The U.S. Census Bureau

State Government Finances: 2006
Technical Documentation




The United States Census Bureau conducts an Annual Survey of Government Finances, as authorized by law under Title 13, United States Code, Section 182. The survey coverage includes all state and local governments in the United States. The survey content includes the entire range of government finance activities -- revenue, expenditure, debt, and assets.

The tables and files contained here provide a comprehensive summary of the annual survey findings for state governments, as well as data for individual states. The tables contain detail of revenue by type, expenditure by object and function, indebtedness by term, and assets by purpose. To view the most common aggregate finance categories that are used in tables and special tabulations, see Chapter 13 of the Government Finance and Employment Classification Manual, entitled Methodology for Summary Tabulations


Current Dollars

The statistics in these files are in terms of current dollar amounts. They have not been adjusted for price or wage level changes occurring through the years.


Fiscal Years

The statistics relate to state government fiscal years that end on June 30 of 2006, except for four states with other ending dates: Alabama and Michigan (September 30, 2006), New York (March 31, 2006), and Texas (August 31, 2006).



The state government finance data presented by the Census Bureau may differ from data published by state governments because the Census Bureau may be using a different definition of which organizations are covered under the term, “state government.”

For the purpose of Census Bureau statistics, the term “state government” refers not only to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of a given state, but it also includes agencies, institutions, commissions, and public authorities that operate separately or somewhat autonomously from the central state government but where the state government maintains administrative or fiscal control over their activities as defined by the Census Bureau.

For further information on the definition and organization of governments:

See chapter 1 of the Government Finance and Employment Classification Manual and

Volume 1, Number 1 [PDF] and Volume 1, Number 2 [PDF] of the 2002 Census of Governments.


Limitations of Data

Reporting of government finances by the Census Bureau involves presentation of data in terms of uniform categories. Financial items of the same kind are merged. For example, expenditure amounts for a similar purpose are combined, regardless of the number of government funds involved.

The financial data are limited to coverage of state governments and provide no measure of local government finances as such.

Use caution in attempting to draw conclusions from direct comparisons of financial amounts for individual state governments. Some states directly administer activities that elsewhere are undertaken by local governments, with or without state fiscal aid. The share of government sector financial totals contributed by a state government, therefore, differs materially from one state to another.

Financial amounts presented are statistical in nature and do not represent an accounting statement.


Sources of Data and Statistical Reliability

The statistics in this report were compiled by Census Bureau analysts using financial records of the state governments. In most cases, these records were obtained directly from the state offices responsible for auditing, budgeting, or developing periodic financial information. Many of the sources are part of, or linked to, official consolidated annual financial reports of the states. In some cases, records used represent publicly-available reports, while in other cases they represent underlying detail of such reports. While the records are from state government sources, all responsibility for the measures contained in this report lies with the Bureau of the Census.

State government financial statistics in this report result from a complete canvass of all state government agencies. Consequently, there is no associated measure of sampling error, such as the relative standard error. However, these statistics are subject to nonsampling error. Such error includes inaccuracies in classification, coverage, and processing. Efforts were made at all phases of collection, processing, and tabulation to minimize errors. However, the data are still subject to errors from imputing for missing data, errors from miscoding, and errors in coverage (difficulties in identifying every state agency or unit that should be in the report). Every effort was made to keep such errors to a minimum through care in examining, editing, and tabulating the data.


 File Descriptions

There are two types of available data: viewable summary files, and microdata. Each contains state government financial statistics. The types and number of files vary somewhat depending upon the survey year.

Summary Tables

The viewable summary tables contain aggregated summary data for the U.S. and for each state. The summary data include items such as revenue by type, expenditures by function, indebtedness, and cash and security holdings.

Filename is YYXX**ST.html where:
YY=fiscal year; XX=state id; **=state abbreviation; and ST=state


Ranking Table

No ranking table was produced for 2005 and onward. Ranking tables for previous years should be interpreted with caution.


Lottery Table

The Lottery table shows income and apportionment of state-administered lottery funds in a spreadsheet format.

Filename is YYlottery.html (where YY represents the last two digits of the fiscal year)


Summary Table Spreadsheet File

The summary table spreadsheet is an MS Excel spreadsheet format of the above summary tables. There is an entry for each state, as well as a U. S. summary section.

