This electronic document was downloaded from the GPO web site, November 2003, and is provided for information purposes only. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, is updated April 1 of each year. The most current version of the regulations may be found at the GPO web site.
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR100.1]
[Page 5-7]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                          SERVICES (CONTINUED)
PART 100--GENERAL--Table of Contents
                 Subpart A--State and Local Requirements
Sec. 100.1  Petitions requesting exemption from preemption for State or local requirements.
    (a) Scope and purpose. (1) This subpart applies to the submission 
and consideration of petitions under section 403A(b) of the Federal 
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act), by a State or a political 
subdivision of a State, requesting exemption of a State requirement from 
preemption under section 403A(a) of the act.
    (2) Section 403A(b) of the act provides that where a State 
requirement has been preempted under section 403A(a) of the act, the 
State may petition the agency for an exemption. The agency may grant the 
exemption, under such conditions as it may prescribe by regulation, if 
the agency finds that the State requirement will not cause any food to 
be in violation of any applicable requirement under Federal law, will 
not unduly burden interstate commerce, and is designed to address a 
particular need for information that is not met by the preemptive 
Federal requirement.
    (b) Definitions. (1) Act means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 
Act (21 U.S.C. 321 et seq.).
    (2) Agency means the Food and Drug Administration.
    (3) Commissioner means the Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
    (4) State means a State as defined in section 201(a)(1) of the act 
(which includes a territory of the United States, the District of 
Columbia, and Puerto Rico) or any political subdivision of a State 
having authority to issue food standards and food labeling regulations 
having force of law.
    (5) State requirement means any statute, standard, regulation, or 
other requirement that is issued by a State.
    (c) Prerequisites for petitions for exemption from preemption. The 
Food and Drug Administration will consider a petition for exemption from 
preemption on its merits only if the petition demonstrates that:
    (1) The State requirement was enacted or was issued as a final rule 
by an authorized official of the State and is in effect or would be in 
effect but for the provisions of section 403A of the act.
    (2) The State requirement is subject to preemption under section 
403A(a) of the act because of a statutory provision listed in that 
section or because of a Federal standard or other Federal regulation 
that is in effect, or that has been published as a final rule with a 
designated effective date, and that was issued under the authority of a 
statutory provision listed in that section. For the purposes of this 
subpart, all petitions seeking exemption from preemption under section 
403A(a)(3) through (a)(5) of the act submitted before May 8, 1992, will 
be considered timely even though the applicable statutory provisions or 
regulations are not yet in effect.
    (3) The petitioner is an official of a State having authority to act 
for, or on behalf of, the Government in applying for an exemption of 
State requirements from preemption.
    (4) The State requirement is subject to preemption under section 
403A(a) of the act because it is not identical to
[[Page 6]]
the requirement of the preemptive Federal statutory provision or 
regulation including a standard of identity, quality, and fill. "Not 
identical to" does not refer to the specific words in the requirement 
but instead means that the State requirement directly or indirectly 
imposes obligations or contains provisions concerning the composition or 
labeling of food, or concerning a food container, that:
    (i) Are not imposed by or contained in the applicable provision 
(including any implementing regulation) of section 401 or 403 of the 
act; or
    (ii) Differ from those specifically imposed by or contained in the 
applicable provision (including any implementing regulation) of section 
401 or 403 of the act.
    (d) Form of petition. (1) All information included in the petition 
should meet the general requirements of Sec. 10.20(c) of this chapter.
    (2) An original and one copy of the petition shall be submitted, or 
the petitioner may submit an original and a computer readable disk 
containing the petition. Contents of the disk should be in a standard 
format, such as ASCII format. (Petitioners interested in submitting a 
disk should contact the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for 
    (3) Petitions for exemption from preemption for a State requirement 
shall be submitted to the Dockets Management Branch in the following 
(Date) ----------------
Dockets Management Branch,
Food and Drug Administration,
Department of Health and Human Services,
rm. 1-23, 12420 Parklawn Dr.,
Rockville, MD 20857.
   Petition Requesting Exemption from Preemption for State Requirement
    The undersigned submits this petition under section 403A(b)of the 
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to request that the Food and Drug 
Administration exempt a State requirement from preemption.
    The undersigned has authority to act for, or on behalf of, the 
(identify State or political subdivision of the State) because (document 
petitioner's authority to submit petition on behalf of the State).
