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Export Import Bank of the United States




Ex-Im Bank Environmental Exports Program:  Financing for a Cleaner Environment
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2007 Transactions

2007 Program Highlights


  • Ex-Im Bank supported financing for approximately $122 million of U.S. environmentally beneficial exports in FY 2007.
  • Included in this total were working capital guarantees totaling $14.9 million in support of approximately $46.5 million of U.S. environmentally beneficial goods and services exports. Also included, were 61 export-credit insurance transactions to support $38.5 million in shipments of U.S. environmentally beneficial goods, and one financial guarantee to support $36.9 million of environmentally beneficial goods.
  • In FY 2007, more than 2,500 shipments of U.S. environmentally beneficial goods were supported by Ex-Im Bank’s insurance. Authorizations of insurance and working capital transactions primarily benefited small and medium-sized U.S. environmental exporters. This represented a significant increase from 2006, during which 38 companies signed authorized Insurance Policies totaling $19.9M and representing 1,730 shipments.

Renewable Energy

  • Ex-Im Bank has long supported renewable energy. From 1994 through 2007, Ex-Im Bank supported over 65 projects totaling over $1.3 billion in U.S. renewable energy exports.
  • In just the past 3 years alone, Ex-Im Bank has provided Working Capital Guarantees to Powerlight Corp., Evergreen Solar, GT Solar, and Geothermal Development that supported a total export value of $215.5 million in renewable energy equipment and services.
  • In FY 2007, Ex-Im Bank authorized $2.6 million for insurance transactions that covered U.S. renewable energy exports consisting of equipment for solar and wind energy projects as well as services for geothermal plants. This insurance support exceeds the amount provided in each of the past three fiscal years.

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Updated: August 28, 2008





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