Filename is YYstatess.xls (where YY represents the last two digits of the fiscal year)


Text File - Rectangular Layout

Production for text files with rectangular layout has been discontinued for the State Finance data as of 2005 and onward.


Public Use File, ASCII Text Format - by item code and individual government unit
Characteristic Description
File Type ASCII
Rec Length 35 characters
Data Fields per Record 1
Record Type Fixed Length, No Delimiter
File Naming Convention XXstate35.txt where XX represents the last two digits of the fiscal year of the data represented in the file.

The 35 character record layout is described below.

Field Name Positions Start Position Length Characteristic
Government ID 1 - 14 1 14 Numeric, zero filled
Item Code 15 - 17 15 3 Alpha numeric
Amount 18 - 29 18 12 Numeric
Survey Year 30 - 31 30 2 Numeric
Year of Data 32 - 33 32 2 Numeric
Origin 34 - 35 34 2 Alpha numeric


Government IDs

The code 09000000000000 is reserved for the District of Columbia.

Alabama 01000000000000
Alaska 02000000000000
Arizona 03000000000000
Arkansas 04000000000000
California 05000000000000
Colorado 06000000000000
Connecticut 07000000000000
Delaware 08000000000000
Florida 10000000000000
Georgia 11000000000000
Hawaii 12000000000000
Idaho 13000000000000
Illinois 14000000000000
Indiana 15000000000000
Iowa 16000000000000
Kansas 17000000000000
Kentucky 18000000000000
Louisiana 19000000000000
Maine 20000000000000
Maryland 21000000000000
Massachusetts 22000000000000
Michigan 23000000000000
Minnesota 24000000000000
Mississippi 25000000000000
Missouri 26000000000000
Montana 27000000000000
Nebraska 28000000000000
Nevada 29000000000000
New Hampshire 30000000000000
New Jersey 31000000000000
New Mexico 32000000000000
New York 33000000000000
North Carolina 34000000000000
North Dakota 35000000000000
Ohio 36000000000000
Oklahoma 37000000000000
Oregon 38000000000000
Pennsylvania 39000000000000
Rhode Island 40000000000000
South Carolina 41000000000000
South Dakota 42000000000000
Tennessee 43000000000000
Texas 44000000000000
Utah 45000000000000
Vermont 46000000000000
Virginia 47000000000000
Washington 48000000000000
West Virginia 49000000000000
Wisconsin 50000000000000
Wyoming 51000000000000


 Item Codes

Please note: Many codes have changed, owing to the 2005 redesign of the state and local government finance program. Changes to the state components are noted in the table below.

*  Discontinued variables are noted in the description column.
*  New variables are labeled NEW in the description column.
*  Reasons for the changes (and further references) are discussed below the tables of item and origin codes.