                           A. Action Requested
    1. Identify and give the exact wording of the State requirement and 
give date it was enacted or issued in final form.
    2. Identify the specific standard or regulation that is believed to 
preempt the State requirement and the section and paragraph of the act 
that the standard or regulation implements.
                  B. Documentation of State Requirement
    Provide a copy of the State requirement that is the subject of the 
application. Where available, the application should also include copies 
of any legislative history or background materials used in issuing the 
requirement, including hearing reports or studies concerning the 
development or consideration of the requirement.
                         C. Statement of Grounds
    A petition for an exemption from preemption should contain the 
    1. An explanation of the State requirement and its rationale, and a 
comparison of State and Federal requirements to show differences.
    2. An explanation of why compliance with the State requirement would 
not cause a food to be in violation of any applicable requirement under 
Federal law.
    3. Information on the effect that granting the State petition will 
have on interstate commerce. The petition should contain information on 
economic feasibility, i.e., whether the State and Federal requirements 
have significantly different effects on the production and distribution 
of the food product; comparison of the costs of compliance as shown by 
data or information on the actual or anticipated effect of the State and 
Federal requirements on the sale and price of the food product in 
interstate commerce; and the effect of the State requirement on the 
availability of the food product to consumers. To the extent possible, 
the petition should include information showing that it is practical and 
feasible for producers of food products to comply with the State 
requirement. Such information may be submitted in the form of statements 
from affected persons indicating their ability to comply.
    4. Identification of a particular need for information that the 
State requirement is designed to meet, which need is not met by Federal 
law. The petition should describe the conditions that require the State 
to petition for an exemption, the information need that the State 
requirement fulfills, the inadequacy of the Federal requirement in 
addressing this need, and the geographical area or political subdivision 
in which such need exists.
[[Page 7]]
                         D. Environmental Impact
    The petition shall contain a claim for categorical exclusion under 
21 CFR 25.24 or an environmental assessment under 21 CFR 25.31.
                             E. Notification
    Provide name and address of person, branch, department, or other 
instrumentality of the State government that should be notified of the 
Commissioner's action concerning the petition.
                            F. Certification
    The undersigned certifies, that, to the best knowledge and belief of 
the undersigned, this petition includes all information and views on 
which the petition relies.
(Signature) ------------------------
(Name of petitioner) ----------------
(Mailing address) ------------------
(Telephone number) ----------------
    (Information collection requirements in this section were approved 
by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and assigned OMB number 
    (e) Submission of petition for exemption; public disclosure. The 
availability for public disclosure of a petition for exemption will be 
governed by the rules specified in Sec. 10.20(j) of this chapter.
    (f) Agency consideration of petitions. (1) Unless otherwise 
specified in this section, all relevant provisions and requirements of 
subpart B of part 10 of this chapter, are applicable to State petitions 
requesting exemption from Federal preemption under section 403A(b) of 
the act.
    (2) If a petition does not meet the prerequisite requirements of 
paragraph (c) of this section, the agency will issue a letter to the 
petitioner denying the petition and stating in what respect the petition 
does not meet these requirements.
    (3) If a petition appears to meet the prerequisite requirements in 
paragraph (c) of this section, it will be filed by the Dockets 
Management Branch, stamped with the date of filing, and assigned a 
docket number. The docket number identifies the file established by the 
Dockets Management Branch for all submissions relating to the petition, 
as provided in this part. Subsequent submissions relating to the matter 
must refer to the docket number and will be filed in the docket file. 
The Dockets Management Branch will promptly notify the petitioner in 
writing of the filing and docket number of a petition.
    (4) Any interested person may submit written comments to the Dockets 
Management Branch on a filed petition as provided in Sec. 10.30(d) of 
this chapter.
    (5) Within 90 days of the date of filing the agency will furnish a 
response to the petitioner. The response will either:
    (i) State that the agency has tentatively determined that the 
petition merits the granting of an exemption, and that it intends to 
publish in the Federal Register a proposal to grant the exemption 
through rulemaking;
    (ii) Deny the petition and state the reasons for such denial; or
    (iii) Provide a tentative response indicating why the agency has 
been unable to reach a decision on the petition, e.g., because of other 
agency priorities or a need for additional information.
    (g) If a State submitted a petition for exemption of a State 
requirement from preemption under section 403A(a)(3) through (a)(5) of 
the act before May 8, 1992, that State requirement will not be subject 
to preemption until:
    (1) November 8, 1992; or
    (2) Action on the petition, whichever occurs later.
