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Henri D. Grissino-Mayer's
Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages


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University of Forestry, Bulgaria
Dendrochronology Laboratory

Resources for Dendrochronologists

An incredible amount of information is readily available to those interested in dendrochronology, of which most sources are listed below. Simply place the mouse on the line containing the desired link, and click away. By "resources," I mean a site where you can learn about tree-ring research or connect to a site that will help you do your tree-ring research. You may want to know where to buy equipment or what workshops are held for those interested in dendrochronology. If you're interested in learning which institutions or which scientists are conducting tree-ring research, be sure to go to the "Links" page using the button on the left. If you or your colleagues learn of any new sites that you feel would be a valuable addition to this listing of resources, be sure to contact me at the address at the bottom of this page and let me know what you found!

Conferences and workshops

5th South American Dendrochronological Fieldweek
The 5th South American Dendrochronological Fieldweek that will be held in Faxinal do Céu, Paraná State, Brazil, 17-24 January 2009. This field course is a part of a series of dendrochronology and dendroecology courses taught throughout South America since 2000 (San Martin de los Andes, Argentina, 2000; San Pablo de Tregua, Chile, 2003; Pró-Mata, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 2005; Puerto Blest, Patagonia, Argentina, 2008). Through the Dendrochronological Fieldweek, we aim to familiarize researchers and graduate students with the growth rings of trees and their many applications to environmental sciences. Well recognized dendrochronologists will guide groups of students to the resolution of particular topics through field and laboratory rich discussions. We hope all participants will enjoy and profit with this opportunity to learn details of this valuable technique of environment research as well as will take advantages to develop personal contacts that could lead to significant future collaborative research.

A course offered to graduated students in fields of Biology, Agronomy, Forestry, Geography, Archaeology, Ecology, and related disciplines. Due to logistical reasons, the maximum number of participants has been established at 30 students. In case the number of applicants exceeds the established maximum number of participants, the Coordinator will determine the order of the definitive list of participants.

Dr. Paulo Cesar Botos (e-mail: botosso@cnpf.embrapa.br)
Dr. Fidel Alejandro Roig (email:

First American Dendrochronology Conference
Called "AmeriDendro 2008," the conference will be held 23 to 27 June in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The conference "is intended for academics, scientists, students, and managers interested in tree-ring research and its application in climatology, environmental sciences, archaeology, geology, resource management, conservation, policy, and society." Immediately preceding the conference will be the 18th Annual North American Dendroecological Fieldweek. The 2008 meeting will be the first of a series of AmeriDendro Meetings, which are scheduled to be held every fourth year.

Climate Change and Dendrochronology in Caspian Ecosystems
Organized by the
Caspian Ecosystems Research Institute and the Natural Resources Faculty, this conference will be held on May 20th and 21st, 2008 in Sari, Iran, one of the first-ever conferences on dendrochronology in this portion of southern Asia. This symposium will focus on the impacts of climate change on Caspian ecosystems as well as hyrcanian forest sectors around the Caspian Sea and elsewhere. Fields to be covered include Dendroclimatology, Wood Anatomy, Tree Physiology, Fire History, Stable Isotopes, Crossdating and Paleobotanical Studies, and Forest Ecology.

First Asian Dendrochronology Conference
Held September 9-15, 2007, this conference focused on and summarized the most recent scientific achievements in this multidisciplinary field in Southeast Asia, helped arrange innovative joint projects, and last but not least, introduced graduate students and young scientists from Asian countries into this promising field. The results expected from this conference will give scientists a better understanding of the close relationship between monsoon climate and tree growth, and the tree-ring network envisaged for Asia will support a closer cooperation and exchange of data and ideas within this region.

International Winter School on Wood Anatomy of Tree Rings
This popular annual workshop provides scientists with a venue to learn about the wood anatomy of tree rings in extraordinary detail. In 2008, the winter school will be held at Klosters Dorf, Switzerland from 23 to 29 November. the workshop is hosted by Holger Gärtner and Fritz Hans Schweingruber of the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research. A very important part of the course is the additional teaching of different anatomical preparation techniques.