Item Codes
Item Code Description
A01 Charges - Air Transportation
A03 Charges - Miscellaneous Commercial Activities
A09 Charges - Elementary & Secondary Education School Lunch
A10 Charges - Elementary & Secondary Education School Tuition
A12 Charges - Elementary & Secondary Education, Other
A16 Charges - Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises
A18 Charges - Higher Education, Other
A21 Charges - Education - Other, NEC
A36 Charges - Public Hospital
A44 Charges - Regular Highways
A45 Charges - Toll Highways
A50 Charges - Housing & Community Development
A54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Charges - Natural Resources, Agriculture)
A56 Charges - Natural Resources, Forestry
A59 Charges - Natural Resources, Other
A60 Charges – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
A61 Charges - Parks & Recreation
A80 Charges - Sewerage
A81 Charges - Solid Waste Management
A87 Charges - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
A89 Charges - All Other
A90 Revenue - Liquor Stores
A91 Revenue - Water Utilities
A92 Revenue - Electric Utilities
A93 Revenue - Gas Utilities
A94 Revenue - Transit Utilities
B01 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Air Transportation
B21 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Education
B22 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal- Employment Security Administration
B30 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - General Support
B42 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Health & Hospitals
B46 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Highways
B50 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Housing & Community Development
B54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Natural Resources, Agriculture)
B59 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Other Natural Resources
B79 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Public Welfare
B80 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Sewerage
B89 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - All Other
B91 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Water Utilities
B92 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Electric Utilities
B93 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Gas Utilities
B94 Intergovernmental Revenue from Federal - Transit Utilities
D21 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Education
D30 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - General Support
D42 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Health & Hospitals
D46 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Highways
D50 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Housing and Community Development (NEW in 2006)
D80 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Sewerage
D89 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - All Other
D91 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Water Utilities
D92 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Electric Utilities
D93 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Gas Utilities
D94 Intergovernmental Revenue from Local - Transit Utilities
E01 Current Operations - Air Transportation
E03 Current Operations - Miscellaneous Commercial Activities, NEC
E04 Current Operations - Correctional Institutions
E05 Current Operations - Corrections, Other
E12 Current Operations - Elementary & Secondary Education
E16 Current Operations - Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises
E18 Current Operations - Other Higher Education
E19 DISCONTINUED for 2005, see J19 (Formerly: Current Operations - Educational Scholarships, Assistance, & Subsidies)
E21 Current Operations - Other Education
E22 Current Operations - Social Insurance Administration
E23 Current Operations - Financial Administration
E25 Current Operations - Judicial and Legal Services
E26 Current Operations - Legislative Services
E29 Current Operations - Central Staff Services
E31 Current Operations - General Public Buildings
E32 Current Operations - Health Services, Other
E36 Current Operations - Own Hospitals
E38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Current Operations - Other Hospitals)
E44 Current Operations - Regular Highways
E45 Current Operations - Toll Highways
E47 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Current Operations - Private Transit Subsidies)
E50 Current Operations - Housing & Community Development
E52 Current Operations - Libraries
E54 DISCONTINUED 2005 (Formerly: Current Operations - Natural Resources, Agriculture, Other)
E55 Current Operations - Natural Resources, Fish & Game
E56 Current Operations - Natural Resources, Forestry
E59 Current Operations - Natural Resources, Other
E60 Current Operations – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
E61 Current Operations - Parks & Recreation
E62 Current Operations - Police Protection
E66 Current Operations - Protective Inspection and Regulation, NEC
E67 DISCONTINUED for 2005; see J67 (Formerly: Current Operations - Welfare, Federal Categorical Assistance Programs)
E68 DISCONTINUED for 2005; see J68 (Formerly: Current Operations - Welfare, Cash Assistance, Other)
E74 Current Operations - Welfare, Vendor Payments for Medical Care
E75 Current Operations - Welfare, Vendor Payments for Other Purposes
E77 Current Operations - Welfare Institutions
E79 Current Operations - Welfare, Other
E80 Current Operations - Sewerage
E81 Current Operations - Solid Waste Management
E84 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Current Operations - Veterans` Bonuses) - See J85
E85 Current Operations - Other Veterans Services
E87 Current Operations - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
E89 Current Operations - General, Other
E90 Current Operations - Liquor Stores
E91 Current Operations - Water Utilities
E92 Current Operations - Electric Utilities
E93 Current Operations - Gas Utilities
E94 Current Operations - Transit Utilities
F01 Construction - Air Transportation
F03 Construction - Miscellaneous Commercial Activities, NEC
F04 Construction - Correctional Institutions
F05 Construction - Corrections, Other
F12 Construction - Elementary & Secondary Education
F16 Construction - Higher Education, Auxiliary Enterprises
F18 Construction - Higher Education, Other
F21 Construction - Education, Other
F22 Construction - Social Insurance Administration
F23 Construction - Financial Administration
F25 Construction - Judicial & Legal
F26 Construction - Legislative
F29 Construction - Central Staff Services
F31 Construction - General Public Buildings
F32 Construction - Health, Other
F36 Construction - Own Hospitals
F38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Construction - Hospitals, Other)
F44 Construction - Regular Highways
F45 Construction - Toll Highways
F50 Construction - Housing & Community Development
F52 Construction - Libraries
F54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Construction - Agriculture, Other)
F55 Construction - Fish & Game
F56 Construction - Forestry