[58 FR 2468, Jan. 6, 1993]
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR100.2]
[Page 7-9]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                          SERVICES (CONTINUED)
PART 100--GENERAL--Table of Contents
                 Subpart A--State and Local Requirements
Sec. 100.2  State enforcement of Federal regulations.
    (a) Under section 307 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
(the act), a State may bring, in its own name and within its own 
jurisdiction, proceedings for the civil enforcement, or to restrain 
violations, of sections 401, 403(b), 403(c), 403(d), 403(e), 403(f), 
403(g), 403(h), 403(i), 403(k), 403(q), or 403(r) of the act if the food 
that is the subject of the proceedings is located in the State.
    (b) No proceeding may be commenced by a State under paragraph (a) of 
this section:
    (1) Before 30 days after the State has given notice to the Food and 
Drug Administration (FDA) that the State intends to bring such 
    (2) Before 90 days after the State has given notice to FDA of such 
intent if
[[Page 8]]
FDA has, within such 30 days, commenced an informal or formal 
enforcement action pertaining to the food which would be the subject of 
such proceeding.
    (3) If FDA is diligently prosecuting a proceeding in court 
pertaining to such food, has settled such proceeding, or has settled the 
informal or formal enforcement action pertaining to such food.
    (c) A State may intervene as a matter of right, in any court 
proceeding described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
    (d) The notification that a State submits in accordance with 
paragraph (b) of this section should include the following information 
and be submitted in the following recommended format:
(Date) ----------------
Name of State agency ------------
Post office address ------------
Street address ------------
City, State, and ZIP code ------------
Name of product(s) covered by the notification ------------
Reporting official, title, and telephone no. ------------
FAX No. ------------
Agency contact (if different from reporting official), title, and 
telephone no. ------------
Division of Enforcement (HFS-605),
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,
Food and Drug Administration,
5100 Paint Branch Pkwy.,
College Park, MD 20740.
To Whom It May Concern:
    The undersigned, ------, submits this letter of notification 
pursuant to section 307(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 
(21 U.S.C. 337(b)(1)) with respect to --------. (name of products 
covered by the notification and the enforcement action that is to be 
Attached hereto, and constituting a part of this letter of notification 
are the following:
    A. The name of the product.
    B. The type and size of each product container.
    C. Copy of the label and labeling of the product.
    D. Manufacturing code (if applicable).
    E. Name and address of firm believed to be responsible for 
    F. Name and address of parent firm (if known).
    G. Reason for the anticipated State enforcement action (list 
specific violations, including sections of the law violated).
    H. Name of firm against which action is anticipated (if applicable).
    I. Type of enforcement action.
    Yours very truly,
Reporting Agency
By ------------
(Indicate authority)
    (e) The letter of notification should be signed by a State official 
authorized by the State to institute the contemplated enforcement 
    (f) The letter of notification should be sent to the Division of 
Enforcement (HFS-605), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 
Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 
20740, FAX number 202-205-4642.
    (g) FDA will notify the State of the date in which its letter of 
notification was received by FDA, Center for Food Safety and Applied 
Nutrition, Division of Enforcement (HFS-605) (within 2 working days 
after date of receipt). This date will be the date of notification for 
the purposes of paragraph (b) of this section.
    (h) The Director, Division of Enforcement, Office of Field Programs, 
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA, will respond to the 
State's notification within 30 days of the date of notification by 
    (1) Whether FDA has commenced an informal or formal enforcement 
action pertaining to the food that is the subject of the notification; 
    (2) Whether FDA is prosecuting a proceeding in court pertaining to 
such food, has settled such proceeding, or has settled informal or 
formal enforcement action pertaining to such food.
    (i) Information contained in State notification letters shall be 
exempt from public disclosure to the same extent to which such 
information would be so exempt pursuant to Secs. 20.61, 20.64, and 20.88 
of this chapter.
    (j) Definitions. (1) Informal enforcement actions include warning 
letters, recalls, detentions, or other administrative enforcement 
actions that pertain to the food in question.
    (2) Formal enforcement actions include seizures, injunctions, or 
other civil judicial enforcement actions that pertain to the food in 
question. (Information collection requirements in this section
[[Page 9]]
were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and assigned 
OMB control number 0910-0275.)
