[Federal Register: April 4, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 63)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 16995-17007]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 101
[Docket No. 2001N-0548] (formerly Docket No. 01N-0548)
Food Labeling; Guidelines for Voluntary Nutrition Labeling of Raw
Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish; Identification of the 20 Most Frequently
Consumed Raw Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish; Reopening of the Comment
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of the comment period.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is reopening until June
3, 2005, the comment period for a proposed rule published in the
Federal Register of March 20, 2002. In that document, FDA proposed to
amend its voluntary nutrition labeling regulations by updating the
names and nutrition labeling values for the 20 most frequently consumed
raw fruits, vegetables, and fish in the United States. Since
publication of the proposed rule, the agency has received new data in
comments that it intends to use to further update the nutrition
labeling values. The agency also intends to use additional data from
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for certain nutrients in raw
produce. Those data became available after the close of the comment
period. FDA is reopening the comment period to allow all interested
parties the opportunity to review its tentative nutrition labeling
values based upon data FDA received within and after the comment
period, and to comment on the additional nutrient data for some of the
20 most frequently consumed raw fruits, vegetables, and fish. FDA will
evaluate any new data submissions during this reopened comment period
and will consider use of those data in a final rule.
DATES: Submit written or electronic comments by June 3, 2005.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. 2001N-
0548, by any of the following methods:
    <bullet> Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
    <bullet> Agency Web site: http://www.fda.gov/dockets/ecomments.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments on the agency Web site.
    <bullet> E-mail: fdadockets@oc.fda.gov. Include Docket No. 2001N-
0548 in the subject line of your e-mail message.
    <bullet> FAX: 301-827-6870.
    <bullet> Mail/hand delivery/courier [for paper, disk, or CD-ROM
submissions]: Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), 5630 Fishers
Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number or regulatory information number for this rulemaking.
All comments received will be posted without change to http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/default.htm
, including any personal
information provided. For detailed instructions on submitting comments
and additional information on the rulemaking process, see the
``Comments'' heading of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/default.htm
and insert the relevant docket number, 01N-0548, into the ``Search''
box and follow the prompts and/or go to the Division of Dockets
Management, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mary Brandt, Center for Food Safety
and Applied Nutrition (HFS-840), Food and Drug Administration, 5100
Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, 301-436-1788.
I. Background
    In the Federal Register of March 20, 2002 (67 FR 12918) (the
proposed rule), FDA proposed to amend its voluntary nutrition labeling
regulations by updating the names and nutrition labeling values for the
20 most frequently consumed raw fruits, vegetables, and fish in the
United States based upon new data submitted or made available to the
agency. In that document, we requested comments on the proposal by June
3, 2002. In the Federal Register of June 6, 2002 (67 FR 38913), we
corrected the proposed rule that published with an incorrect docket
number (i.e., Docket No. 01N-0458) and provided additional time to
submit comments, until August 20, 2002.
    In a comment to the proposed rule, USDA submitted nutrient data
from its 2001-2002 nationwide sampling of fruits and vegetables (see
). USDA provided data for 16 of the 20 most frequently
consumed fruits: Apple, avocado (California), banana, cantaloupe,
grapefruit, honeydew melon, kiwifruit, nectarine, orange, peach, pear,
pineapple, plums, strawberries, sweet cherries, and watermelon; and 12
of the top 20 vegetables: Bell pepper, broccoli, carrot, celery,
cucumber, iceberg lettuce, leaf lettuce, onion, potato, radish, sweet
potato, and tomato. At the time USDA submitted the comment, the data
results for vitamin C, sodium, and potassium were not yet available,
and the analysis of carotenoids for carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers,
onions, and sweet peppers had not been completed. In June and July of
2003, after the close of the comment period, USDA provided sodium,
potassium, and some carotenoid values that it did not submit earlier
(Ref. 1). It also submitted vitamin C values for pineapple.
    In other comments to the proposed rule, the Citrus Research Board
and Food Research, Inc., provided nutrient data from 1998 for oranges,
grapefruit, tangerines (Mandarin oranges), and lemons (see http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Aug02/081602/8001f4e1.pdf, http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Aug02/082902/01N-0548-cr00001-01-vol1.htm
, and http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Aug02/082902/
    Two comments recommended that Chinook salmon be included with the
[[Page 16996]]
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Aug02/082102/800222f0.pdf and
One comment noted that according to nutrient data from the USDA
Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, the nutrient profile of
Chinook salmon is most similar to the proposed category and values for
Atlantic, Coho, and Sockeye salmon (Ref. 2).
