Debra Money
October 23, 2002

My husband has already written you. I am using his computer for my own comments. As a tax payer I am against the high cost of those noise making poles. All the noise will make blind citizens the laughing stock of their neighborhoods. I am sighted. My husband is blind. In our twenty two years together he has crossed thousands of streets safely. Blind people do not need those gadgets. Thank you.

Debra Money.

October 27, 2002

I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed electronic traffic signals. My husband has already written to you, I am using his e-mail to do so. I know many blind people. Many of them have traveled all over the country. They do not need multiple buzzers and chirps to travel safely. The noise from all of those noise makers will upset the neighbors. As a tax payer I can see that the expense is more than the public will stand. This will heep resentment on the blind community. Please don't do this.

Debra Money


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