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CSP Sequencing and Project Management

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Once the project has been approved through the review process, and the Scope of Work and User Agreement documents have been signed, the sequencing project may begin. Managing your sequencing project will involve the following considerations:

  1. Designation of a project manager within the JGI.
  2. Designation of a principal collaborator or "Project Representative," not necessarily the original applicant, who will be the JGI's main point of contact throughout the duration of the sequencing project.
  3. The collaborator must provide DNA, libraries, and other materials as described in the Scope of Work. Detailed guidelines for DNA submission are available. All materials described in the project proposal must be immediately available with the appropriate documentation. Failure of the collaborator to provide DNA, libraries, or other materials described in the proposal in a timely fashion may lead to cancellation of the project and/or return of the proposal to the review panels.
  4. Project components each require separate documentation. Those projects that are a composite of various components (whole-genome shotgun, cDNAs, BACs, etc.), will require separate DNA QC documentation and sterility certificates (for BSL-2 or RG-2 projects) for each component, or for resubmissions of a component (from new source materials to make a new library).
  5. All DNA/RNA/cDNA source materials must pass the JGI QC process. Work will not commence on a new or resubmitted project component until the source material has passed the DNA/RNA/cDNA QC process.
  6. The JGI's Project Coordinator will communicate with the Project Representative to confirm, in a timely manner, when the initial sample data is of appropriate quality, free of contamination, etc.
  7. Approved projects enter a queue, not a sequencer. When a sequencing component of an approved project is qualified for production, it enters the production queue. This queue is managed on a first-in/first-out basis, so it can take weeks or months for actual production to begin on a project, depending on the current workload and the length of time required to prepare and quality control representative clone libraries. Scheduling of the sequencing will be at the discretion of the JGI, given the overall production sequencing queue and the need to optimize available resources. See Prioritization and Scheduling of Projects for details.
  8. The postsequencing analysis and publication plans must be coordinated and scheduled as specified in the Scope of Work.