    Based upon data received during the comment period and USDA data
received after the comment period, we have calculated updated nutrition
labeling values for some of the 20 most frequently consumed raw fruits,
vegetables, and fish. FDA is now reopening the comment period to allow
the raw produce and fish industries and other interested parties the
opportunity to review and react to updated nutrition labeling values
based upon data FDA received within and after the comment period.
Reopening the comment period may also provide an impetus for completion
of additional nutrient analyses. We will evaluate any new data
submissions received during this reopened comment period and will
consider use of those data in a final rule.
II. Updating the Nutrition Labeling Values
    We are reopening the comment period to revise the nutrition
labeling values of the 20 most frequently consumed raw fruits,
vegetables, and fish, which are included in appendices C and D to part
101. The proposed appendices C and D that we are publishing in this
document include the updated values described in tables 1 and 2 of this
document. As noted in the proposed rule, the agency believes that the
values in proposed appendices C and D could be used on an interim basis
prior to completion of the rulemaking, provided that the nutrition
information is presented in a manner consistent with this document.
However, firms should be aware that values included in a final rule may
differ and would need to be changed.
    Reference 3 provides complete documentation of the derivation of
each nutrition labeling value for the 20 most frequently consumed raw
fruits, vegetables, and fish.
A. FDA Analysis of the Data
1. Outlier Screening
    Originally, for the proposed rule, we completed outlier screening
of the data using the Grubbs outlier screening method to determine
influential observations in the distributions of data for each nutrient
and food. However, based upon comments received in response to the
proposed rule and discussion of outliers in the statistical literature,
we have determined not to conduct Grubbs outlier screening on the
nutrient data for raw produce and fish.
    In developing the nutrient values in the proposed rule, we took a
conservative approach to outliers and deleted those data points
identified through outlier screening.
    There were several comments in response to the proposed rule that
addressed outlier screening. Comments questioned the validity of using
Grubbs outlier screening for fruits and recommended the use of visual
scattergrams and bar graphs. Another comment questioned the removal of
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) e-
Handbook of Statistical Methods states that the Grubbs test is based on
the assumption of normality and should only be used with data that are
normally distributed (Ref. 4). NIST also recommends that the test
should not be used for sample sizes of six or less since it frequently
tags most of the points as outliers. Many of the nutrient levels in the
voluntary nutrition labeling program are based on small sample sizes
because that is all the data that are available to FDA. Small sample
sizes simply do not contain enough information to make inferences about
the shape of the distribution in the entire population (Ref. 5).
    Therefore, based on the information in the previous paragraphs, we
have decided not to conduct Grubbs outlier screening on the nutrient
B. Changes in Nutrition Labeling Values for Raw Fruits and Vegetables
    The following is a summary of tentative changes from the nutrition
labeling values in the proposed rule for some of the 20 most frequently
consumed raw fruits and vegetables. FDA derived the updated values from
the raw data provided by USDA and the Citrus Research Board during the
comment period, as well as existing data. We also considered data for
sodium, potassium, carotenoids, and vitamin C that USDA submitted after
the comment period. Other changes were related to discontinuance of
outlier screening. As explained in the proposed rule, when possible,
FDA used compliance calculations based on 95 percent intervals to
derive nutrition labeling values.
         Table 1.--Proposed Changes to the Nutrition Labeling Information for Raw Fruits and Vegetables
                                        2002 Proposed Values           Reopening Comment Period Proposed Values
      Food and Nutrient       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         % DV                                      % DV
Apple (154 grams (g))
  Potassium                       170 milligrams                 5%              160 mg                       5%
  Total carbohydrate                        22 g                 7%                21 g                       7%
  Dietary fiber                              5 g                20%                 3 g                      12%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Avocado (30 g)
  Total fat                                  6 g                 9%                 5 g                       8%
  Saturated fat                            0.5 g                 3%                 1 g                       5%
  Potassium                               160 mg                 5%              140 mg                       4%
[[Page 16997]]
Banana (126 g)
  Sodium                                    0 mg                 0%                5 mg                       0%
  Potassium                               400 mg                11%              450 mg                      13%
  Total carbohydrate                        29 g                10%                30 g                      10%
  Dietary fiber                              4 g                16%                 2 g                       8%
  Sugars                                    21 g  ..................               19 g  .......................