North American Dendroecological Fieldweek
The North American Dendroecological Fieldweek (NADEF) provides an intensive learning experience in dendrochronology. Previous experience in field and laboratory-based tree-ring techniques is not required. Participants range from new initiates in the field to seasoned veterans with over 20 years or longer of experience. Group leaders of the fieldweek are among the top scientists in the various fields of global environmental change. Everybody that participates in  the fieldweeks learns new things because the projects and locations are different every year.

TRACE 2008: Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology
TRACE 2008 will be held 27-30 April 2008 in Zakopane, Poland. Initiated by the Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR, the TRACE conferences "seek to strengthen the network and scientific exchange of scientists and students involved in the study of tree rings." The conference provides a relaxes atmosphere in which young scientists and students are given the opportunity to present concepts, ongoing and finished work. The scope of the meetings includes all fields of dendroecology.

International Dendroecological Fieldweek
This year, the fieldweek will be held 14-20 September 2008 in the Loetschen Valley of Switzerland. Topics will cover the full spectrum of dendrochronological issues (climate, ecology, geomorphology, archeology ...) and foster cross-disciplinary links. Each topic will include keynote lectures, field work, sample preparation and tree-ring analyses in small groups. At the end of the week all participants are expected to present a poster of their results and there will be ample opportunity for discussion. Teachers will include Ulf Büntgen, Paolo Cherubini, Jan Esper, David Frank, Holger Gärtner, Patrick Fonti, Kerstin Treydte, Valerie Trouet and Fritz Schweingruber.

The EuroDendro conferences take place every two years at some location in Europe. In 2008, the conference is hosted by the Institute of Wood Science and Technology at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria, and will be held in historic Hallstatt, Austria. The theme of the conference is "
The Long History of Wood Utilization." Four sessions will be presented on: (1) forest and wood utilization, (2) dendroclimatology, (3)wood formation and wood anatomy, and (4) forest growth, dynamics and protection against mass movements. EuroDendro is the traditional conference of the European dendrochronologists. These conferences have always been arranged by members of the European Working Group for Dendrochronology. Although EuroDendro conferences are traditionally European meetings, all scientists are invited to participate.

Tucson Tree-Ring Summer School
The world-famous
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona annually hosts a three-week, intensive summer school that provides course credits. The Laboratory usually offers short summer courses in three disciplines of dendrochronology, including studies in dendroclimatology, dendroecology, and dendroarchaeology. In 2007, classes will convene May 14-June 1. Contact information: Dendroclimatology: Malcolm Hughes, 520-621-6470, or Ramzi Touchan, 520-621-2992. Dendroecology: Don Falk, 520-626-7201, or Tom Swetnam, 520-621-2112. Dendroarchaeology: Ron Towner, 520-621-6465.

7th International Conference on Dendrochronology
International conferences in tree-ring research are held once every four years, and the last meeting was held recently 11-17 June 2006 in Beijing, China. The meeting, which was a huge success, was organized by the Tree-Ring Society, the Association for Tree-Ring Research, and the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Detailed information about the conference can still be accessed at this web site.

Tree-ring, climate, and paleoclimatic data

The International Tree-Ring Data Bank
The ITRDB contains over 3,300 tree-ring chronologies and over 2,400 measurement data sets from around the world, representing data from over 100 species in more than 50 countries. The ITRDB is housed at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. This site has numerous, very useful links to software for graphing tree-ring data, and has an excellent search engine that allows easy retrieval and downloading of all the tree-ring data sets.

Other tree-ring data sets:

    Reconstructed temperature and precipitation from tree rings in North America, made available by Harold C. Fritts.
  • Numerical Data Package 002
    Tree-ring chronology indices and reconstructions of precipitation in central Iowa, USA, made available by T.J. Blasing and D.N. Duvick.
  • FORAST Database
    Data from the immense project "Forest Responses to Anthropogenic Stress," made available by S.B. McLaughlin et al.
  • Olympic Peninsula Subalpine Tree-Ring Data
    Annual growth measurements for the subalpine trees Abies lasiocarpa and Tsuga mertensiana in the Cascade and Olympic Mountain areas of Washington State, USA, made available by David Peterson.
  • Climate Since A.D. 1500
    Tree-ring data discussed in Chapters 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, and 24 are available via ftp. Be sure to read the "read me" file for more information. Made available by the individual contributors and the National Geophysical Data Center.

