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Other Image Resources


X-ray image of Antennae Galaxies Antennae Galaxies - Chandra
Antennae galaxy Antennae Galaxies - Chandra
coliding galaxies Arp 220 Arp 220 - Chandra
Arp 299 Arp 299 - Chandra
X-ray image of Cygnus A jets Cygnus A - Chandra
M51 IC 4329 & IC 4329A - ROSAT HRI
M31 M31 - ROSAT, EXOSAT and Einstein
X-ray image of M31 M31 - Chandra ACIS
closup X-ray image of M31 M31 central region - XMM-Newton EPIC
M31 central region M31 central region - XMM-Newton EPIC
M51 M51 (The Whirlpool Galaxy) - Einstein HRI
X-ray image of M82 M82 - Chandra ACIS
closup X-ray image of M82 M82's middle-mass black hole - Chandra
X-ray image of M83 M83 - Chandra
X-ray and optical images of M101 M101 - XMM-Newton (EPIC & OM)
X-ray image of M86 M86 - Chandra
galactic center region Milky Way Galaxy center - GRANAT SIGMA
Aluminum 26 regions in our Galaxy Radioactive Al 26 in our Galaxy - INTEGRAL
Aluminum 26 regions in our Galaxy Al 26 in our Galaxy - CGRO Comptel
Gamma-ray sources Galactic Anticenter - CGRO EGRET
galactic center region Milky Way Galaxy center - ROSAT PSPC
X-ray image of galactic center Center of Milky Way Galaxy - Chandra ACIS
X-ray image of the Galactic Center Milky Way Galactic Center mosaic - Chandra
Sag A* Milky Way's central region: Sag A* - Chandra
Galactic Center flare from Sag A* Flare from Milky Way's Sag A* - XMM-Newton
Milky Way center in x-rays Milky Way's Center - Integral
Milky Way center in x-rays Milky Way's Center - Chandra
Galactic Ridge Milky Way's Galactic Ridge - Chandra/VLA
Galactic Plane in x-rays Milky Way's Galactic Plane - INTEGRAL
LMC in x-rays X-ray map of LMC - ROSAT HRI
x-ray image of 30 Doradus 30 Doradus region - XMM-Newton EPIC camera
X-ray image of NGC 253 NGC 253 - ROSAT
X-ray image of NGC 253 NGC 253 - ASCA SIS (0.5-2keV)
Starburst region of NGC 253 Starburst galaxy NGC 253 - XMM-Newton EPIC
NGC 253 NGC 253 - Chandra ACIS
x-ray and optical images ofNGC 720 NGC 720 - Chandra & DSS optical
NGC 891 NGC 891 - Chandra
NGC 1553 NGC 1553 - Chandra
NGC 1569 NGC 1569 - Chandra
NGC 1700 NGC 1700 - Chandra
NGC 4261 NGC 4261 - Chandra
NGC 4472 NGC 4472 - ASCA (evidence for dark matter)
X-ray and optical composite of NGC 4631 NGC 4631's hot galactic halo - Chandra/HST
X-ray image of NGC 4636 NGC 4636 - Chandra
Colliding galaxies NGC 6240 NGC 6240 - Chandra
X-ray image of stars and galaxies X-rays from galaxies in the "Zone of Avoidance" - Chandra


NGC 6552 NGC 6552 - ASCA
Aluminum 26 regions in our Galaxy Radioactive Al 26 in our Galaxy - INTEGRAL

Light Curves

Sag-A* Sag A* - Chandra

Further Galaxy Resources and References

(Enter the name of an object.)
Additions or Comments: Have we left anything out? Is there something you would like to have added to this page (a link to your own group's research page, for example...)?

IMAGES | By Mission | Stars | Cataclysmic Variables | X-ray Binaries | Pulsars | Supernova Remnants & Planetary Nebulae | Galaxies | Active Galactic Nuclei | Clusters and Groups of Galaxies | X-ray/gamma-ray Background & Deep Fields | Solar System Objects | Gamma Ray Bursts

HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

Last modified: Friday, 01-Jun-2007 16:48:48 EDT