Hello and welcome to the official website of the Erie County Legislature.

We are proud to have the opportunity to bring County Government to you using Internet technology. In this electronic age, we now have communication capabilities that we never could have dreamed of when the Legislature first came into existence 30 years ago.

On this site, you will find:

  • Historical Reference and Powers of the Legislature
  • County Legislators & District Information
  • Legislative session schedule, session agendas & minutes
  • Legislative committee schedule, committee agendas & reports
  • Local Laws
  • The County Budget Process
  • And much much more!

We hope that you find the Erie County Legislature website useful, and urge you to return often as we consistently update what's happening in your County Government.

* New features will be added to the Erie County Legislature web site regularly. Please check back for updates.

September 12, 2008


"Legislature Chair Taps Private Sector, Academic and Not-for-Profit Communities to Chart New Course for Erie County Legislature"

Lynn Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda), Chair of the Erie County Legislature, today announced the appointments to the 21st Century Commission. This volunteer group will be charged with studying and advancing its recommendations for the future structure and functions of the Erie County Legislature, subject to voter approval via the public referendum process.

Marinelli named Martha Lamparelli of Buffalo as Chair of the Commission. The Coordinator of Parent Services for the Central Committee on Special Education with the Buffalo Public Schools, Lamparelli is a respected professional in education and a community leader.

Joining Lamparelli on the 21st Century Commission will be Ruth Bryant, Assistant Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo; Kevin Donovan, Assistant Director of United Auto Workers Region 9; Marian Deutschman, Ph.D., Interim Director of the Office of College and Community Partnerships at Buffalo State College; Cheryl Howe, Executive Vice President for Health Services and Marketing Management at HealthNow; Michael Pliszka, Chief of Police Services and Domestic Violence Related Programs for the Erie County Sheriff's Office; Reverend Cathy Reilly-Goddard, Executive Director of Concerned Ecumenical Ministries; Sister Denise Roche, GNSH, Ph.D., President of D'Youville College; and Raymond Walter, an attorney with the law firm of Magavern Magavern Grimm LLP.

"This is an exciting moment for our community," Chair Marinelli began. "I am thrilled these individuals have agreed to serve. They have each brought community service to their respective work, and I appreciate their dedication to this issue. The Commission's important, forward-thinking agenda will afford the community an unprecedented opportunity to fashion a policymaking framework and direction for a transparent county government reform process."

"To achieve this goal, a comprehensive, non-partisan approach was called for, one that will examine virtually every reform measure regarding the size and scope of the County Legislature, including terms of office. The Commission's review will be completed well in advance of the constitutionally mandated redistricting that will take place in 2011," Chair Marinelli concluded.

The 21st Century Commission will hold its first meeting at 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 25, 2008 in the Legislative Conference Room, Old County Hall – 4th Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo. The public is welcome.

September 12, 2008

Legislator Maria Whyte and others call for the establishment of a County Planning Board

County Planning Board necessary to support strategic development in WNY over the next 50 years


  • Legislator Maria Whyte (D) Buffalo
  • Legislator Robert Reynolds (D) Hamburg
  • George Grasser, Partners for a Livable WNY
  • Ian McPherson, Alden Economic Development Director
  • Laura Smith, Buffalo Niagara Partnership
  • Representatives from WNY Citizens for Better Planning


  • Press Conference to call for the establishment of an Erie County Planning Board. Informational Meeting to discuss proposed planning board legislation in greater detail and receive feedback from the community.


  • Press Conference at 6:45 p.m., Monday, September 15, 2008
  • Informational Meeting at 7:00 p.m., Monday, September 15, 2008


  • Hamburg Town Hall
    6100 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY


  • The Erie Niagara Framework for Regional Growth reports that Erie and Niagara Counties have lost over 137,000 residents since 1960. Meanwhile, our developed land increased by 244 square miles from 1950 to 2000 (up nearly 200%). Simply put, fewer people are supporting more infrastructure (roads, sewers, water lines, etc.) and as a result, everyone is paying higher taxes. To help change this dynamic and focus and promote development in areas where infrastructure capacity already exists, the Framework calls for the establishment of a County Planning Board.
  • A County Planning Board can:
    • Assist municipalities (especially those without professional planners) in making land-use decisions
    • Coordinate planning between and among municipalities and other County, NY State, and Federal Agencies
    • Review and comment on proposals that are of a significant size or scope and have a regional impact.
  • A County Planning Board cannot:
    • Take away the autonomy of local municipalities
    • Undermine local control
  • 58 of the 62 Counties in NYS have Planning Boards

SEPTEMBER 12, 2008


Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda), a member of the Erie County Industrial Agency Board of Directors, is appealing to the ECIDA board for a clarification of agency incentive policies and procedures.

