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Economics of Aluminum Oxide
as a Silica Substitute
Abrasive Cost Comparison    
  Silica Sand Aluminum Oxide
Abrasive Cost
Cost Per Ton $60.00 $700
Nozzle Volume/Hr. (Lbs)* 2,000 2,000
Breakdown Factor 100.00% 10.00%
Used Abrasive (Lbs.) 2,000 200
Cost of Abrasive Used $60.00 $70.00
Other Costs
Labor $20.00 $20.00
Disposal Cost ($25/Ton) $25.00 $2.50
Material Handling?    
Procurement Cost?    
Total Costs $105.00 $92.50
Sq. Feet Blasted/Hr. 285 285
Cost/Square Foot Blasted $0.368 $0.325
*1/2" Blast Nozzle

This example assumes 10 reuses of Aluminum Oxide.

In practice, Aluminum Oxide develops a "Working Mix" of grit sizes which optimizes the number of abrasive impacts on a surface – this translates into a much faster cleaning rate than can be accomplished with Silica Sand. This example conservatively assumed equal cleaning rates between the two materials.

Although amounts have not been calculated for material handling, storage, and procurement costs, these will all be higher with the greater volume of material that must be used when blasting with Silica Sand versus Aluminum Oxide.
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