children playing in driveway behing parked truck (a)

Children hit by cars can be hurt or killed, even when cars are moving slowly. Toddlers (1 and 2 year olds) are most often hurt by a backing vehicle. If a child is playing in a driveway or parking area (A), a driver may not see her/him. Preschoolers (3 and 4 year olds) are most often hit when running across a street near home.

Falls from tricycles or other play vehicles can cause serious head and brain injury. These injuries to young children can be as serious as injuries to older children falling from bikes.


  • darting out into traffic from the middle of the block;

  • playing in or near the street; and

  • riding a tricycle or bike in a parking lot, driveway, or street.


  • They cannot judge speed or distance of vehicles moving toward them.

  • They move quickly and can run into the street without warning.

  • They don't know safety rules and expect adults to watch out for them.

  • They are small and hard for drivers to see.


child crossing street with parent (b)
Hold your child’s hand so she/he doesn’trun into the street.
children playing in the park (c)
Parks and playgrounds are safe places to play away from traffic.
  • Supervise, supervise, supervise
    Parents and caregivers must watch toddlers and preschoolers closely when they are near parked or moving vehicles. To supervise properly, you must be near your child at all times, not watching from a distance. Hold your child's hand when you walk together along the street (B).

  • Get them in the habit
    When walking, talk to your child about street safety. Show him/her how to stop at the edge of the street and look for cars. Don't expect your young child to do this by herself/himself. Start children wearing helmets with their first tricycles or play vehicles. When children begin helmet use early, they are more likely to keep the habit in later years. Make a rule: No helmets, no bike.

  • Set a safe example
    Young children learn by watching adults. Show them safe ways to cross streets and always wear a helmet when you ride a bike.

  • Find safe places to play
    Keep children away from traffic (C). Fenced yards, parks, or playgrounds are good places for your child to ride and play.

Are there safe play places for children in your neighborhood? If not, talk with neighbors, police, and community planners about ways to improve the area.


toddlers on tricycles with helmets (d)
Start helmet use early; even when riding a tricycle or play vehicle.
correct fit helmet (e)
Only children over age 1 have the neck strength to wear helmets and ride on the back of bikes.
  • Wearing a bike helmet is the most important way for your child to stay safe on a play vehicle, tricycle, or bike. A helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent when worn correctly.

  • Toddler helmets are lightweight, because a toddler's neck is not strong enough for a regular helmet. Also, these helmets come down low around the back of the head for more coverage (D).

  • Insist that your child wear a helmet whenever he/she rides. If your child's preschool uses tricycles, work with the school to make helmets available. Urge the school to have a policy requiring helmet use.

  • Every new helmet must meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Standard and display a label stating that it meets the standard. On older helmets, look for a CPSC, ASTM1 , ANSI2 , or Snell3 sticker inside the helmet.


  • Make sure the helmet covers the upper part of the forehead and sits level on the head (two finger widths above the eyebrows). (E)

  • Use the foam pads inside to fit the helmet snugly so it doesn't slip around.

  • Adjust the chin strap tightly enough so the helmet pulls down when the child opens his mouth.

  • Adjust the two side straps so they meet in a 'V' right under each ear.


  • NEVER carry a baby under age 1 on a bicycle. A baby does not have the neck strength to wear a helmet. The baby's back is not strong enough to sit straight with the motion of the bike.

  • When a child is old enough to ride on an adult's bike, only a skilled rider should carry him/her.

  • Ride only in safe areas like parks, bike paths, or quiet streets.

  • Make sure both adult and child are wearing properly fitting helmets.

  • Make sure the child carrier has a high back, a lap and shoulder harness, and foot guards to keep feet away from the spokes.

  • Make sure the bike trailer has a high-back seat and a lap and shoulder harness.

  • Check that the carrier or trailer is fastened firmly to the bike.

  • Buckle the harness snugly around the child.

1American Society for Testing and Materials
2American National Standards Institute
3Snell Memorial Foundation

nhtsa people saving people logo For more information, contact the DOT Auto Safety Hotline at 1-888-DASH-2-DOT
(1-888-327-4236) or www.nhtsa.dot.gov

Illustrations from Indiana University School of Medicine