Legislator Marinelli, as a member of the board's Policy Committee, is continuing her attempts to clarify the board's focus to include prioritizing high potential job growth sectors, including information technologies, biomedical companies, cultural tourism and waterfront commercialization.

She is also advocating for merging economic development agencies and enhancing collaborations with the Empire State Development Corporation and workforce development agencies.

"I am pleased that ECIDA Policy Committee Chairman Phil Corwin has agreed to schedule a board meeting to discuss a list of discussion items that I am proposing," Legislator Marinelli said. "Among the policy areas I have identified for clarification are local economic development agency mergers, small business expansion and enhanced collaboration between the Empire State Development Corporation, workforce development agencies and the ECIDA.

"I see a sense of urgency in Erie County, as well as on the state and national levels, to improve workforce development and small business expansion, particularly for Buffalo-based firms," she added. "In a letter I wrote to my fellow ECIDA board members September 3, I have repeated my call for a redefinition of ECIDA incentive priorities."

For more information on Chair Marinelli's entire list of appeals for a redefinition of ECIDA incentive priorities, people can call Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607.


WHAT: Erie County Legislature to conduct special session

WHERE: Erie County Fire Training and Operations Center, 3359 Broadway in Cheektowaga

WHEN: Noon Thursday, September 4, 2008

The special session will entail immediate consideration of a request by County Comptroller Mark C. Poloncarz to consider a 2008 revenue anticipation notes (RAN) resolution and consideration of discharging the Public Safety Committee from further consideration of Comm. 14E-7, Re: Fire Training Academy - 2008 - New Live Burn Building, and consideration of legislative action on this item.

For more information, please contact Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607.

August 25, 2008

Hon. Lynn M. Marinelli
Erie County Legislature, Chairperson
92 Franklin Street – Fourth Floor
Buffalo, New York 14202

Re: Request for Special Session of the Erie County Legislature

Dear Chairperson Marinelli:

On July 8, 2008 I sent the Legislature a resolution titled "Fire Training Academy – 2008 – New Live Burn Building (Comm. 14E-7)," for consideration and eventual approval. It was my intention to have this item approved before the Legislature recessed for the summer. Instead, the item was directed to the Public Safety committee and remains there today.

On March 6, 2008 the Legislature approved a resolution (Comm. 3E-25) that approved the purchase of a new live burn training building. This building was purchased and is expected to be delivered before your next legislative session on September 11, 2008. Approval of Comm. 14E-7 is necessary before the training building is delivered because it will give the approvals to award contracts to prepare the site and conduct its installation.

Therefore, I am formally requesting that the Erie County Legislature convene a special session to consider and approve Communication 14E-7 before September 1, 2008.

Approval of this item will allow for a timely installation of the new live burn fire training building, and will prevent the delay of previously scheduled fire training sessions. Furthermore, I ask that you, and your colleagues, join me in encouraging Comptroller Mark C. Poloncarz to expedite the payments of contracts relevant to this project to ensure that unnecessary delays are avoided.

I want to thank you and Legislator Tim Wroblewski for your leadership on this critical issue. It is imperative that we work together to enable thousands of volunteer firefighters to continue providing the highest quality of service, protection and safety to the residents we collectively serve. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Erie County Executive

cc: Hon. Mark C. Poloncarz, Comptroller
Hon. Maria R. Whyte, Majority Leader
Hon. John J. Mills, Minority Leader
Erie County Fire Chiefs & Fire Department Commissioners

August 28, 2008
Mr. Robert M. Graber
Clerk, Erie County Legislature
92 Franklin Street, 4th Floor
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202

Dear Mr. Graber:
Pursuant to Rule 2.02 of the Rules of Order of the Erie County Legislature,
you are hereby directed to call a Special Meeting of the Erie County Legislature to
be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 at 12 O'CLOCK NOON of that day at
the Erie County Fire Training and Operations Center, located at 3359 Broadway,
Cheektowaga, NY 14227.
The Legislature is asked to immediately consider a request of the Comptroller
to consider a 2008 Revenue Anticipation Notes Resolution, as well as a request of the
County Executive to consider discharging the Public Safety Committee of further
consideration of Comm. 14E-7, RE: Fire Training Academy - 2008 - New Live Burn
Building, and consideration of legislative action on this item. Thank you.