F59 Construction - Natural Resources, Other
F60 Construction – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
F61 Construction - Parks & Recreation
F62 Construction - Police Protection
F66 Construction - Protective Inspection & Regulation, NEC
F77 Construction - Welfare Institutions
F79 Construction - Welfare, Other
F80 Construction - Sewerage
F81 Construction - Solid Waste Management
F85 Construction - Other Veterans Services
F87 Construction - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
F89 Construction - General
F90 Construction - Liquor Stores
F91 Construction - Water Utilities
F92 Construction - Electric Utilities
F93 Construction - Gas Utilities
F94 Construction - Transit Utilities
G01 Other Capital Outlay - Air Transportation
G03 Other Capital Outlay - Miscellaneous Commercial Activities, NEC
G04 Other Capital Outlay - Correctional Institutions
G05 Other Capital Outlay - Corrections, Other
G12 Other Capital Outlay - Elementary and Secondary Education
G16 Other Capital Outlay - Higher Education, Auxiliary Enterprises
G18 Other Capital Outlay - Other Higher Education
G21 Other Capital Outlay - Education, Other
G22 Other Capital Outlay - Social Insurance Administration
G23 Other Capital Outlay - Financial Administration
G25 Other Capital Outlay - Judicial
G26 Other Capital Outlay - Legislative
G29 Other Capital Outlay - Central Staff
G31 Other Capital Outlay - General Public Building
G32 Other Capital Outlay - Health - Other
G36 Other Capital Outlay - Own Hospitals
G38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Other Capital Outlay - Hospitals, Other)
G44 Other Capital Outlay - Regular Highways
G45 Other Capital Outlay - Toll Highways
G50 Other Capital Outlay - Housing & Community Development
G52 Other Capital Outlay - Libraries
G54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Other Capital Outlay - Agriculture, Other)
G55 Other Capital Outlay - Fish & Game
G56 Other Capital Outlay - Forestry
G59 Other Capital Outlay - Natural Resource - Other
G60 Other Capital Outlay – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
G61 Other Capital Outlay - Parks & Recreation
G62 Other Capital Outlay - Police Protection
G66 Other Capital Outlay - Protective Inspection & Regulation, NEC
G77 Other Capital Outlay - Welfare Institutions
G79 Other Capital Outlay - Welfare, Other
G80 Other Capital Outlay - Sewerage
G81 Other Capital Outlay - Solid Waste Management
G85 Other Capital Outlay - Other Veterans Services
G87 Other Capital Outlay - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
G89 Other Capital Outlay - General, Other
G90 Other Capital Outlay - Liquor Stores
G91 Other Capital Outlay - Water Utilities
G92 Other Capital Outlay - Electric Utilities
G93 Other Capital Outlay - Gas Utilities
G94 Other Capital Outlay - Transit Utilities
I89 Interest on General Debt
I91 Water Utilities - Interest on Debt
I92 Electric Utilities - Interest on Debt
I93 Gas Utilities - Interest on Debt
I94 Transit Utilities - Interest on Debt
J19 Assistance and Subsidies – Scholarships and Other Subsidies – Education (NEW for 2005; previously under E19)
J67 Assistance and Subsidies – Public Welfare, Federal Categorical Assistance Programs (NEW for 2005; previously under E67)
J68 Assistance and Subsidies – Public Welfare, Cash Assistance Programs, Other (NEW for 2005; previously under E68)
J85 Assistance and Subsidies - Veterans' Bonuses (NEW for 2005; previously under E84)
K01 Equipment Only - Air Transportation
K03 Equipment Only - Miscellaneous Commercial Activities, NEC
K04 Equipment Only - Correctional Institutions
K05 Equipment Only - Correction, Other
K12 Equipment Only - G12 Subcode
K16 Equipment Only - Higher Education, Auxiliary Enterprises
K18 Equipment Only - Higher Education, Other
K21 Equipment Only - Education, Other
K22 Equipment Only - Social Insurance Administration
K23 Equipment Only - Financial Administration
K25 Equipment Only - Judicial and Legal
K26 Equipment Only - Legislative
K29 Equipment Only - Central Staff Services
K31 Equipment Only - General Public Building
K32 Equipment Only - Health, Other
K36 Equipment Only - Own Hospitals
K38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Equipment Only - Hospitals, Other)
K44 Equipment Only - Regular Highways
K45 Equipment Only - Toll Highways
K50 Equipment Only - Housing & Community Development
K52 Equipment Only - Libraries
K54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Equipment Only - Agriculture, Other)
K55 Equipment Only - Fish & Game
K56 Equipment Only - Forestry
K59 Equipment Only - Natural Resources, Other
K60 Equipment Only – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
K61 Equipment Only - Parks & Recreation
K62 Equipment Only - Police Protection
K66 Equipment Only - Protective Inspection and Regulation, NEC
K77 Equipment Only - Welfare Institutions
K79 Equipment Only - Welfare, Other
K80 Equipment Only - Sewerage
K81 Equipment Only - Solid Waste Management
K85 Equipment Only - Other Veterans Services
K87 Equipment Only - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
K89 Equipment Only - General, Other
K90 Equipment Only - Liquor Stores
K91 Equipment Only - Water Utilities
K92 Equipment Only - Electric Utilities
K93 Equipment Only - Gas Utilities
K94 Equipment Only - Transit Utilities
M01 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Air Transportation
M04 Intergovernmental to Local NEC – Correctional Institutions (NEW for 2005)
M05 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Corrections, Other
M12 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Elementary and Secondary Education
M18 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Higher Education
M21 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Education
M23 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Financial Administration
M25 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Judicial and Legal
M29 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Central Staff Services
M30 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - General Support
M32 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Health
M36 Intergovernmental to Local NEC – Hospitals (NEW for 2005)
M38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Local NEC – Hospitals)
M44 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Regular Highways
M50 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Housing & Community Development
M52 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Libraries
M54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Local NEC – Agriculture)
M55 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Fish & Game
M56 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Forestry
M59 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Natural Resources
M60 Intergovernmental to Local NEC – Parking Facilities (NEW for 2005)
M61 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Parks & Recreation
M62 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Police Protection