The International Multiproxy Paleofire Database
The purpose of the IMPD is to "create a broadly-accessible online database of fire history derived from paleoenvironmental proxy data, which will enhance our understanding of the relationships between fire and climate (drought in particular) and provide a basis for long-term fire predictions." Much of the data in the paleofire datadase is derived from fire event series, using fire-scar chronologies from multiple sites in North and South America. Also contained in the IMPD are tree-ring based data sets that provide information on stand development.

The National Climatic Data Center
A common question I'm asked all the time concerns locating various types of climatic data for comparing with tree growth. Personally, I've obtained most of my data through this link to the NCDC. From here, you can download temperature, precipitation, Palmer Drought Severity Index, and degree-day climatic data, just to name a few, right to your computer!

NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
This link connects to the National Geophysical Data Center Paleoclimatology Program in Denver, Colorado, which also acts as the World Data Center - A for Paleoclimatology, and the IGBP PAGES (International Geosphere-Biosphere Program Past Global Changes) Data Coordination Center. From here you can access all kinds of paleoclimatic data, including ice core data, tree-ring data, documentary data, pollen data, and sedimentary data.

References and books

The Bibliography of Dendrochronology
Help with locating and obtaining references vital to one's research is always important when initiating research. The bibliographic database was compiled and is constantly maintained by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, and placed online with the immense help of Michéle Kaennel Dobbertin at the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

Useful Journals in Dendrochronology
The Tree-Ring Bulletin, begun in 1934 as the official newsletter of the newly-formed Tree-Ring Society, was the first journal to provide an outlet for research about tree rings. In 1983, the journal Dendrochronologia appeared, providing an additional and important outlet for tree-ring research with an emphasis on European research. The next page will provide information about these journals and many more!

Proceedings of the Conference on Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity
The proceedings from the international conference held in Tucson, Arizona, in 1994 are being distributed, and you can order volumes from this link. The volume contains some 82 peer-reviewed papers in all areas of dendrochronology, from climate studies and archaeology to ecological and disturbance studies. Cost of the volume is $US 65.

Learn more about tree-ring research

Association for Tree-Ring Research
This newly-formed association is particularly aimed at research groups and individual scientists working primarily in Europe, especially those new to the field who wish to learn more about their nearby colleagues. These web page are well-organized, very colorful, very entertaining, and very informative. Go here to learn more about the association, upcoming conferences, discussion groups, and databases. Interestingly, you can upload information about your own group, such as recent publications. Joining the ATR is extremely easy with their Membership page!

The Tree-Ring Society
This society is the sole organization dedicated to dendrochronology. Its missions are to 

  • To promote tree-ring research to the global scientific community
  • To facilitate organization of symposia, conferences, and workshops on all aspects of tree-ring research
  • To publish results of tree-ring studies
  • To disseminate knowledge of dendrochronology to other disciplines and to the public

This web site has links that provide information on membership in the society (including how to subscribe to the society), how to receive the society's flagship journal (Tree-Ring Research), meetings and workshops sponsored by the society, and a link to the society by-laws.

Crossdating Tree Rings Using Skeleton Plotting
Paul Sheppard has developed what is surely the best site that demonstrates the principle of crossdating. On these excellent well-written pages, you'll find information about ring-growth anomalies, complacent versus sensitive ring patterns, pattern matching, dendrochronological applications, and more. Dr. Sheppard also provides an easy-to-use Java applet where you can actually try your hand at creating "skeleton plots," which aid the dendrochronologist in crossdating tree-ring patterns! A highly recommended site!

The ITRDB Dendrochronology Forum on the Internet
The ITRDB Forum (ITRDBFOR) on the Internet was established in 1988 by Harold C. Fritts to promote communication among dendrochronologists around the world. It has been managed since 1988 by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. Today, the forum has 600 members from 33 countries. This link will provide you with more detailed information, such as how to join and participate, how to find out who its members are, and what kinds of discussions you can expect!

CanDendro: Canadian Dendrochronology Research Group
CanDendro is a very comprehensive archive of information related to Canadian dendrochronology, including lists of laboratories, contact information, a link to a massive bibliographic database, a photo gallery, and most importantly, a link to dendrochronology collections in Canada. CanDendro also operates a list moderated by Dan Smith of the University of Victoria Tree-Ring Laboratory. CanDendro enables CDRG members and student dendrochronologists to post items of interest or to ask questions of the Canadian tree ring community.

