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Social Security Online
Government Employees
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Information for Government Employees

Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)

Who is affected? Skip WEP links
Why is a different formula used?
How does it work?
Are there exceptions?
Is there a guarantee provision for those with low pensions?


Government Pension Offset (GPO)

I receive a government pension. Will I receive any Social Security on my spouse's record?  Skip GPO links
How much are Social Security benefits offset?
Why are Social Security benefits offset?
Who is exempt from the offset?
What about Medicare?
Can I still get benefits on my own record?


Some Federal employees and employees of State or local government agencies may be eligible for pensions that are based on earnings not covered by Social Security.

If you didn't pay Social Security taxes on your government earnings and you are eligible for Social Security benefits, the formula used to figure your benefit amount may be modified, giving you a lower Social Security benefit.

If you are eligible for Social Security benefits on your own record:

Your annual Social Security Statement does not reflect adjustments based on pensions from work not covered by Social Security.

Note: Some government pensions do not affect your benefit amount when you apply on your own record.

If you are eligible for Social Security benefits on your spouse's record:

2004 legislation changed the Government Pension Offset provision

H.R. 743, the “Social Security Protection Act of 2004,” was passed by Congress on February 11, 2004 and signed into law by the President on March 2, 2004 (P.L. 108-203). The law contains a provision that eliminates the “last day covered employment exemption” to the government pension offset (GPO).

Additional Information

Things You Can Do Online

Request your Social Security Statement  skip things you can do online
Decide when to retire

Calculate your estimated benefits if you are

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Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008
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