M66 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Protective Inspection & Regulations
M67 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Welfare, Categorical Assistance Programs
M68 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Welfare, Cash Assistance Programs
M79 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Welfare
M80 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Sewerage
M81 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Solid Waste Management
M87 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Sea and Inland Port Facilities
M89 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - General
M91 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Water Utilities
M92 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Electric Utilities
M93 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Gas Utilities
M94 Intergovernmental to Local NEC - Transit Utilities
N01 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Air Transportation)
N05 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose – Corrections)
N12 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Elementary and Secondary Education)
N18 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Higher Education)
N21 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Education, Other)
N23 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Financial Administration)
N25 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Judicial and Legal)
N29 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Central Staff Services)
N30 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - General Support)
N32 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Health, Other)
N38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Hospitals, Other)
N44 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Regular Highways)
N50 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Housing & Community Development)
N52 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose – Libraries)
N54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Agriculture, Other)
N55 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Fish & Game)
N56 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose – Forestry)
N59 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Natural Resources, Other)
N61 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Parks & Recreation)
N62 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Police Protection)
N66 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Protective Inspection and Regulation, NEC)
N67 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Welfare, Categorical Assistance Programs)
N68 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Welfare, Cash Assistance Programs)
N79 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Welfare, Other)
N80 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose – Sewerage)
N81 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Solid Waste Management)
N87 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Sea and Inland Port Facilities)
N89 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - General, Other)
N91 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Water Utilities)
N92 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Electric Utilities)
N93 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Gas Utilities)
N94 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to General Purpose - Transit Utilities)
Q12 Intergovernmental to School District - Elementary and Secondary Education
Q18 Intergovernmental to School District - Higher Education, Other
R01 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Air Transportation)
R12 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Elementary and Secondary Education)
R18 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Higher Education, Other)
R30 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - General Support)
R32 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Health, Other)
R38 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Hospitals, Other)
R44 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Regular Highways)
R50 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Housing & Community Development)
R52 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District – Libraries)
R54 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Agriculture, Other)
R55 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Fish & Game)
R56 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District – Forestry)
R59 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Natural Resources, Other)
R61 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Parks & Recreation)
R62 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Police Protection)
R66 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Protective Inspection and Regulation, NEC)
R79 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Welfare, Other)
R80 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District – Sewerage)
R81 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Solid Waste Management)
R87 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Sea and Inland Port Facilities)
R89 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - General, Other)
R91 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Water Utilities)
R92 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Electric Utilities)
R93 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Gas Utilities)
R94 DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Intergovernmental to Special District - Transit Utilities)
S67 Intergovernmental to Federal - Welfare, Categorical Assistance Programs
S74 Intergovernmental to Federal - Welfare, Vendor Payments for Medical Care (NEW for 2006)
S89 Intergovernmental to Federal - General, Other
T01 Tax - Property
T09 Tax - General Sales
T10 Tax - Alcoholic Beverage Sales
T11 Tax - Amusement
T12 Tax - Insurance Premiums
T13 Tax - Motor Fuels Sales
T14 Tax - Pari-mutuels
T15 Tax - Public Utilities
T16 Tax - Tobacco Sales
T19 Tax - Other Selective Sales
T20 Tax - Alcoholic Beverage License
T21 Tax - Amusement License
T22 Tax - Corporation License
T23 Tax - Hunting & Fishing License
T24 Tax - Motor Vehicle License
T25 Tax - Motor Vehicle Operators License
T27 Tax - Public Utility License
T28 Tax - Occupation & Business License, NEC
T29 Tax - Other License
T40 Tax - Individual Income
T41 Tax - Corporation Net Income
T50 Tax - Death & Gift
T51 Tax - Documentary & Stock Transfer
T53 Tax - Severance
T99 Tax - NEC
U01 Miscellaneous - Special Assessments
U11 Miscellaneous - Property Sale Other
U20 Miscellaneous - Interest Earnings
U21 Miscellaneous – Other Dividends (New for 2005)
U30 Miscellaneous - Fines & Forfeits
U40 Miscellaneous - Rents
U41 Miscellaneous - Royalties
U50 Miscellaneous - Donations From Private Sources
U95 Miscellaneous - Net Lottery Revenue
U99 Miscellaneous - General Revenue, NEC
W01 Sinking Fund - Cash & Deposits
W31 Bond Fund - Cash & Deposits