Lynn M. Marinelli
Chair, Erie County Legislature

August 28, 2008
To: All Members of the Erie County Legislature
From: Robert M. Graber, Clerk

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Rule 2.02 of the RULES OF
ORDER of the Erie County Legislature, and under the direction of Chair Lynn M.
Marinelli, there will be a SPECIAL MEETING of the Erie County Legislature on
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 at 12 O'CLOCK NOON of that day at the Erie
County Fire Training and Operations Center, located at 3359 Broadway,
Cheektowaga, NY 14227.
This meeting will entail:
  • Immediate Consideration of a request of the Comptroller to
    consider a 2008 Revenue Anticipation Notes Resolution.
  • Consideration of Discharging the Public Safety Committee of further
    consideration of Comm. 14E-7, RE: Fire Training Academy - 2008 - New
    Live Burn Building, and consideration of legislative action on this item.
    The items on the agenda will include Immediate Consideration of a request
    of the Comptroller to consider a 2008 Revenue Anticipation Notes Resolution;
    Consideration of Discharging the Public Safety Committee of further consideration
    of COMM. 14E-7; as well as a letter from County Executive Chris Collins to
    Legislature Chair Marinelli requesting the Special Meeting, the letter from Chair
    Marinelli calling the Special Meeting; and my Memo as Clerk to Members of the
    Thank you.

    Robert M. Graber
    92 Franklin Street
    Fourth Floor
    Buffalo, N.Y. 14202
    PH.: 716/858-8527
    FAX: 716/858-8895

    August 28, 2008
    To: Members, Erie County Legislature
    From: Robert M. Graber, Clerk

    Please note that there will also be a 10:00 a.m.
    Pre-Session Caucus next Thursday, September 4th at the
    Erie County Fire Training and Operations Center in
    Cheektowaga to discuss the RAN and Live Burn Building
    Thank you.

    Robert M. Graber

    AUGUST 6, 2008

    "Charged with Reform"

    Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda) announced the creation of the Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission to comprehensively review the duties, function and organization of the Erie County Legislature.

    "We in the County Legislature are answering the community's call for changes to government structure, in view of static and shifting population, fiscal times and service to its citizens," Chair Marinelli said.

    "The Commission will study and comment on all government reform issues specific to the Erie County Legislature, including but not limited to:

    • Number of legislators.
    • Length of terms and potential for staggered or limited terms.
    • Scope of responsibility (powers and duties as defined in the Erie County Charter, as well as practices of constituent services and fiscal responsibilities with reflection on budget margins of non-mandated versus mandated programs).
    • Consideration of district versus at-large seats (with contemplation of departmental cost-benefit analysis, costs of office seeking, and, in district-based seats, achieving a balance of voice given to Erie County's urban, suburban and rural communities. Avoiding disproportionate, weighted voting).
    • Minority representation in conformance with federal law.

    The Commission will be composed of nine members in total, six chosen by Chair Marinelli and one each chosen by the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Legislature, as well as the Chair of the Government Affairs Committee. The Commission Chair is to be designated by the Chair of the County Legislature. Terms of Commission members are one year, after which the Commission sunsets.

    The suggested timetable for the Commission's work is as follows: organizational work and research in 2008, public comment period, scheduled hearings, draft and final reports in 2009. Any needed public referendum would take place in 2010, with implementation in 2011, in concert with the election cycle and reapportionment laws.

    TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2008

    WHAT: Erie County Legislature to change date of regular session

    WHERE: Erie County Legislature Chambers, Fourth Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo

    WHEN: 2 p.m. Thursday, September 18, 2008, from the original Thursday, September 25, 2008

    The date of this session will be changed to afford members of the County Legislature the opportunity to attend New York State Association of Counties 2008 Fall Seminar scheduled for September 24 to 26, 2008. Pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Rules of Order for the Erie County Legislature, the Chairperson is authorized to establish the schedule for regular sessions of the Legislature.

    For more information, please contact Director of Communications Kevin J. Hosey at 858-8607.