Cantaloupe (134 g)
  Sodium                                   25 mg                 1%               20 mg                       1%
  Potassium                               280 mg                 8%              240 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                        13 g                 4%                12 g                       4%
  Sugars                                    12 g  ..................               11 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................               100%   .................                     120%
  Calcium                      .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Grapefruit (154 g)
  Potassium                               230 mg                 7%              160 mg                       5%
  Total carbohydrate                        16 g                 5%                15 g                       5%
  Dietary fiber                              6 g                24%                 2 g                       8%
  Sugars                                    10 g  ..................               11 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                15%   .................                      35%
  Vitamin C                    .................               110%   .................                     100%
  Calcium                      .................                 2%   .................                       4%
Honeydew melon (134 g)
  Sodium                                   35 mg                 1%               30 mg                       1%
  Potassium                               310 mg                 9%              210 mg                       6%
  Total carbohydrate                        13 g                 4%                12 g                       4%
  Sugars                                    12 g  ..................               11 g  .......................
Kiwifruit (148 g)
  Calories                                   100  ..................                 90  .......................
  Total fat                                  1 g                 2%               1.5 g                       2%
  Potassium                               480 mg                14%              450 mg                      13%
  Total carbohydrate                        24 g                 8%                20 g                       7%
  Sugars                                    16 g  ..................               13 g  .......................
  Protein                                    2 g  ..................                1 g  .......................
  Calcium                      .................                 6%   .................                       4%
  Iron                         .................                 4%   .................                       2%
[[Page 16998]]
Lemon (58 g)
  Sodium                                    5 mg                 0%                0 mg                       0%
  Potassium                                90 mg                 3%               75 mg                       2%
  Sugars                                     1 g  ..................                2 g  .......................
Nectarine (140 g)
  Calories                                    70  ..................                 60  .......................
  Calories from fat                            0  ..................                  5  .......................
  Total fat                                  0 g                 0%               0.5 g                       1%
  Potassium                               290 mg                 8%              250 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                        17 g                 6%                15 g                       5%
  Sugars                                    13 g  ..................               11 g  .......................
Orange (154 g)
  Potassium                               260 mg                 7%              250 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                        21 g                 7%                19 g                       6%
  Dietary fiber                              7 g                28%                 3 g                      12%
  Vitamin A                    .................                 2%   .................                       0%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Peach (147 g)
  Calories                                    70  ..................                 60  .......................
  Total fat                                  0 g                 0%               0.5 g                       1%
  Potassium                               260 mg                 7%              230 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                        18 g                 6%                15 g                       5%
  Sugars                                    14 g  ..................               13 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                 8%   .................                       6%
Pear (166 g)
  Calories from fat                           10  ..................                  0  .......................
  Total fat                                  1 g                 2%                 0 g                       0%
  Potassium                               210 mg                 6%              180 mg                       5%
  Sugars                                    17 g  ..................               16 g  .......................
  Protein                                    1 g  ..................                0 g  .......................
  Calcium                      .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Pineapple (112 g)
  Calories                                    60  ..................                 50  .......................
  Potassium                               115 mg                 3%              120 mg                       3%
  Total carbohydrate                        16 g                 5%                13 g                       4%
[[Page 16999]]
  Sugars                                    13 g  ..................               10 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                 0%   .................                       2%
  Vitamin C                    .................                25%   .................                      50%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Plums (151 g)
  Calories                                    80  ..................                 70  .......................
  Potassium                               250 mg                 7%               230 g                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                        21 g                 7%                19 g                       6%
  Dietary fiber                              2 g                 8%                 1 g                       4%
  Sugars                                    13 g  ..................               16 g  .......................
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       0%
Strawberries (147 g)
  Potassium                               270 mg                 8%              170 mg                       5%
  Total carbohydrate                        12 g                 4%                11 g                       4%
  Dietary fiber                              4 g                16%                 2 g                       8%
  Sugars                                     8 g  ..................                6 g  .......................
  Calcium                      .................                 2%   .................                       0%
  Iron                         .................                 4%   .................                       0%
Sweet cherries (140 g)
  Calories                                    90  ..................                100  .......................
  Potassium                               300 mg                 9%              350 mg                      10%
  Total carbohydrate                        23 g                 8%                26 g                       9%
  Dietary fiber                              3 g                12%                 1 g                       4%
  Sugars                                    20 g  ..................               16 g  .......................
  Protein                                    2 g  ..................                1 g  .......................
Tangerine (109 g)
  Calories from fat                            5  ..................                  0  .......................
  Total fat                                0.5 g                 1%                 0 g                       0%
  Sodium                                     0 g                 0%                5 mg                       0%
  Potassium                               180 mg                 5%              160 mg                       5%
  Dietary fiber                              3 g                12%                 2 g                       8%
  Sugars                                     8 g  ..................                9 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                 0%   .................                       6%
  Vitamin C                    .................                50%   .................                      45%
Watermelon (280 g)
[[Page 17000]]
  Calories                                   100  ..................                 80  .......................