W61 Other Funds - Cash & Deposits
X01 Employee Retirement Receipts - Local Employee Contribution
X02 Employee Retirement Receipts - State Employee Contribution
X05 Employee Retirement Receipts - Contributions from Local Government
X06 Employee Retirement Receipts - State Government Contributions to Own State System
X08 Employee Retirement Receipts - Total Earnings on Investments
X11 Employee Retirement Expenses - Benefit Payments
X12 Employee Retirement Expenses - Withdrawals
X21 Employee Retirement - Total Cash & Deposits
X30 Employee Retirement - Total Federal Securities
X40 DISCONTINUED for 2002; see Z77 (Formerly: Employee Retirement - Securities - Corporate Bonds (Book Value))
X41 DISCONTINUED for 2002; see Z78 (Formerly: Employee Retirement - Securities - Corporate Stocks (Book Value))
X42 Employee Retirement - Securities, Mortgages
X44 Employee Retirement - Total Other Securities
X47 Employee Retirement - Other Investments, Other
Y01 Unemployment Compensation - Contribution
Y02 Unemployment Compensation - Interest Revenue
Y04 Unemployment Compensation - Federal Advances
Y05 Unemployment Compensation - Benefit Payments
Y06 Unemployment Compensation - Extended & Special Payments
Y07 Unemployment Compensation - Balance In US Treasury
Y08 Unemployment Compensation - Other Balance (+ or-)
Y10 Workers Compensation - Own Contribution
Y11 Workers Compensation - Other Contributions
Y12 Workers Compensation - Interest Earnings
Y13 Workers Compensation - Other Investment Earnings (unused since 1994)
Y14 Workers Compensation - Benefit Payments
Y15 Workers Compensation - Other Payments
Y21 Workers Compensation - Cash & Assets
Y50 Other Insurance Trust - Own Contributions
Y51 Other Insurance Trust - Other Contributions
Y52 Other Insurance Trust - Interest Revenue
Y53 Other Insurance Trust - Benefit Payment
Y54 Other Insurance Trust - Other Payments
Y55 Other Insurance Trust - Other Investments (unused since 1977)
Y61 Other Insurance Trust - Cash & Deposits
Z00 Total Salaries & Wages
Z41 Liquor Stores - Net Sales
Z42 Liquor Stores - Cost of Goods
Z43 Liquor Stores - Operating Expenditures
Z44 Liquor Stores - Other Income
Z45 Liquor Stores - Nonoperating Expenditures
Z46 Liquor Stores - Transfer to General Funds
Z47 Liquor Stores - License & Enforcement
Z48 Liquor Stores - Liquor Taxes
Z51 Lotteries Exhibit - Ticket Sales
Z52 Lotteries Exhibit - Prizes
Z53 Lotteries Exhibit - Administrative Expenditures
Z54 Lotteries Exhibit - Proceeds
Z61 Transit Subsidy Contribution
Z77 Employee Retirement - Corporate Bonds (market value)-- NEW as of 2002
Z78 Employee Retirement - Corporate Stocks (market value)-- NEW as of 2002
19H DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Beginning Outstanding, Education, NEC)
19X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Beginning Outstanding, NEC)
19U Long Term Debt Beginning – Unspecified Public Purposes (NEW for 2005)
21A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Water Utilities)
21B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Electric Utilities)
21C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Gas Utilities)
21D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Transit Utilities)
21F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Elementary & Secondary Education)
21G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Higher Education)
21X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue - Full Faith & Credit, Other NEC)
24A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Water Utilities)
24B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Electric Utilities)
24C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Gas Utilities)
24D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Transit Utilities)
24F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Elementary and Secondary Education)
24G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Higher Education)
24T Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Public Debt for Private Purpose
24X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Issue, Nonguaranteed - Other NEC)
29U Long Term Debt Issue – Unspecified Public Purposes (NEW for 2005)
31A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Water Utilities)
31B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Electric Utilities)
31C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Gas Utilities)
31D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Transit Utilities)
31F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Elementary & Secondary Education)
31G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Higher Education)
31X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired - Full Faith & Credit, Other NEC)
34A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Water Utilities)
34B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Electric Utilities)
34C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Gas Utilities)
34D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Transit Utilities)
34F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Elementary and Secondary Education)
34G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Higher Education)
34T Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Public Debt for Private Purpose
34X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Retired Nonguaranteed - Other, NEC)
39U Long Term Debt Retired - Unspecified Public Purposes (NEW for 2005)
41A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Water Utilities)
41B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Electric Utilities)
41C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Gas Utilities)
41D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Transit Utilities)
41F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Elementary & Secondary Education)
41G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Higher Education)
41X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding - Full Faith & Credit, Other NEC)
44A DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Water Utilities)
44B DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Electric Utilities)
44C DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Gas Utilities)
44D DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Transit Utilities)
44F DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Elementary and Secondary Education)
44G DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Higher Education)
44T Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Industrial Revenue
44X DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Outstanding Nonguaranteed - Other, NEC)
49U Long Term Debt Outstanding – Unspecified Public Purposes (NEW for 2005)
52T Long Term Debt Refunded - Issued
53T Long Term Debt Refunded - Retired
61V Short Term Debt Outstanding - Beginning
64V Short Term Debt Outstanding - End of Fiscal Year
71W DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Offsets - Full Faith & Credit)
74W DISCONTINUED for 2005 (Formerly: Long Term Debt Offsets – Nonguaranteed)