[58 FR 2460, Jan. 6, 1993; 58 FR 17097, Apr. 1, 1993, as amended at 66 
FR 56035, Nov. 6, 2001]
Subparts B-E [Reserved]
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR100.100]
[Page 9]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                          SERVICES (CONTINUED)
PART 100--GENERAL--Table of Contents
         Subpart F--Misbranding for Reasons Other Than Labeling
Sec. 100.100  Misleading containers.
    In accordance with section 403(d) of the act, a food shall be deemed 
to be misbranded if its container is so made, formed, or filled as to be 
    (a) A container that does not allow the consumer to fully view its 
contents shall be considered to be filled as to be misleading if it 
contains nonfunctional slack-fill. Slack-fill is the difference between 
the actual capacity of a container and the volume of product contained 
therein. Nonfunctional slack-fill is the empty space in a package that 
is filled to less than its capacity for reasons other than:
    (1) Protection of the contents of the package;
    (2) The requirements of the machines used for enclosing the contents 
in such package;
    (3) Unavoidable product settling during shipping and handling;
    (4) The need for the package to perform a specific function (e.g., 
where packaging plays a role in the preparation or consumption of a 
food), where such function is inherent to the nature of the food and is 
clearly communicated to consumers;
    (5) The fact that the product consists of a food packaged in a 
reusable container where the container is part of the presentation of 
the food and has value which is both significant in proportion to the 
value of the product and independent of its function to hold the food, 
e.g., a gift product consisting of a food or foods combined with a 
container that is intended for further use after the food is consumed; 
or durable commemorative or promotional packages; or
    (6) Inability to increase level of fill or to further reduce the 
size of the package (e.g., where some minimum package size is necessary 
to accommodate required food labeling (excluding any vignettes or other 
nonmandatory designs or label information), discourage pilfering, 
facilitate handling, or accommodate tamper-resistant devices).
    (b) [Reserved]
[59 FR 537, Jan. 5, 1994]
[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 21CFR100.155]
[Page 9-10]
                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                          SERVICES (CONTINUED)
PART 100--GENERAL--Table of Contents
        Subpart G--Specific Administrative Rulings and Decisions
Sec. 100.155  Salt and iodized salt.
    (a) For the purposes of this section, the term iodized salt or 
iodized table salt is designated as the name of salt for human food use 
to which iodide has been added in the form of cuprous iodide or 
potassium iodide permitted by Secs. 184.1265 and 184.1634 of this 
chapter. In the labeling of such products, all words in the name shall 
be equal in prominence and type size. The statement "This salt supplies 
iodide, a necessary nutrient" shall appear on the label immediately 
following the name and shall be in letters which are not less in height 
than those required for the declaration of the net quantity of contents 
as specified in Sec. 101.105 of this chapter.
    (b) Salt or table salt for human food use to which iodide has not 
been added shall bear the statement, "This salt does not supply iodide, 
a necessary nutrient." This statement shall appear immediately 
following the name of the food and shall be in letters which are not 
less in height than those required for the declaration of the net 
quantity of contents as specified in Sec. 101.105 of this chapter.
    (c) Salt, table salt, iodized salt, or iodized table salt to which 
anticaking agents have been added may bear in addition to the ingredient 
statement designating the anticaking agent(s), a label statement 
describing the characteristics imparted by such agent(s) (for example, 
"free flowing"), providing such statement does not appear with greater 
prominence or in type size larger than the statements which immediately 
follow the name of the food as required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of 
this section.
    (d) Individual serving-sized packages containing less than \1/2\ 
ounce and packages containing more than 2\1/2\ pounds
[[Page 10]]
of a food described in this section shall be exempt from declaration of 
the statements which paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section require 
immediately following the name of the food. Such exemption shall not 
apply to the outer container or wrapper of a multiunit retail package.
    (e) All salt, table salt, iodized salt, or iodized table salt in 
packages intended for retail sale shipped in interstate commerce 18 
months after the date of publication of this statement of policy in the 
Federal Register, shall be labeled as prescribed by this section; and if 
not so labeled, the Food and Drug Administration will regard them as 
misbranded within the meaning of sections 403 (a) and (f) of the Federal 
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
[42 FR 14306, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 48 FR 10811, Mar. 15, 1983; 
49 FR 24119, June 12, 1984]
horizontal rule
horizontal rule