  Sodium                                   10 mg                 0%                0 mg                       0%
  Potassium                               230 mg                 7%              270 mg                       8%
  Total carbohydrate                        27 g                 9%                21 g                       7%
  Dietary fiber                              2 g                 8%                 1 g                       4%
  Sugars                                    25 g  ..................               20 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                20%   .................                      30%
Bell pepper (148 g)
  Calories                                    30  ..................                 25  .......................
  Sodium                                    0 mg                 0%               40 mg                       2%
  Potassium                               270 mg                 8%              220 mg                       6%
  Total carbohydrate                         7 g                 2%                 6 g                       2%
  Vitamin A                    .................                 8%   .................                       4%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       4%
Broccoli (148 g)
  Sodium                                   55 mg                 2%               80 mg                       3%
  Potassium                               540 mg                15%              460 mg                      13%
  Total carbohydrate                         8 g                 3%                10 g                       3%
  Dietary fiber                              5 g                20%                 3 g                      12%
  Sugars                                     3 g  ..................                2 g  .......................
  Protein                                    5 g  ..................                2 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                15%   .................                       6%
  Iron                         .................                 6%   .................                       4%
Carrot (78 g)
  Calories                                    35  ..................                 30  .......................
  Sodium                                   40 mg                 2%               60 mg                       3%
  Potassium                               280 mg                 8%              250 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                         8 g                 3%                 7 g                       2%
  Vitamin A                    .................               270%   .................                     110%
Celery (110 g)
  Calories                                    20  ..................                 15  .......................
  Sodium                                  100 mg                 4%              115 mg                       5%
  Potassium                               350 mg                10%              260 mg                       7%
  Total carbohydrate                         5 g                 2%                 4 g                       1%
  Dietary fiber                              2 g                 8%                 1 g                       4%
[[Page 17001]]
  Sugars                                     1 g  ..................                2 g  .......................
  Protein                                    1 g  ..................                0 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                 2%   .................                      10%
Cucumber (99 g)
  Potassium                               170 mg                 5%              140 mg                       4%
  Protein                                    1 g  ..................                0 g  .......................
Iceberg lettuce (89 g)
  Calories                                    15  ..................                 10  .......................
  Potassium                               120 mg                 3%              125 mg                       4%
  Total carbohydrate                         3 g                 1%                 2 g                       1%
  Vitamin A                    .................                 4%   .................                       6%
Leaf lettuce (85 g)
  Sodium                                   30 mg                 1%               35 mg                       1%
  Potassium                               230 mg                 7%              170 mg                       5%
  Total carbohydrate                         4 g                 1%                 2 g                       1%
  Dietary fiber                              2 g                 8%                 1 g                       4%
  Sugars                                     2 g  ..................                1 g  .......................
  Vitamin A                    .................                40%   .................                     130%
  Iron                         .................                 0%   .................                       4%
Onion (148 g)
  Calories                                    60  ..................                 45  .......................
  Potassium                               240 mg                 7%              160 mg                       5%
  Total carbohydrate                        14 g                 5%                11 g                       4%
  Protein                                    2 g  ..................                1 g  .......................
  Calcium                      .................                 4%   .................                       2%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       4%
Potato (148 g)
  Calories                                    40  ..................                110  .......................
  Sodium                                   10 mg                 0%                0 mg                       0%
  Potassium                               650 mg                19%              620 mg                      18%
  Total carbohydrate                         7 g                 2%                26 g                       9%
  Dietary fiber                              4 g                16%                 2 g                       8%
  Sugars                                     2 g  ..................                1 g  .......................
  Vitamin C                    .................                40%   .................                      45%
  Iron                         .................                 8%   .................                       6%
[[Page 17002]]
Radishes (85 g)
  Calories                                    15  ..................                 10  .......................
  Sodium                                   25 mg                 1%               55 mg                       2%
  Potassium                               230 mg                 7%              160 mg                       5%
  Dietary fiber                              0 g                 0%                 1 g                       4%
  Protein                                    1 g  ..................                0 g  .......................
  Iron                         .................                 0%   .................                       2%
Sweet potato (130 g)
  Calories                                   140  ..................                100  .......................
  Sodium                                   45 mg                 2%               70 mg                       3%
  Potassium                               340 mg                10%              440 mg                      13%
  Total carbohydrate                        32 g                11%                23 g                       8%
  Vitamin A                    .................               440%   .................                     120%
  Calcium                      .................                 2%   .................                       4%
Tomato (148 g)
  Calories                                    35  ..................                 25  .......................