Origin Code

Origin Code Definition
24 Annual Survey of State Government Finances

Reasons for the government finance program redesign:

To comply with new and stricter statistical standards for Federal government sample surveys. Data collection and estimation methodologies had to be changed to comply with the new standards.

*  Many classification categories were added to the local government component.
*  Some changes were made to the state government component.

To simplify the variable set being collected, with the goals of reducing processing time and redesigning the survey data collection instruments (print and electronic).

To revise the variable set as needed so that it reflects current government sector financial reporting standards and practices.

To update and clarify the definitions, which had been in place since 1988.

For specific details on the changes resulting from the 2005 redesign please see Appendix 1 of the 2006 version of the Government Finance and Employment Classification Manual located on the Internet at:

Please note: Effective with the 2002 Census of Governments the non-government security categories of corporate bonds and corporate stocks are reported at fair market value in accordance with Statement 34 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Users should use caution when comparing asset data from fiscal year 2002 and forward from earlier years.

As a result this dictionary contains two new variables starting in 2002. Item code Z77 is "Employee Retirement-Securities --Corporate Bonds (market value)." Item code Z78 is "Employee Retirement -Corporate Stocks-(market value)." Prior to 2002, these two variables were included in the survey at X40 and X41, respectively, and measured at book value (cost basis) instead of at market value. Users can refer to the Documentation for the annual survey Public Employee Retirement Systems of State and Local Governments for additional information about these two changes.

Additional items that are impacted by this change from cost basis to market value accounting are the Insurance Trust Systems. As a result, any unrealized gains or losses can impact the overall revenues of a particular government unit. Users should consider market variations when examining revenues and assets. For example, when comparing revenues from 2000 to 2004 fluctuations in the insurance trust system will impact total revenues. Thus users should be aware that changes in total revenues may not actually be the result of real increases or decreases in revenues but may be the result of market variation.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division
Created: November 2 2007
Last revised: December 21 2007