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Funding Assistive Technology and Accommodations

There are a variety of options available for funding assistive technology, equipment, and accommodations needed to perform job tasks. One-Stop staff assistance can range from limited guidance, to extensive involvement in arranging for funding and will depend on:

Funding by the Employer

The first option that should be considered is the employer. Employers are required to pay for assistive technology, equipment, and other accommodations, if the request meets the criteria for a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A lengthy discussion about whether an accommodation is reasonable may not be necessary if employers see the cost of an accommodation as simply part of the investment needed to ensure a productive employee. Employers costs can be offset by:

ADA Small Business Tax Credit:

Businesses with 30 or fewer employees or $1,000,000 or less per year in total revenue can receive a tax credit for the cost of accommodations provided to an employee (or customer) with a disability. This credit covers 50% of eligible expenditures up to $10,000 (maximum credit per year of $5000). For additional information, contact the Internal Revenue Service.

WOTC & WtW Tax Credits:

Although not directly connected to accommodations, any employer can use these tax credits to help offset costs of assistive technology, equipment, or accommodations for a person with a disability.

Additional information on these tax credits can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor: WOTC state and regional contacts can be found at

WOTC and WtW tax credit request forms and state contact information can also be obtained by calling (877) 828-2050 (a toll-free number). This Fax-On-Demand service allows access to WOTC/WtW request forms via Fax by using a touch-tone telephone or a fax machine. Up to two documents may be requested per call. Once you call this service, simply follow the instructions and enter the document number (listed below) that corresponds to the form or information needed.

Non-Employer Options

In some cases, an accommodation may not be considered reasonable but may still be necessary or desired. Also, as noted in the Overview document, there are circumstances where it does not make practical sense for employers to pay for a reasonable accommodation, such as:

The individual may pay for the accommodation out of pocket; however, there are a variety of other non-employer options. Some are fairly straightforward and quick; others require significant investigation and lead time.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The state Vocational Rehabilitation agency (VR) can pay for assistive technology, equipment, or other accommodations for individuals who qualify for VR services. Since VR is a One-Stop partner, it makes sense for One-Stop staff to start by contacting VR to determine if VR can pay or identify other funding options.

Medical Insurance

Social Security Work Incentives

To find out more, visit the SSA web site at: and look in the work incentives section. Contact information for PASS Cadres is on the SSA web site. You can also call SSA at (800) 772-1213, to find out who your local PASS Cadre is. See section 9, Social Security, for more information on IRWE and PASS.

Veterans Affairs

If the individual with a disability is a veteran, or a dependent of a veteran, they may be eligible for funding from the Veterans Administration (VA). The VA is specifically authorized by law to pay for devices and assistive technology for people with disabilities. Contact your local Veterans Affairs Office, listed in the government pages of the phone directory, or the national office at (800) 827-1000 or

Local Service, Charitable, Religious & Civic Organizations

Funding may be available from local organizations. Although it can take some work to identify possible organizations, funding can then sometimes be obtained fairly quickly. Listings are often available from local community guides and phone books. An individual with a disability may belong to such an organization or have a connection (via a relative or neighbor) that can be useful in utilizing this funding resource.

Private Foundations

A wide variety of national, regional, and local private foundations can be sources of funding. Application procedures and application response time vary significantly. Resources and assistance in identifying funding sources is available from:

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 620-4230
Fax: (212) 691-1828
Web site:

Each state has a resource library on funding, called a cooperating collection. The list of cooperating collections is available from the Foundation Center.

Funding Sources for Assistive Technology, Equipment, and Accommodations

Funding Source


For More Information/Contact


Required to fund only if meets criteria for "reasonable accommodation" under ADA

Employer costs can be offset by:

  • ADA Small Business Tax Credit--up to $5,000/yr.
    Contact IRS via government pages of phone book or
  • WOTC & WtW Tax Credit--Any employer can receive up to $2,400/employee from WOTC and $8,500/employee from WtW.
    Contact U.S. Dept. of Labor via government pages of phone book or at;
    forms available by calling (877) 828-2050.

Vocational Rehabilitation

One-Stop partner; must qualify for VR services

VR contact via One-Stop should be able to help


For people who have Medicare health insurance

Contact local Medicare office (government pages of phone book) or CMS at


For people who have Medicare health insurance. State may have additional guidelines

Contact local Medicare office (government pages of phone book) or CMS at

Private Insurance


Check policy and/or contact carrier

Social Security Work Incentives

IRWE--for people on SSI & SSDI
PASS--for people on SSI

Contact local Social Security Administration (SSA) office or call
(800) 772-1213

Veteran's Affairs

For people who are veterans or dependents of veterans

Contact the VA via the governement pages of the phone book or at (800) 827-1000; website:

Local Service, Charitable, Religious, & Civic Organizations

Check to see if individual with disability has connection with such an organization

Local community guides and phone books often have listings of such organizations

Private Foundations

Application procedures and response times vary significantly

The Foundation Center
79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Tel: (212) 620-4230, Fax: (212) 691-1828
- Each state also has a Foundation Center "cooperating collection"

Written by:

Institute for Community Inclusion

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