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Peace Corps

About the Peace Corps
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What Do Volunteers Do?
Education, Youth Outreach, and Community Development
Business Development
Information Technology
Information Technology Work Area

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Life is calling. How far will you go?

About the Peace Corps

What Do Volunteers Do?
Information Technology / Information Technology Work Area:

Volunteers provide technical training and support to school systems, health ministries, businesses, municipal government offices, and non-governmental organizations.

By teaching computer skills and data processing, helping to develop regional databases and information management systems and implementing networks for businesses and government offices, Volunteers link entrepreneurs to new business opportunities (including e-commerce), expand farmers' access to info rmation on market prices, bring the Internet into classrooms, promote girls' livelihoods skills development, and provide forums for communities to share ideas about development activities.

Volunteers are also bringing experiences with other media, such as audio/radio and video production, to their work. For example, audio programming is being integrated into Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) lessons and videos are being used for natural resource and environmental education awareness-raising activities.


Applicants can qualify with a bachelor's degree in computer science or info rmation systems; or a Bachelor's degree in any discipline with 15 semester hours in computer sciences, along with two years of relevant experience; or five or more years of experience in programming, systems analysis, systems design, or computer consulting; or an associate's degree in a computer-related field and two years of relevant experience; or a bachelor's degree with focus on the development, use and/or application of info rmation and communication technologies. Degree areas might include Mass Communications, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Journalism, Informatics and Telecommunications; or five or more years experience in a communication media including web, audio, video, telephony, radio or film production.


All applicants will have knowledge of or experience in basic computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and databases, and strong leadership and organizational skills.

Other relevant experience includes an ability to train others in multimedia production (e.g., video, audio, computer), computer maintenance and repair skills, development of training materials, and experience in Web-based technologies such as HTML, website design, and online marketing.

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