    DATE: August 4, 2008
    TO: All Members of the Erie County Legislature
    FROM: Robert M. Graber, Clerk

    Please be advised that Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli has changed the date of the session of the Erie County Legislature scheduled for Thursday, September 25, 2008 to Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM.

    The need to change the date of this session is to afford members of the Legislature an opportunity to attend New York State Association of Counties 2008 Fall Seminar scheduled for September 24 to 26, 2008.

    Pursuant to Section 2.01 of the Rules of Order for the Erie County Legislature, the Chairperson is authorized to establish the schedule for regular sessions of the Legislature.

    Thank you.

    August 1, 2008
    Mr. Robert M. Graber
    Clerk, Erie County Legislature
    92 Franklin Street, 4th Floor
    Buffalo, N.Y. 14202

    Dear Mr. Graber:

    Due to the New York State Association of Counties 2008 Fall
    Seminar scheduled for September 24 to 26, 2008, there is a need to
    move the date of the session scheduled for Thursday, September 25,
    2008 to Thursday, September 18, 2008 on that day at 2:00 p.m.
    Please notify members of the Legislature, staff, and news media
    about this change of time for Thursday's session.
    Thank you.


    Lynn M. Marinelli, Chair
    Erie County Legislature

    To: Robert M. Graber, Clerk
    From: Lynn M. Marinelli, Chairperson
    Subject: 2008 SCHEDULE OF LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS (Revised 8/1/08)

    122 Budget
     9 Budget Override

    AUGUST 1, 2008


    Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda) issued the following statement:

    "I respect Anthony Baynes and his work on behalf of the community and the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority. As Chair of the Erie County Legislature, Mr. Baynes and I had a good working relationship and I wish him well. As I have in the past, I will continue to work with all members of the state–appointed Fiscal Stability Authority, including the new chair."

    July 25, 2008

    Legislators Wroblewski & Kennedy Honor FBI

    The Erie County Legislature honored the Buffalo Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation upon the celebration of the bureau's 100TH birthday at its session last week. Shown, from left, are: County Legislator Timothy M. Kennedy (D-South Buffalo), Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge Steve Lanser, Assistant Agent-in-Charge Richard Kollmar and County Legislator Timothy M. Wroblewski (D-West Seneca, South Cheektowaga), Chair of the Legislature's Public Safety Committee.

    JULY 23, 2008


    Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda) issued the following statement:

    "I am disappointed to learn that the governor intends to veto state legislation that would allow elected Erie County officials to conduct the county's capital borrowing, particularly because many badly needed projects of 2007 and 2008 remain in limbo."

    "I hope that the governor and the state legislature will now clarify who conducts Erie County's capital borrowing. I am most interested in hearing the reaction of the Western New York delegation of the New York State Legislature to this action. We elected officials in Erie County voted – nearly unanimously – on the requested home rule legislation in a bipartisan fashion for this joint Senate and Assembly bill (S8571/A11610)."

    July 10, 2008


    Legislator Lynn Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda) announced that a number of important health and human services would be funded as the result of action taken during today's meeting of the Erie County Legislature.

    "I am pleased to report that more than $2.5 million in grants from the New York State Health Department will be directed to Partners for Prevention Clinical Services," Chair Marinelli began. "The five-year program will fund breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening for low income, asymptomatic and underserved men and women age 18 and over."

    Marinelli also announced a federal grant of nearly $150,000 to enhance non-residential services to victims of domestic violence, a public policy issue that has been of keen interest to her since she began her career in public service.

    The final grant approved on July 10 will benefit senior citizens who avail themselves of the following services: congregate dining, home-delivered meals, disease prevention, exercise and health promotion and elder caregiver support. The funds will allow for minor residential repairs for seniors and the replacement of aging Going Places vans, as well.

    "A community is often judged by how compassionately it treats those who cannot speak for themselves. I am proud of the work done by the Erie County Departments of Health, Social Services and Senior Services in their efforts to exhaust every avenue of state and federal funding for the programs that assist our neighbors who need someone to speak for them," Chair Marinelli concluded.

    July 7, 2008


    Erie County Legislator Robert B. Reynolds, Jr. (D-Hamburg, Evans), Co-Chair of the Distressed Properties Task Force created under the auspices of the Erie County Legislature, has sent an urgent letter to Governor David Paterson, encouraging him to sign into law Assembly Bill 8059-C/Senate Bill 5366-C.

