terms for YAC members so that everyone is not leaving at the same time. If anyone has any questions please fell free to ask at any time.  
  • Ms. Semenza thanked everyone for the work that we has been accomplished to date and  she emphasized that the hard work and resulting evidence of productivity impacted the approval for having a face to face meeting this summer.
  • B. Policy Workgroup Report: Reagan Lynch>

A federal interagency committee (Federal Partners in Transition) asked NCD’s representative (YAC’s DFO) to request the YAC to develop a fact sheet on self determination from the perspective of youth with disabilities.

    • The full committee has accepted the first draft (special thanks to Gina and Matt) and the interagency group will send back edits where necessary.
    • The Interagency workgroup will suggest edits and in turn this policy workgroup will share with the full YAC

Transition Series – as a project began with the former cohort of YAC members. Discussion with current group has been about the notion of dividing the work into 5 to 6 short papers on transition topic for youth. One suggestion is to have technology as the first paper. Each paper will have the same 3 main areas: Background, Youth perspectives with sub sections, if needed, and a conclusion. Information needed from a member assigned to complete the youth perspectives area.  A proposal that targets completion is the goal of the Policy workgroup to have all papers done by the end of August 2006.  The workgroup has a time line for use should this become the direction that YAC chooses to follow. Discussion has not been conclusive.

    C. Outreach/Networking Workgroup Report: Gary Goosman

    • YAC brochure has been completed since NCD staff review and will be provided a protect document password prior to dissemination to the public
    • At last count, the YAC resource list of contacts interested in raising youth awareness about disability issues, rights, and concerns was at 423 people and growing. 
    • The Assistive Technology fact sheet on Windows computers should be completed at the next workgroup meeting.
    • A Mac computer fact sheet will be started when the group is done with the window fact sheet.
    • The Youth empowerment fact sheet is in two parts: first side is for youth and how to become empowered for active participation in meetings and the other side is for parents and others on how to support the empowerment of  youth

5. New items
Emerging Technology Project - a general overview of about this NCD project was provided as an FYI.  While it was not decided how YAC members might become involved, the committee stands ready to assist when asked to provide youth perspectives.

6. Other items – YAC members and/ or NCD staff

  • Rotating leadership

Because the tenure is usually short for YAC members and all YAC members are recognized leaders, Dr. Hawkins would like as many members as possible have an opportunity for serve in a leading role, beginning with workgroup and project leadership. Workgroup leader changes will occur in the near future, most likely with the policy workgroup.  

6. Announcements, comments

  • Gary Goosman informed the members about the new role for Ollie Cantos, a long standing supporter of youth involvement. He has been appointed to serve as Associate Director on Disabilities of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Congratulations were in order!
  • Betsy Valnes voiced appreciation to YAC members for their hard work thus far. She is available to assist as needed in her mentoring role.

YAC representation in various NCD projects and activities

  • At the date of this meeting, YAC member Michael Murray had been identified to serve on NCD’s Educational Outcomes Team. He indicated that they were still working out the details of the committee and his role in the committee at this time.
  • As more opportunities are presented for YAC involvement, the e-board will let everyone know. To assure that your interests and areas of know expertise are current in our minds for transmittal to Dr. Hawkins.  YAC members can e-mail Miranda regarding the priority area on which members are working on so that she can send the information to Dr. Hawkins. Timeline is Friday, April 28, 2006.
  • The next YAC public meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2006 at 3:00 PM Eastern. (teleconference format) followed by the July 25, 2006 face-to-face meeting in Washington, DC.

7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by the Designated Federal Official at 3:58 pm EST


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