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About the Peace Corps

What Is the Peace Corps?
Peace Corps Today:

The world has changed since 1961, and the Peace Corps has changed with it. With 8,079 Volunteers in 68 posts serving 74 countries, today's Peace Corps is more relevant than ever.

While Volunteers continue to do important work like bringing clean water to communities and teaching children, today's Volunteers also work in areas like HIV/AIDS awareness, information technology, and business development.

The Peace Corps will continue to address global needs as they arise. Thousands of Volunteers, for instance, now work on HIV/AIDS-related activities. As access to information technology has grown in the developing world, the Peace Corps has increased its Volunteer efforts in this field.

Below is a brief listing of some of the Peace Corps' newest programs and projects.

HIV/AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean

The Peace Corps has intensified its role in the global effort to fight HIV/AIDS by training all Volunteers in Africa as educators and advocates of HIV/AIDS prevention and education. Regardless of their primary project, all Volunteers will be equipped to play a role in addressing the multiple health, social, and economic problems related to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Peace Corps programs in Botswana and Swaziland are devoted entirely to fighting the disease.

In addition, efforts are expanding into the Caribbean, where more Volunteers are focusing efforts on combating HIV/AIDS.

In May 2003, the Peace Corps committed 1,000 new Volunteers to work on HIV/AIDS-related activities as part of President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

Information Technology

Volunteers provide technical training and support to groups and organizations that want to make better use of information and communications technology. They introduce people to the computer as a tool to increase efficiency and communication and to "leap frog" stages of development. Volunteers teach basic computer literacy skills, (e.g., word-processing, spreadsheets, basic accounting software, Internet use, and webpage development) and they introduce host communities to e-commerce, distance learning, and geographic information systems.

Expanding Into New Countries

Africa Region

Since Ghana received the first Peace Corps Volunteers in 1961, more than 60,000 Americans have served in 46 African countries. The Peace Corps continues to enjoy strong cooperation and support from the people of Africa. At the end of fiscal year 2006, 2,801 Volunteers and trainees will be on board, working in 25 countries. In 2003, the re-opening of the Chad, Botswana, and Swaziland programs poised the Africa region for substantial growth in the coming years.

Europe, Mediterranean and Asia Region

More than 48,250 Volunteers have served in the Europe, Mediterranean, and Asia (EMA) region since 1961. At the end of fiscal year 2006, EMA will have 2,501 Volunteers and trainees working in 20 countries, most of which are undergoing rapid economic and social changes. Throughout the region, Volunteers work with governments, local organizations, and communities to provide needed technical expertise and promote cross-cultural understanding. Together, Volunteers and their counterparts work to address changing needs in agriculture, business, education, the environment, and health.

Inter-America and Pacific Region

Since the Peace Corps’ inception in 1961, more than 73,000 Volunteers have served in the Inter-America and Pacific (IAP) region. They have served in more than 46 countries. At the end of fiscal year 2006, 2,501 Volunteers will be working in 24 posts in all six of the agency’s sectors: agriculture, business development, education, the environment, health and HIV/AIDS, and youth. The Fiji program was re-opened in 2003 and a program in Mexico opened for the first time in 2004.

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