    This legislation was approved in the respective State Legislative houses on June 17 and June 18, 2008. The Task Force voted overwhelmingly in support of this legislation at its June 25, 2008, meeting.

    The Distressed Properties Task Force is co-chaired by Angola Mayor Hub Frawley, and is composed of individuals, organizations and local governments that are working collaboratively to combat the blight of abandoned properties throughout the urban, suburban and rural communities of Erie County.

    "No municipality has been spared the negative impact on its housing and commercial stock caused by this dual problem of disinvestment and decay," Legislator Reynolds said. "At the local government and community grassroots level, we are committed to putting a halt to this troubling trend."

    Bill A.8059-C/S.5366-C seeks to address the problems of vacant and abandoned property in a coordinated manner, ultimately redeveloping such property to a state where it can be returned to the tax rolls and can promote economic growth. With the long-term interest of the community in mind, land banks operate efficiently to acquire, hold, manage and develop tax-foreclosed properties. Municipalities would have the opportunity to "opt in" to this community revitalization program. It is not a mandate.

    "Our mission as a Task Force is to restore our region's economic vitality by managing the deserted properties in our residential neighborhoods and commercial districts," Legislator Reynolds said in his letter to Governor Paterson. "This 'land banking' strategy is another tool that our communities need to address the blight of vacant and abandoned properties. We strongly recommend that you give local governments one more tool in the economic development tool chest."

    July 1, 2008


    The Erie County Legislature honored Carmela Trippi of North Buffalo on the occasion of her 99th birthday at its June 26 session.

    Carmela Trippi of Buffalo, at the podium, was recently
    honored by the Erie County Legislature in honor of
    her 99th birthday. She was joined by, from left:
    Vincent Cannarozzo, her grandson; Erie County
    Legislature Chair and 11th District Legislator Lynn M.
    Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda); her sister, Mary
    Geraci; her daughter, Arlene Vincent, and County
    Legislature Majority Leader and 6th District County
    Legislator Maria R. Whyte (D-Buffalo).

    The honorary proclamation was introduced by 11th District Legislator and Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli and 6th District Legislator and Majority Leader, Maria R. Whyte. Both legislators noted that it was women like Ms. Trippi who blazed the trail for women like them to enter politics, to be elected and to serve in leadership positions.

    The proclamation noted that Carmela Trippi is the proud and prolific matriarch of a family that includes four children - Ann Barone, Sal Trippi, Rosalie Manzella and Arlene Vincent - 15 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren.

    "Despite the demands of her duties in maintaining and nurturing a growing household, Carmela dedicated herself to community service," Chair Marinelli stated. "Carmela's love for politics rivals, but does not exceed, her love of family, and she has been active in politics for six decades - since 1948 - and served as a Democratic committee woman for 55 years."

    "The ninety-nine years since her birth have been highlighted by evolutionary, and sometimes revolutionary, changes in our society," added Legislator Whyte. "Carmela's personal history overlaps the most dramatic events in our nation's history - including two World Wars, the Great Depression, armed conflicts in faraway places such as Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, the civil rights movement and the women's rights movement whose seeds first sprouted with the effort to win the right to vote for women, culminating with the legalization of women's suffrage August 26, 1920, when Carmela was only 11 years old."

    "Whether through the love for her family or the love for her party, Carmela Trippi has shown unbridled generosity and an energetic spirit," Chair Marinelli concluded.

    June 17, 2008


    Erie County Legislator Daniel M. Kozub (D-Lackawanna, Buffalo) and his colleagues recently honored Ralph J. Galanti Jr. upon his induction into the Hall of Fame of Erie Community College at a ceremony in the Burt Flickinger Athletic Center Gymnasium May 8.

    Ralph J. Galanti Jr., third from right, and his wife, Diane,
    next to him, were honored by Erie County Legislature
    Chair Lynn M. Marinelli, left, Legislators Thomas Mazur,
    Timothy M. Wroblewski and Daniel M. Kozub, right,
    during the June 12 Legislature session.

    "The numbers 449-306-42 represent the wins, losses and ties of the Erie Community College (ECC) hockey team and demonstrate the highly effective coaching and leadership approach of Ralph Galanti, Jr.," Legislator Kozub said. "The record of the ECC varsity hockey program, which Ralph Galanti founded, developed and implemented, will live on in the annals of collegiate sports history."