Hal Fritts's DendroPower
This link includes information about PRECON Version 5.01, software designed to help investigate the climate/tree growth relationship, and TREERING 2.0, a process model of tree growth with daily time steps. Hal also provides information about obtaining his many references, some out of print, and about an internet discussion list he manages about cambial activity and tree-ring structure.

The Bristlecone Pine Home Page
Perhaps one of the most beautiful of all Web Pages, these pages, designed by Leonard Miller, describe all one needs to know to become familiar with the bristlecone pine trees (Pinus longaeva) of the western United States. These are the oldest known trees in the world, attaining ages in excess of 5,000 years. These pages have received numerous awards from those who monitor the best of the Web sites.


Educational resources

Tree-Ring Cross Sections, from Outsource Solutions
This company is a primary supplier of tree-ring cross sections. They offer cross sections from six different tree types, two coniferous and four deciduous types found in the northern U.S. The sections range from 2.5" - 4" in diameter and 3/8" thick. They offer red pine, white pine, oak, walnut, ash, and basswood rounds. The rounds can be purchased individually or as a set. Using the variety of tree types, educators can teach tree aging, growth patterns, wood density, wood structure and tree identification. The company supplies cross-sections to wholesalers and those developing educational kits, and discounts are available. E-mail, outsource@compufort.com.

Introduction to Dendrochronology
Finally, someone has put together a basic set of "how-to" web pages designed to help anyone get started doing basic dendrochronology! Brian C. McCarthy and Darrin S. Rubino designed these excellent pages as part of a presentation at the Ecological Society of America conference, and the pages are used by the Plant ecology class at Ohio University. You'll learn how to use an increment borer, how to core a tree, how to mount and prepare the cores you obtain, how to crossdate the rings using skeleton plots, and you'll also learn how to analyze the climatic properties of the ring widths themselves. These pages assume that you have the minimal basics to do the analyses, hence most classes should be able to do these exercises.

The World of Trees
"This educational site is a production of Domtar Inc., in cooperation with the Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Îles, le Fonds de l'autoroute de l'information (FAI) and the ministère de l'Éducation du Québec, to inform and entertain." A wonderful site, and very informative for elementary schools regarding tree rings. Click on the upper left side of the page where it says "Enter here," and choose any of the options available from the next framed page. For example, in the left pane, you will see a section called "A Year in the Life of a Tree," which contains information about tree rings, with many pictures of trees as well!

NOAA Paleoclimatology Program Educational Slide Set of Tree Rings
Bruce Bauer and Connie Woodhouse of the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program, located at the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, USA, have put together an excellent set of 20 slides that teach basic principles of tree rings and tree-ring dating, including applications of tree-ring research. The set includes "color photos depicting dendrochronological techniques, including tree coring in the field, sample preparation, cross-dating, standardization, and chronology building. Photos and graphics of tree physiology as well as climatic interpretations derived from tree ring data." The set of slides costs US$25.00.

Tales Trees Tell
Hal Fritts has begun a new series of stories about trees and tree rings designed specifically for "kids and grownup kids interested in what trees mean to me with emphasis on the science of dendrochronology and physiological processes governing the climate and growth relationships." His first story is called The Wisdom of the Ancients and feature the bristlecone pine trees, the oldest known trees in the world. His second story is called A Day with the Giants, and his third is A Year in the Life of a Pine Tree. These links can be found about half-way down Hal's Home page - to view the file you'll need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is also free). Well worth your time - truly marvelous stories!

Guide to Dendrochronology for Educators
Lori Martinez of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, along with Rex Adams and Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, created a web page to be used by both teachers and students interested in learning more about dendrochronology. This information can be used to supplement a lesson plan or to expand your basic knowledge of dendrochronology principles. The target audience for this page are middle and high school science teachers and students, and anyone else interested in a non-technical review of tree-ring dating.

Tree Rings: A Study of Climate Change
This link is provided by the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in conjunction with their Athena staff (which provides and distributes instructional material). It's a very nicely laid out page that introduces tree rings and the role they play in understanding climate change, with plenty of definitions and great images. The page is also heavily influenced by tree-ring research in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.