  Calories from fat                            5  ..................                  0  .......................
  Total fat                                0.5 g                 1%                 0 g                       0%
  Sodium                                    5 mg                 0%               35 mg                       1%
  Potassium                               360 mg                10%              340 mg                      10%
  Total carbohydrate                         7 g                 2%                 5 g                       2%
  Sugars                                     4 g  ..................                3 g  .......................
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                       4%
C. Changes in Nutrition Labeling Values for Raw Fish
    The following is a summary of tentative changes from the nutrition
labeling values in the proposed rule for some of the 20 most frequently
consumed raw fish. Changes were related to discontinuance of outlier
screening and to inclusion of raw Chinook salmon with Atlantic, Coho,
and Sockeye salmon. FDA derived values for fish using data from the
USDA National Nutrient Databank (Ref. 6). When possible, FDA used
compliance calculations based on 95 percent intervals to derive
nutrition labeling values. When raw data were unavailable, FDA used
data from the newest version of USDA Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference, Release 17 (Ref. 2).
                      Table 2.--Proposed Changes to the Nutrition labeling for Cooked Fish
                                        2002 Proposed Values           Reopening Comment Period Proposed Values
  Food and Nutrient (per 84   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     grams (g)/3 ounces)                                 % DV                                      % DV
  Sodium                           55 milligrams                 2%               65 mg                       3%
[[Page 17003]]
  Potassium                               400 mg                11%              390 mg                      11%
  Calcium                      .................                 0%   .................                       2%
  Sodium                                   75 mg                 3%               85 mg                       4%
  Cholesterol                              35 mg                12%               40 mg                      13%
  Calcium                      .................                 4%   .................                       2%
Ocean perch
  Cholesterol                              50 mg                17%               45 mg                      15%
  Iron                         .................                 6%   .................                       4%
  Calories                                   100  ..................                 90  .......................
  Calories                                   100  ..................                110  .......................
  Total fat                                1.5 g                 2%                 2 g                       3%
Salmon, Atlantic/Coho/Sockeye--Chinook added in update
  Calories                                   190  ..................                200  .......................
  Cholesterol                              65 mg                22%               70 mg                      23%
  Sodium                                   65 mg                 3%               55 mg                       2%
  Potassium                               320 mg                 9%              430 mg                      12%
  Vitamin A                    .................                 2%   .................                       4%
  Vitamin C                    .................                 2%   .................                       4%
Salmon, chum/pink
  Calories from fat                           35  ..................                 40  .......................
  Cholesterol                              60 mg                20%               65 mg                      22%
  Vitamin C                    .................                 6%   .................                       0%
  Iron                         .................                 2%   .................                      14%
  Sodium                                  250 mg                10%              240 mg                      10%
  Iron                         .................                 6%   .................                      10%
II. Comments
    Interested persons may submit to the Division of Dockets Management
(see ADDRESSES) written or electronic comments regarding this document.
Submit a single copy of electronic comments or two paper copies of any
mailed comments, except that individuals may submit one paper copy.
Identify comments with the docket number found in brackets in the
heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the Division
of Dockets Management between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
[[Page 17004]]
III. References
    The following references have been placed on display in the
Division of Dockets Management (see ADDRESSES) and may be seen between
9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. (FDA has verified the Web
site addresses but is not responsible for subsequent changes to the Web
sites after this document publishes in the Federal Register.)
    1. Brandt, M.M., memo to the file: Nutrient data from U.S.
Department of Agriculture received after close of comment period,
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA, February 2005.
    2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service, USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 17,
2004. Available on the Internet at USDA's Nutrient Data Laboratory
home page, http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/.
    3. LeGault, L.A. and M.M. Brandt, ``Documentation for the
Nutrition Labeling Values for the 20 Most Frequently Consumed Raw
Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish,'' Center for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition, FDA, November 2004.
    4. NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods, http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm and http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda35h.htm.
January 3, 2005.
    5. The Prism Guide to Interpreting Statistical Results,
excerpted from Analyzing Data With GraphPad Prism, http://www.graphpad.com/articles/interpret/Analyzing_two_groups/choos_anal_comp_two.htm.
 Accessed March 21, 2005.
    6. U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Nutrient Data Bank,
maintained at the Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agricultural Research
Service, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD.
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[[Page 17007]]
    Dated: March 25, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 05-6475 Filed 4-1-05; 8:45 am]
horizontal rule
horizontal rule