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Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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Cheltenham Scheduling Information

Scheduling Overview

The FLETC Cheltenham Scheduling Office is responsible for assisting in the management and coordination of training requests. The FLETC Cheltenham Scheduling Office will schedule training and use of onsite facilities, i.e. classrooms, meeting facilities, grounds, etc.

The Cheltenham firing range became operational February 2004 and the driver training range became operational February 2005. Classrooms, meeting facilities, grounds and buildings for tactical training (e.g. scenario-based exercises, crowd control drills, canine operations, etc.) are also available for use. Currently, in addition to the firearms and driver training ranges, available resources include three (3) classrooms, a briefing area, and Sim City for tactical training, replicating a small, urban neighborhood, and a potential combat zone. When fully operational, Sim City will include two and three story structures, a simulated plane fuselage, a combat helicopter, a “junker alley” line with parked vehicles, along with other miscellaneous buildings and structures.

To schedule training or to reserve facilities, please follow enrollment instructions below.

Hours of Operation

General Facility Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (excluding Federal holidays, see link below for list)

Requests for facility use outside of normal working hours are considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to accommodate special training needs.

Required Information and Forms

Partner Organizations

FLETC serves over 80 Federal partner organizations. This designation means the head of the agency has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) setting forth an agreement between the agency and the FLETC and a Reimbursable Agreement (RA) for reimbursement of training expenses. Partner Organization status, granted by the FLETC's Board of Directors, offers several benefits, including top priority in training and a lower cost for training than for non-Partner Organizations, who are trained on a space-available basis. For information on becoming a FLETC partner organization, please contact Chief, Cheltenham Training Management Division, at 301-868-8516 or 301-868-8515, or FLETC-CheltenhamScheduling@dhs.gov.

Prior to scheduling training at FLETC Cheltenham, partner organizations must complete and submit a separate FLETC Cheltenham Training Center Use Agreement. Training costs will be billed against the agency's FLETC reimbursable agreement or against a credit card payment form on a case-by-case basis. Links to electronic versions of these forms are provided below for your convenience. Training Center Use Agreement forms must be completed and submitted in triplicate (with original signatures) to: ATT: Staff Specialist, Administration Division, FLETC, 9000 Commo Road, Cheltenham, MD 20623-5000. Credit card payment forms may be completed and faxed to the Cheltenham Scheduling Office at 301-877-8521.

Non-Partner Organizations

Non-partner organizations include State and Local law enforcement agencies and Federal agencies who have not entered into an MOU or RA with FLETC.

Non-Partner FEDERAL Organizations

Prior to scheduling training at FLETC Cheltenham, non-partner Federal organizations must complete and submit a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in triplicate with original signatures to: ATT: Staff Specialist, Administration Division, FLETC, 9000 Commo Road, Cheltenham, MD 20623-5000. In addition, an RA or a credit card payment form must be completed to cover the cost of training. NOTE: This MOA will merely allow your agency to train at the FLETC Cheltenham facility and does not convey Partner Organization status.

Non-Partner STATE and LOCAL Organizations

State and Local student training enrollments can be accomplished by completing and submitting a Non-Partner Organization Training Registration Request form. For registration of multiple students into a program, you may attach a roster of student names and social security numbers to the completed form. Links to electronic versions of these forms are provided below for your convenience.

Scheduling Procedures

The FLETC Cheltenham facility is a non-residential training center used for short-term, in-service, and agency specific follow-on training. The planning, coordination and scheduling of training at the Cheltenham Center is crucial to meeting both the partner organization's training requirements and the FLETC's mission. Please follow the procedures outlined below in order to facilitate the training and scheduling process.

  • Each agency should designate a training manager or representative as a central point of contact for coordination of training.
  • Agencies will schedule requalifications and in-service firearms and driver requalification training with the Cheltenham Scheduling Office at least 60 days in advance of the quarter in which the training will be conducted. Every effort will be made to meet agency requests in conjunction with other agencies using Cheltenham firing ranges and facilities.
  • Requests and changes made after the 60-day lead time will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • Use of any Cheltenham facility will be coordinated and scheduled through the FLETC Cheltenham Scheduling Office prior to any agency conducting training or practical exercises. This is required to maintain order, safety and appropriate coordination with other agencies utilizing the facility.

To facilitate scheduling of non-center advanced training, i.e., firearms requalifications, in-service training, etc., each agency must provide contact information (name, title, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address) for the agency official authorized to schedule training and to obligate agency funds for reimbursement of training costs. This information may be provided to:

Submit Scheduling Request

For Center Advanced training, Partner Organizations reserve training seats in advance on an annual basis. Individuals do not enroll directly, but are enrolled for training by their employer--agencies select students for admission into FLETC's Center Advanced programs and determine when a particular employee will be sent for training. Once an agency identifies the students who will fill their reserved training seats for any given class, the agency should contact the FLETC Resource Coordination Branch in Glynco, Georgia (912-267-2269) to enroll their student(s) into a class.

The FLETC was created to train federal law enforcement officers and, in order to attend FLETC training programs, students must normally be employed in a federal law enforcement position. However, there is an on-site office in Glynco, Georgia that represents State, Local, and International law enforcement personnel, the National Center for State and Local Law Enforcement Training. Private sector students can be admitted if the admission criteria is satisfied and a Partner Agency sponsors the student. Appropriate documentation from the Partner Agency is forwarded to the Director of the Office of State, Local, and International training for his approval. The National Center for State and Local Law Enforcement Training can be reached at:

National Center for State and Local Law Enforcement Training
1131 Chapel Crossing Road
TH 393 - OSL
Glynco, GA 31524
Fax 912-267-2894

To register for participation in FLETC center-advanced training classes held on site at FLETC Cheltenham, such as the Law Enforcement In-Service Driver Training Program (LEIDTP), Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP), Firearms Instructor Refresher Training Program (FIRTP), or Law Enforcement Instructor Training Program (LEITP), etc. Partner Organizations should directly contact the FLETC Resource Coordination Branch in Glynco, Georgia:

Training Management Division
Townhouses 382 and 385
1131 Chapel Crossing Road
Glynco, GA 31524

For a listing of center advanced classes held at FLETC Cheltenham, go to the Cheltenham Training Page.

PLEASE NOTE: The Cheltenham facility is a non-residential facility and does not provide meals or lodging. When participating in center-advanced training, agencies are cautioned to plan appropriately for student per diem expenses, where applicable. To assist in calculating travel related expenses, you may wish to view the Cheltenham Student Information Bulletin.

Submit Non-Center Advanced Training Request

To submit a scheduling request for short-term, in-service, or agency specific follow-on training, such as firearms requalifications, please click on a link below to open a Scheduling Request form. Scheduling Request forms can be submitted by using one the following methods: (1) electronically; or (2) printed and faxed to the attention of the Scheduling Office at 301-877-8521.

Scheduling requests are considered tentative and are not definitively scheduled or confirmed through submission of the Scheduling Request Form. An e-mail notification or confirmation will be sent in response to your scheduling request to either: (1) confirm your request; or (2) notify you that we were unable to accommodate your request.

Scheduling Contacts

If you have questions, please contact the Scheduling Office:

FLETC Cheltenham Scheduling Office
Phone: 301-877-8516
Fax: 301-877-8521