The Why Files: Science Behind the News
The Why Files are funded by the National Science Foundation, and intended for use by elementary through high school students. Students get to ask questions and, in essence, create their own mini-forums with students with similar interests. A major section is entitled "The Climatologist's Toolbox" - select this, and you'll see a link to information about tree rings in response to one such question!

More Important Resources

Glaciers and Climate in the Recent Past
The Glaciological Department of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow has been together a series of web pages dedicated to the study of Paleoglaciology. Led by Dr. Olga Solomina and her colleagues, The web site aims "to disseminate the information on glacier and climate changes of the FSU in the recent past and to establish contacts with similar groups of researchers worldwide." You will also find information on the use of tree-ring data to learn about past glacial activity!

Many of us know the agony of getting our increment borers irretrievably stuck in a tree or log. We turn and turn and the borer just does not back out. At this stage, we can try using parachute cord to pull the borer out, a come-along, or even a car's scissors jack! Milton Barber and his daughter Adelia have put together a nifty portable device for getting a borer unstuck. Go here to see its design and see pictures of the Extract-o-Borer in action!

Clickable Species Zone Map of the United States
Need to learn what species of tree, shrub, or vine you may have in your state? Go here, click on your state, and a list of regional species will then be listed. You can also click on the species name to bring up a photo gallery and more detailed information on the dendrological characteristics of the species! A great learning site! Made available by the Virginia Tech Forestry Department and the USDA Forest Service.

Links for Palaeobotanists
These comprehensive web pages were developed by Klaus-Peter Kelber of the Mineralogisches Institut, Universität Würzburg. Well-organized into seven separate pages, this site provides information relevant to dendrochronologists, such as Palaeoclimate, Plant Anatomy, Palynology, Teaching Documents, Permineralized Plants and Petrified Forests, and Systematics, Taxonomy and Cladistics.

Velmex, Inc.
Velmex is the company that makes and distributes the linear-encoded measurement stages and displays that are in popular demand by the dendrochronological community. The company also distributes the Metronics QC-10V digital displays and all other hardware components needed for tree-ring measurement. To find out more, contact them at their e-mail address, available from their Web page! (I highly recommend purchasing this system.)

Agricultural Electronics Corporation
Dendrographs and dendrometers provide means for detailed analysis of tree growth patterns. The Agricultural Electronics Corporation specializes in the design and implementation of recording dendrographs and dendrometers. Founded by Bill Gensler, this company has been working with various members of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research in Tucson Arizona to measure various aspects of tree growth and electrochemistry throughout the growing season. They can be reached at:

Agricultural Electronics Corporation
P.O. Box 50291
Tucson, AZ 85703-1291 USA
520-624-9720 (fax)

Sylva WorldWide Web
Perhaps one of most beautiful and well-organized of web sites, this site provides information about forestry at the Université Laval in Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada. The dendrochronologists at the Université Laval are some of the most prolific, and publish some of the highest quality research in dendrochronology. These pages are published in both French and English. Be sure to check out the "Virtual Forest."

The World Wide Web Virtual Library of Forestry
An immense listing of resources available to those interested in forestry, with useful information about tree-ring research. Put together by the Finnish Forest Research Institute, this library has information about: journals, newsletters, mailing lists, bibliographies, publications, legislation, and forest policy.

Past Global Changes (PAGES) Project
Tree-ring data play a vital function in PAGES, a core project of the IGBP that is "... charged with providing a quantitative understanding of the Earth's past environment and defining the envelope of natural climate variability within which we can assess anthropogenic impact on the Earth's biosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere. Through the organization of coordinated national and international scientific efforts, PAGES seeks to obtain and interpret a variety of paleoclimatic records to provide the data for the validation of predictive climate models."


Constructed with much sweat by Dr. Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, Department of Geography, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996 U.S.A. All graphics and text on these pages © 1994-2008 by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. All rights reserved.
If you use any material or information from these copyrighted web pages when making your own, I expect an acknowledgment. Thanks to the University of Georgia, University of Arizona, Valdosta State University, and the University of Tennessee, to Leonard Miller, and especially to Rex Adams. No animals were harmed in the making of these web pages, although I had a nasty incident with a platypus.

Last modified: 11 August 2008 10:00. Page hits since October 1, 1996:
