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 Division of Central Services

1001 E. 62nd Ave.
Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-3970
Fax: 303-866-5302



 PART 11

24-30-1101. Legislative findings and declarations. (1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:

(a) Services such as printing, document management, mail-related services, microfilm, graphic arts, fleet management, and other similar services are being widely used by the state of Colorado as a practical and economical means of improving administrative production and efficiency;

(b) and (c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 305, § 1, effective August 4, 2004.)

(d) Meeting the service needs of state departments, institutions, and agencies in efficient and economical ways within the resource capabilities of the state is the prime goal of the division of central services policy;

(e) To most effectively utilize resources committed to existing services and to assure the best services at competitive costs to user agencies while preserving the managerial prerogatives and responsibilities assigned to department and agency heads by statute and otherwise, it is necessary to establish central planning, control, and coordination of service activities.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1177, § 3, effective June 20. L. 2004: (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) amended, p. 305, § 1, effective August 4.

24-30-1102. Definitions.

As used in this part 11, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) "Cost" means the direct cost of providing goods or services including, but not limited to, the total cost of labor and all related benefits, maintenance costs, materials, provisions, supplies, equipment rentals, equipment purchases, insurance, financing, supervision, engineering, clerical and accounting services, the value of the use of equipment, including its depreciation or replacement value, and an equitable share of other administrative costs not otherwise directly attributable to a particular good or service which may be reasonably apportioned to each particular service in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards.

(2) "Director" or "executive director" means the executive director of the department of personnel.

(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1497, § 8, effective June 1, 1996.)

(4) "Services" means printing, document management, mail-related services, microfilm, graphic arts, fleet management, and other similar support functions that are or may be used by the state of Colorado as a practical and economical means of improving administrative production and efficiency.

(5) "State agency" means this state or any department, board, bureau, commission, institution, or other agency of the state, including institutions of higher education but shall not include the state board of stock commissioners, created pursuant to section 35-41-101, C.R.S.

(6) "State-owned motor vehicle" means all motor vehicles owned by the state or any agency of the state which shall include all two- and four-wheel drive trucks, three-quarter ton and smaller, all passenger vehicles including cars, vans, station wagons and other similar passenger vehicles, and any other vehicle not described herein which may be designated as a state-owned motor vehicle if a state agency requests such designation. "State-owned motor vehicle" shall not include any vehicle donated to a specific state agency.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1178, § 3, effective June 20. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 863, § 1, effective April 20. L. 92: (3), (4), (5), and (6) added, p. 999, § 1, effective July 1. L. 96: (2) and (3) amended, p. 1497, § 8, effective June 1. L. 2004: (4) amended, p. 305, § 2, effective August 4.

24-30-1103. Central services.
(1) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1497, § 9, effective June 1, 1996.)

(2) The powers, duties, and functions concerning central services, specified by this part 11, shall be administered as if transferred by a type 2 transfer, as such transfer is defined by the "Administrative Organization Act of 1968", article 1 of this title, to the department of personnel.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1178, § 3, effective June 20. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 647, § 46, effective July 1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1497, § 9, effective June 1.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending this section, see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.

24-30-1104. Central services functions of the department.

(1) Within the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, and Jefferson and the city and county of Denver only, the department of personnel shall perform the following functions for the executive branch of the state of Colorado, its departments, institutions, and agencies, under the direction of the executive director:

(a) Formulate, in consultation with state departments, institutions, and agencies, recommendations for a strategic plan for approval of the executive director of the department of personnel and the governor no later than January 1 of 2005 and every five years thereafter;

(b) Review all existing and future services, service applications, software related to services, planning systems, personnel, equipment, and facilities and establish priorities for those that are necessary and desirable to accomplish the purposes of this part 11;

(c) Establish procedures and standards for management of service functions set forth in this part 11 for all state departments, institutions, and agencies;

(d) Establish and maintain facilities as needed to carry out the duties set forth in this part 11, including but not limited to those listed;

(e) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 306, § 3, effective August 4, 2004.)

(f) Advise the governor and the general assembly on central services matters;

(g) Prepare and submit such reports as are required by this part 11 or which the governor or the general assembly may request;

(h) Approve or disapprove the acquisition of services, service equipment, and software related to services by any state department, institution, or agency and approve, modify, or disapprove the staffing pattern for service operations by any state department, institution, or agency in accordance with the approved plan;

(i) Continually study and assess service operations and needs of state departments, institutions, and agencies;

(j) Provide services, equipment, and facilities as required pursuant to this part 11 for state departments, institutions, and agencies according to their needs;

(k) Establish, in consultation with other state departments, institutions, and agencies, techniques and standards for microfilm, digital imaging, and digital conversion and evidentiary certification of photographs, microphotographs, or reproductions;

(l) Notify state agencies through written statements, which may include electronic statements, prepared by central services that state agencies may obtain goods and services directly from the private sector, if the cost and quality of such goods or services offered by the private sector are competitive with those provided by central services.

(2) In addition to the county-specific functions set forth in subsection (1) of this section, the department of personnel shall take such steps as are necessary to fully implement a central state motor vehicle fleet system by January 1, 1993. The provisions of the motor vehicle fleet system created pursuant to this subsection (2) shall apply to the executive branch of the state of Colorado, its departments, institutions, and agencies; except that the governing board of each institution of higher education, by formal action of the board, and the Colorado commission on higher education, by formal action of the commission, may elect to be exempt from the provisions of this subsection (2) and may obtain a motor vehicle fleet system independent of the state motor vehicle fleet system. Under the direction of the executive director, the department of personnel shall perform the following functions pertaining to the motor vehicle fleet system throughout the state:

(a) Establish and operate a central state motor vehicle fleet system and such subsidiary-related facilities as are necessary to provide for the efficient and economical use of state-owned motor vehicles by state officers and employees;

(b) Establish and operate central facilities for the maintenance, repair, and storage of state-owned passenger motor vehicles for the use of state agencies; utilize any available state facilities for that purpose; and enter into contracts with such facilities as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this part 11;

(c) (I) Adopt uniform rules for motor vehicle acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, and disposal standards. Uniform rules adopted by the executive director of the department of personnel pertaining to acquisition of motor vehicles by lease or purchase shall provide that low energy consumption shall be a favorable factor in determining the low responsible bidder. The size of any passenger motor vehicle shall not be greater than necessary to accomplish its purpose.

(II) By July 1, 2010, the executive director shall adopt a policy that at least ten percent of all state-owned bi-fueled vehicles should be fueled exclusively with an alternative fuel. To encourage compliance with this policy, for one or more state fiscal years commencing before July 1, 2010, the rules promulgated pursuant to this paragraph (c) may establish progressively more stringent percentage mileposts and shall, for fiscal years commencing after July 1, 2004, require the collection of data concerning the annual percentage of state-owned bi-fueled vehicles that were fueled exclusively with an alternative fuel.

(III) For purposes of this paragraph (c):

(A) "Alternative fuel" has the meaning established in section 25-7-106.8, C.R.S.

(B) "Bi-fueled vehicle" means a motor vehicle , which may be purchased to comply with applicable federal requirements including, but not limited to, the federal "Energy Policy Act of 1992", 42 U.S.C. sec. 13257, and 42 U.S.C. sec. 7587, that can operate on both an alternative fuel and a traditional fuel or that can operate alternately on a traditional fuel and an alternative fuel.

(d) (I) Require that all state agencies transfer custody of certificates of title to all state-owned motor vehicles that are owned by such agencies to the department of personnel for the purpose of compiling complete data on all motor vehicles owned by the state;

(II) Require that all motor vehicles presently owned by state agencies be entered into the state fleet management program. Per-mile costs for the program shall be determined by criteria established by the department of personnel.

(III) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1498, § 10, effective June 1, 1996.)

(e) Require that all vehicles purchased after July 1, 1992, shall be owned by the department of personnel and leased and permanently assigned to state agencies. Purchases shall be based on specifications as requested by the state agency in cooperation and consultation with the department of personnel and the motor vehicle advisory council.

(f) Maintain, store, repair, dispose of, and replace state-owned motor vehicles under the control of the department of personnel. The department of personnel shall ensure that state-owned motor vehicles are not routinely replaced until they meet the replacement criteria relating to mileage, cost, safety, and other relevant factors established by the department.

(g) Establish and maintain a centralized record-keeping system for the acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, and disposal of all motor vehicles in the fleet;

(h) Assign suitable transportation, either on a temporary or permanent basis to any state agency upon: Proper requisition; proper showing of need for use on authorized state business; or approved commuting as provided in section 24-30-1113;

(i) Establish and maintain a record-keeping system for the assignment and use of each vehicle in the motor fleet, which shall include:

(I) Verification from the executive director of a state agency or the executive director's designee that any employee driving a state vehicle has a valid driver's license;

(II) A statement of the authorized state business or other approved purpose for which the vehicle is assigned;

(III) Any other information which the director determines is necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this part 11;

(j) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 306, § 3, effective August 4, 2004.)

(k) Allocate and charge against each state agency to which transportation is furnished, on the basis of mileage or on the basis of the period of time for which each vehicle is assigned to the agency, its proportionate part of the cost of maintenance and operation of the motor vehicle fleet;

(l) Enforce such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the director pursuant to the provisions of this part 11;

(m) Delegate or conditionally delegate to the respective heads of agencies to which state-owned motor vehicles are permanently assigned such duties as may be designated by the director for the enforcement of all or part of the rules and regulations adopted by the department of personnel;

(n) Require state agencies, officers, and employees to keep all records and make all reports regarding state-owned motor vehicle use as provided in rules and regulations adopted by the department of personnel;

(o) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2004, p. 306, § 3, effective August 4, 2004.)

(p) Negotiate and enter into contracts for the purchase or lease of such personal property as is deemed necessary to achieve the purposes and provisions of this part 11;

(q) Adopt an annual operating budget;

(r) Supervise and be responsible for the expenditure of moneys appropriated to carry out the purposes and provisions of this part 11; and

(s) Exercise any other powers or perform any other duties that are reasonably necessary for the fulfillment of the powers and duties assigned to the department of personnel pursuant to this part 11.

(3) Repealed.

(4) In addition to any other duties imposed by this section, the department of personnel shall establish and maintain a program for parking permits and building and grounds maintenance for the state capitol buildings group pursuant to part 1 of article 82 of this title. Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1178, § 3, effective June 20. L. 91: (1)(a) amended and (1)(l) added, p. 863, § 2, effective April 20. L. 92: (2) added, p. 1000, § 2, effective July 1. L. 93: (2)(i)(I) amended, p. 351, § 1, effective April 12; (3) added, p. 1829, § 1, effective July 1. L. 95: (2)(d)(III)(A) amended, p. 1104, § 38, effective May 31; IP(1), (1)(a), and (2) amended, p. 647, § 47, effective July 1. L. 96: IP(1), (1)(a), (1)(c) to (1)(f), (1)(j), IP(2), (2)(c) to (2)(f), (2)(m), (2)(n), (2)(s), and (3) amended, p. 1498, § 10, effective June 1. L. 2003: (3) amended, p. 984, § 1, effective April 17; (2)(c) amended, p. 1236, § 4, effective September 1. L. 2004: IP(2) amended, p. 602, § 1, effective July 1; (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(e), (1)(h), (1)(k), (1)(l), (2)(d)(II), (2)(f), (2)(h), (2)(j), and (2)(o) amended and (4) added, p. 306, § 3, effective August 4.

Editor's note: (1) Amendments to subsection (2) by House Bill 95-1362 and House Bill 95-1212 were harmonized.

(2) Subsection (3)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (3), effective July 1, 2004. (See L. 96, p. 1498.)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending the introductory portion to subsection (1) and subsections (1)(a) and (2), see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.

24-30-1105. Powers of the executive director - penalties.

(1) In order to perform the duties and functions set forth in this part 11, the executive director of the department of personnel shall, in relation to departments, institutions, and agencies of the executive branch:

(a) Approve the equipment, software related to services, and facilities with which specific services shall be performed by or for any state department, institution, or agency in accordance with the approved plan;

(b) Prescribe standards governing the selection and operation of service equipment by or for any state department, institution, or agency;

(c) Adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this part 11;

(d) Contract for such services as the department of personnel may require for purposes of this part 11;

(e) Require such reports from other departments, institutions, and agencies as may be necessary;

(f) Recommend to the governor the transfer of funds, equipment, supplies, and personnel from existing departments, institutions, and agencies to the department of personnel or to such other agency as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this part 11, such transfer to be effective upon the approval by the governor;

(g) Certify for evidentiary purposes as true copies of the originals, before the originals are destroyed or lost, photographs, microphotographs, or reproductions on film created by the department of personnel. Such certified photographs, microphotographs, or reproductions shall have the same legal force and effect as if certified by the original custodian of the records.

(h) In performance of such microfilm services as may be requested by the custodians of the types of documents referred to in this paragraph (h):

(I) Have rights of reasonable access in person or through employees to all types of nonconfidential documents in the possession of the state of Colorado, its departments, institutions, or agencies;

(II) Have rights of reasonable access in person or through specifically designated employees to all types of confidential documents in the possession of the state of Colorado, its departments, institutions, or agencies;

(III) Assist custodians of documents upon which microfilm, digital imaging, and digital conversion services have been performed in the lawful disposition of such documents pursuant to section 24-80-103;

(i) Have power to enter into contracts with other governmental entities in the state of Colorado for the purpose of furnishing services;

(j) Establish policies jointly with the supreme court of the state of Colorado for the expungement and sealing of official state records with a view to the technical and evidentiary problems attendant to expungement or sealing of photographs, microphotographs, and reproductions.

(2) (a) Except in accordance with judicial order or as otherwise provided by law, the executive director or the employees of the department of personnel shall not divulge or make known in any way any information disclosed in any confidential document to which the employees have access in performing the duties specified in this part 11.

(b) Officials or employees of the state who violate this subsection (2) are guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than six months nor more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such persons shall, in addition to these penalties, be subject to removal or dismissal from public service on grounds of malfeasance in office.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1179, § 3, effective June 20. L. 95: IP(1) and (1)(f) amended, p. 648, § 48, effective July 1. L. 96: IP(1), (1)(d), (1)(f), (1)(g), and (2)(a) amended, p. 1500, § 11, effective June 1. L. 2004: (1)(a) and (1)(h)(III) amended, p. 307, § 4, effective August 4.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending this section, see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.

24-30-1106. Appeal from decisions of director.

If any department, institution, or agency disagrees with any decision, plan, procedure, priority, standard, rule, or regulation or other act of the department of personnel, the head thereof shall notify the executive director of the basis for such disagreement, and the executive director may, at his or her discretion, uphold, modify, or reverse such decision, plan, procedure, priority, standard, rule, or regulation or other act; but no further action shall be taken by the department of personnel to implement any decision, plan, procedure, priority, standard, rule, or regulation or other act after such notice until the executive director has rendered his or her decision in the matter.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1180, § 3, effective June 20. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 648, § 49, effective July 1. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 1015, § 25, effective August 6.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1995 act amending this section, see section 112 of chapter 167, Session Laws of Colorado 1995.

24-30-1107. Existing and new equipment, personnel, applications, and systems subject to approval of director.

On and after June 20, 1977, no services, service equipment, or software related to services shall be purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired by any department, institution, or agency, nor shall any new service personnel be added to the state personnel system, nor shall any new applications, systems, or programs begin except upon the written approval of the executive director, nor shall any service equipment leased or operated by any department, institution, or agency on June 20, 1977, continue to be so leased or operated after July 1, 1977, unless certified by the executive director to be in accordance with the approved plan.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1181, § 3, effective June 20. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 1015, § 26, effective August 6. L. 2004: Entire section amended, p. 307, § 5, effective August 4.

24-30-1108. Revolving fund - service charges - pricing policy.

(1) There is hereby created a department of personnel revolving fund for use in acquiring such materials, supplies, labor, and overhead as are required. The fund shall be under the direction of the executive director.

(2) Users of department services shall be charged the full cost of the particular service, which shall include the cost of all material, labor, and overhead.

(3) The executive director shall have a pricing policy of remaining competitive with or at a lower rate than private industry in the operation of any service function which the executive director establishes.

(4) The executive director shall keep a full, true, and accurate record of the costs of providing each particular service.

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1181, § 3, effective June 20. L. 91: (4) added, p. 864, § 3, effective April 20. L. 96: (1) amended, p. 1544, § 141, effective June 1. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 1016, § 27, effective August 6.

24-30-1109. Reports. (Repealed)

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1181, § 3, effective June 20. L. 91: (1)(g) added, p. 864, § 4, effective April 20. L. 95: (2) amended, p. 648, § 50, effective July 1. L. 96: Entire section repealed, p. 1271, § 201, effective August 7.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1996 act repealing this section, see section 1 of chapter 237, Session Laws of Colorado 1996.

24-30-1110. Division subject to termination. (Repealed)

Source: L. 77: Entire part added, p. 1182, § 3, effective June 20. L. 81: Entire section amended, p. 1178, § 8, effective July 1. L. 83: Entire section repealed, p. 891, § 1, effective March 22.

24-30-1111. Postage meters - penalty for private use.

(1) Each state department, agency, division, board, commission, committee, and educational institution which has installed a postage meter shall place an imprint plate on such meter and a notice attached to the meter showing that the metered mail is official state of Colorado mail and that there is a penalty for the unlawful use of such postage meter for private purposes.

(2) Any person who uses a state-installed postage meter for private purposes commits a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.

Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 892, § 1, effective June 20. L. 2002: (2) amended, p. 1532, § 245, effective October 1.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 2002 act amending subsection (2), see section 1 of chapter 318, Session Laws of Colorado 2002.

Permanent assignment of vehicles - verification of minimum mileage - revocation.

(1) Unless an agency can justify to the division the need for permanent assignment because of the unique use of a vehicle, a state-owned passenger motor vehicle shall not be permanently assigned to:

(a) Any agency, state officer, or state employee, if the use of such vehicle is not likely to meet the minimum required mileage established by the department of personnel for the utilization classification associated with the vehicle's intended work function unless:

(I) The state officer's or employee's duties are routinely related to public safety; and

(II) The state officer's or employee's duties are likely to expose such officer or employee routinely to life-threatening situations.

(2) The division shall establish a program and adopt rules and regulations providing for annual verification that each permanently assigned motor vehicle has met the minimum required mileage based on the appropriate utilization classification. If verification establishes that a vehicle has not met the minimum annual mileage rate and if the responsible state agency cannot justify such lower mileage, permanent assignment shall be revoked immediately.

(3) The division shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedure for revocation of assignment of state-owned motor vehicles. Revocation of assignment shall occur when it has been determined that:

(a) The vehicle has been used for other than official business, or without the state agency executive director's approval as provided in section 24-30-1113;

(b) Required reports have not been filed or reports which have been filed fail to meet the standards established in rules and regulations adopted by the division for the filing of such reports and such deficiencies are not cured within thirty days after receiving notification from the division of such deficiency;
(c) False information has knowingly and willfully been supplied on an application for permanent assignment, commuting reimbursement form, or other required report or form;

(d) An individual required to do so fails to sign all reports or forms submitted for vehicles permanently assigned and fails to cure the deficiency within thirty days after receiving notification from the division of such deficiency;

(e) That a state-owned motor vehicle has been abused; or

(f) That a violation of other rules or regulations promulgated by the division has occurred which warrants revocation of assignment as specified in the rules and regulations adopted by the division.

(4) New requisitions for assignment of vehicle following the revocation of assignment shall not be honored until the division is assured that the violation for which a vehicle was previously revoked will not recur.

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1003, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2004: IP(1)(a), (2), and (3)(a) amended, p. 308, § 6, effective August 4.

24-30-1113. Commuting - reimbursement by state officers and employees.

(1) Except as provided in this section, the state agency shall not assign any state-owned motor vehicle to an officer or employee of a state agency for any reason other than as necessitated by the conduct of official state business.

(2) The use of state-owned motor vehicles for commuting purposes by officers and employees of state agencies between official work stations and residences may be authorized by the state agency's executive director where the state agency's executive director determines that such use is based on rules and regulations promulgated by the division and which includes:

(a) Promotion of a legitimate nonpartisan state interest;

(b) Promotion of the efficient operation of the state motor vehicle fleet system; and

(c) Is cost-effective to the state agency.

(3) A determination by the director that commuting purposes meet the criteria for commuting authorization shall be based on review and verification of written application forms and supporting documentation submitted in the manner provided in rules and regulations adopted by the division.

(4) (a) Any individual who has received the state agency executive director's authorization to use a state-owned motor vehicle for commuting purposes shall reimburse the state for such use at a rate computed by the division. This rate shall approximate the benefit derived from the use of the vehicle. Reimbursement shall be for twenty days per month regardless of how many days the individual uses the vehicle to commute during the month. Reimbursement shall be made as provided by rule.

(b) Unless provided by rule, no exceptions shall be made to the reimbursement provisions of this subsection (4).

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1004, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2004: (1) and (4) amended, p. 308, § 7, effective August 4.

24-30-1114. Restrictions on assignment of vehicles.

(1) Requisitions for assignment or reassignment of state-owned motor vehicles shall not be honored when the purpose of the assignment or reassignment is to provide a newer or lower mileage vehicle to a state officer or employee on the basis of rank, position, management authority, length of service, or other nonessential purpose.

(2) Special use vehicles, including but not limited to four-wheel drive and law enforcement vehicles, shall be assigned only to those agencies and individuals authorized or otherwise designated by the division to operate such vehicles.

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1005, § 3, effective July 1.

24-30-1115. Motor fleet management fund - creation.

(1) There is hereby created a fund to be known as the motor fleet management fund, which shall be administered by the department of personnel and which shall consist of all moneys which may be transferred thereto in accordance with section 24-30-1104 (2) (k) or 24-30-1113 (4).

(2) The moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the purposes of this part 11. Any moneys not appropriated shall remain in the fund and shall not be transferred to or revert to the general fund of the state at the end of any fiscal year. Subject to severe budget constraints and annual appropriation, a portion of the state motor fleet shall be replaced each year. The number of motor vehicles to be replaced annually shall be based on a methodology provided by the department of personnel and approved by the general assembly.

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1005, § 3, effective July 1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1500, § 12, effective June 1. L. 2004: (2) amended, p. 309, § 8, effective August 4.

24-30-1116. Vanpooling - state-owned vehicles - revolving account. (Repealed)

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1005, § 3, effective July 1. L. 95: (6)(d) and (6)(e) amended, p. 648, § 51, effective July 1. L. 2004: Entire section repealed, p. 309, § 9, effective August 4.

24-30-1117. Exclusive authority to acquire state-owned motor vehicles.

The department of personnel shall have the exclusive authority to purchase, lease, and otherwise acquire motor vehicles for such use by state officers and employees as may be necessitated in the course and conduct of official state business. Except for any vehicles donated to specific state agencies, no motor vehicle shall be purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired by any state agency unless such vehicle is obtained through the department of personnel or under an express waiver granted by the department.

Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1007, § 3, effective July 1. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1501, § 13, effective June 1. L. 2004: Entire section amended, p. 310, § 10, effective August 4.

24-30-1118. Statewide travel management program - creation - duties of department - mandatory use by state employees - repeal. (Repealed)

Source: L. 93: Entire section added, p. 1829, § 2, effective July 1. L. 95: IP(3) amended, p. 649, § 52, effective July 1. L. 96: (2), IP(3), IP(3)(e), IP(3)(e)(I), (3)(e)(I)(C), (3)(e)(I)(D), (3)(e)(II), and (3)(j) amended, p. 1501, § 14, effective June 1. L. 2003: (5) and (6) added, p. 984, § 2, effective April 17.

Editor's note: Subsection (6) provided for the repeal of this section, effective July 1, 2004. (See L. 2003, p. 984.)