    Kozub noted that Galanti, affectionately known as "Chico" to family and friends, began his tenure at ECC in 1969 as an instructor, later serving as ECC's Director of Athletics for nearly three decades (1975-2005), a time of unprecedented change in collegiate athletics in the nation, state and region.

    "This period of astonishing growth and achievement for the ECC athletics program is highlighted by the many awards Chico received for his leadership, including national recognition for the football program at ECC; statewide recognition through his receipt of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service in 1998 and regional recognition as a collegiate hockey coach by being inducted into the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame in 2004," Kozub said.

    Galanti's teams won five NJCAA Region III Championships and were runners-up six times, won four International Collegiate Hockey League seasonal championships and won playoff championships five times. He was joined at the presentation by his wife, Diane.

    "Chico is known for his sense of humor, dogged determination, passion, work ethic, adeptness at the art of persuasion and unquestioned integrity, qualities that combined to create a formula of personal and professional success for this humble son of Lackawanna," Kozub said.

    Kozub remarked that Galanti's retirement in September 2005 may have marked an end to the Galanti era of ECC's astonishing growth from seven sports spread across three campuses to the 23 sports fostered under Chico's "One College Concept" of integration and excellence.

    "Chico always remained focused on the student athletes who benefited greatly from his vision and stewardship, placing their needs above all other competing needs. This student athlete focus resulted in a successful student athletic academic tracking program, the establishment of a women's parity and equal opportunity strategy and maintaining an impressive regional competitive sports program over a long period of time," Kozub concluded.

    THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2008


    Erie County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda) announced that Jennifer C. Persico of Buffalo has been appointed the Majority counsel to the Erie County Legislature.

    Persico is a partner at Mosey Persico LLP in Buffalo, a law firm which provides legal services including personal injury litigation, general litigation, corporate law, estates and trusts, municipal law, zoning, residential and commercial closings and collections. A State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law graduate, Persico earned governmental legal experience by serving as the City of Buffalo Assistant Corporation Counsel from February 1999 through September 2000.

    She also has legal experience working for law firms such as Webster Szanyi, Sugarman Law Firm and Kenney, Kanaley, Shelton and Liptak, and worked as a law clerk for Gibson, McAskill & Crosby and as a legal assistant for Garvey & Garvey. Her community service has included working as a mentor at the State University at Buffalo Law School, for Kids Voting WNY, Shakespeare in the Park and for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

    The County Legislature's Majority counsel, just as the Minority counsel, is a part-time position, and receives an annual stipend in the 2008 budget of $22,000 and no benefits.

    JANUARY 28, 2008


    These are the major action items the Erie County Legislature will address and act on in 2008, according to County Legislature Chair Lynn M. Marinelli (D-Buffalo, Tonawanda).

    Legislator Marinelli also indicated which standing committees will host the discussion of the items and report back to the full Legislature.


    Status and future of ECMCC and impacts on county costs (Health, Human Services Committee)

    Home Rule of Sales Tax by February (Finance & Management Committee)

    State budget impacts and further requirements or relief from mandates (Finance & Management Committee)

    2008 Capital budget (Finance & Management Committee)

    Budget Accountability Act implementation (Health, Human Services & Community Enrichment Committees)

    Four-year plan revision and ECFSA efficiency grant proposals (Finance & Management Committee)

    Inner Harbor Development and economic development areas (Economic Development Committee)

    Six Sigma standards and performance-based budgeting (Finance & Management Committee)

    Union contracts, and resolution to AFSCME fact finder report (Government Affairs Committee)

    Sheriff Department's transportation and housing of prisoners; overtime costs (Public Safety Committee)

    Human Services Department reconfigurations (Health, Human Services Committee)

    Framework for Regional Growth and planning board local law (Government Affairs Committee)

    Parks and beaches maintenance and operations (Energy & Environment Committee)

    Help America Vote Act and election systems changes (Government Affairs Committee)

    Buffalo Bills lease plans (Economic Development Committee)

    Erie Community College operational & capital budget (Community Enrichment Committee)

    Library services (Community Enrichment Committee)

    Policy with administration on bed tax, road funds, Culturals, tourism (Community Enrichment & Economic Development Committees)

    Fund Balance levels and market upgrading for county, and tax lien resolution (Finance & Management Committee)

    Records Center for County Clerk (Government Affairs Committee)


    The Erie County Legislature   |   92 Franklin Street - 4th Floor   |   Buffalo, New York 14202