Newsletter of the Federal Courts The Third Branch Masthead

Vol. 36, Number 9—September 2004


Teleworking Brings Office Home
— "Federal Judiciary employees are finding a productive alternative to the daily office commute in teleworking, sometimes called telecommuting or flexiplace telecommuting..."

Chief Justice Appeals for Funding Exemption for Judiciary
— "In an effort to avoid a fiscal situation "devastating to the Judiciary," Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist appealed to the President and Congressional leaders..."

2004 Director's Awards Recognize Record Number
— "...a group of 22 court employees nationwide and the largest number ever recognized for their contributions to the federal Judiciary..."

New Appointments Announced for Judicial Conference Chairs
— "Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist has appointed six new chairs to head Judicial Conference committees with terms beginning October 1, 2004..."

Study Says Sentencing Tool Accurate
— "Can a sentencing tool that looks at past criminal behavior accurately assess the offender's risk of future offending?"

Taking Stock:  An Interview with FJC Director Rothstein

Judicial Milestones

Judicial Boxscore

Published monthly by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Office of Public Affairs
One Columbus Circle, N.E. Washington, DC 20544 — (202) 502-2600