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National Council on Disability (NCD)
Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
January 20, 2006 - Record of YAC Public Meeting (Teleconference) 3:00 PM EST

(Notes from the YAC Secretary aided preparation of this meeting record)

Participants: YAC Members included Jennifer Fitz-Roy, Desmeon Thomas, Michael Murray, Matthew Cavedon, Gary Goosman, Stephanie Orlando, Reagan Lynch, Gina Semenza (YAC Chair), Miranda Pelikan (YAC Secretary), Andrew Phillips, and Amy Litzinger (YAC Vice-Chair); Guests included - Betsy (YAC mentor), Daniel Davis (National Council on Independent Living); and NCD staff members, Pam O’Leary, Jeff Rosen (General Counsel/Director of Policy); and Gerrie Hawkins, Ph.D. Designated Federal Official.

The Designated Federal Official (DFO) called the public meeting to order at 3:08 pm EST. Technical matters affected the delay with the teleconference center influencing the call. All guests were recognized and the DFO thanked them for their interest in the work of the YAC. The DFO transferred the meeting leadership to the YAC Chair.

Welcome:  Ms. Semenza, the YAC Chair extended everyone an enthusiastic welcome to the call. She called for a review of the meeting agenda that was provided by the DFO. No additions or deletions were suggested for the meeting agenda.

Guest Speaker: The next agenda item was the Introduction of guest speaker, Daniel Davis, the Director of Advocacy and Public Policy for the National Council on Independent Living.  Among the issues that he mentioned were several that are being deliberated at the federal level including health care, Medicaid, Medicare, higher education, housing, education and workforce to name a few. In his comments, Mr. Davis expressed his availability as needed to assist with YAC awareness raising efforts among youth and young adults with disabilities and to increase the opportunities for influencing more inclusive policy making. He also provided updates about key issues occurring on Capital Hill. Among questions raised by YAC members and that, Mr. Davis addressed were: What are some ways can youth get involved in government policy making? How can [youth] influence Congressional actions and deliberations on legislation to share their views about the school transition process? In addition, what is the most important topic area to address with respect to policy or legislation now?
G. YAC Business Items included reports and opportunity for new agenda items

1. Executive Report: YAC Chair stated that the YAC workgroups had begun meetings and plans were made for the next week to talk with   NCD Council Member Liaison to YAC regarding how YAC can work and contribute to NCD’s priorities during FY 2006. Vice Chair Amy Litzinger will begin communication with YAC members to find speakers for future meetings, as appropriate. Finally, the YAC leaders have been working on a YAC mission statement to send to the full YAC for voting.

2. Policy Workgroup Report:  The policy work group leader, Reagan D. Lynch, reported that a number of topics from the initial discussions among workgroup members. These included potential topics for future work, such as review and comment on NCD’s Long Term Supports and Services, the school transition paper, and reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act. The next workgroup meeting will be Saturday 28, 2006.

3. Outreach and Networking Workgroup Report:  The workgroup leader, Gary Goosman, reported that during the first meeting the discussion topics included ideas such as developing a resource list of YAC contacts and a timeframe for doing so, developing a YAC brochure or fact sheet that begins with existing NCD information about the committee, and the need to updated YAC members bios.

 H. Announcements and Comments

  • Reagan would visit Capital Hill in February and if time allows stop by NCD office. He is visiting with a nonprofit group.
  • Gina thanked Jeff for sharing information with YAC leaders; such sharing helps youth understand new information and emerging issues.
  • Dr. Hawkins reminded members of the committee’s purpose, the NCD approval process before product dissemination, and to keep continue asking questions and seeking opportunities for direct input on issues.
  • The next public meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2006 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time.

I. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned by the Designated Federal Official at 3:58 pm EST


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