Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

These notes are intended to outline the role of the Guest Editor and ensure good communication between the Editors, Guest Editors and Publisher. Please do not hesitate to ask should you require any further assistance with your Special Issue.

Selection of Papers for the Special Issue

The Guest Editors are responsible for the selection of the manuscripts for the Special Issue. This selection should be based on scientific quality of the papers and the topic of the paper should clearly fall within the scope of the Special Issue. The final selection should form a coherent and complete set of papers.

Peer Reviewing Process

The task of the Guest Editor(s) is to take care of the strict peer-reviewing process, which is essential to ensure that only quality papers are published. Each paper must be reviewed by at least two international specialists (three in case of doubt) and revised in accordance with their comments. If major revision is asked for by one of the referees the paper must be reviewed again by at least one referee. The referees are the choice of the Guest Editor.


Under separate cover a set of Instructions for Authors forms, which include notes on submitting your manuscript on disk, and Checklist for the Reviewer forms are sent to you to assist you in the preparation of the issue. At a later date you will also be sent three forms that need to accompany the final set of manuscripts. These are the Arrangements for Colour Invoicing form, Critical Cover Information form and Special Issue Checklist form.

Time Schedule

It is recommended that you establish a time schedule and inform contributing authors of deadlines for the submission of manuscripts, etc. Please send a copy of the schedule to Simon Richert at Elsevier and inform him, as well as Professor J. D. Milliman, of the status of the project regularly. It may be possible that an issue can be published by a certain deadline. However this decision is made at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, and we will require written confirmation from the Guest Editor (s) of the definite date when the manuscripts will be submitted to the Editor to allow the issue to be scheduled into the journal publishing schedule.

Maximum Size

The maximum number of printed pages should not exceed 500. This equates to approximately 600 manuscript pages.

Ocean News

We will require a short piece about the issue for inclusion in the above Elsevier newsletter. This needs to be 100-150 words long, summarising the research represented by the issue.

Electronic Annexes

It is possible that additional data can be stored on a floppy disk/CD-ROM that can accompany the issue. The Guest Editor (s) is responsible for providing all the data on a mastercopy that Elsevier will check and replicate.

Colour Illustrations

Printing of colour illustrations is possible at author's cost. The price is NLG 800 (US$400) for the first page (independent of the number of colour figures on that page) and NLG 400 (US$200) for subsequent pages (independent of the number of colour figures on that page). However we can offer a reduced price if the Guest Editor is prepared to coordinate payment through one invoice.


When sending the complete set of papers, please enclose the following: Please also ensure that each paper is as complete as possible:

Final acceptance by Editor-in-Chief

The complete set of manuscripts, including reviewers comments, relevant comments by the Guest Editor and the authors, will then be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Professor John D. Milliman, who makes the final decision on acceptance of manuscripts in consultation with the Guest Editor. Guest Editors are therefore requested to ensure that authors are informed that their manuscript has been recommended for publication. MANUSCRIPTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION BEFORE THEY HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO A FINAL EVALUATION BY THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.


Authors should be made aware of the need to return corrected proofs within 48 hours of receipt (as far as this is possible). If authors are going to be away when the proofs are sent they should make arrangements with another colleague to check the proofs in their absence.

Free Reprints, Free Copy and No Page Charges

Each corresponding author will receive fifty free reprints of his/her manuscript as well as a complimentary copy of the issue. Guest Editors will also receive a complimentary copy of the issue. We do not have page charges, except in the case of colour.

Provide Information to Publisher

To enable the Publisher to plan for your Special Issue, we need to receive some basic information from you at the earliest opportunity. Please could you therefore complete and return our Publisher Notification form as soon as possible.

Bulk Order Arrangements

It is our policy to offer competitive rates for bulk orders of the Special Issue. We will contact you ahead of publication to offer up-to-date pricing information.

As a guideline, 2000 prices are as follows:

Number of copies Price per copy
2-4 US$55 (NLG 91)
5-49 US$50 (NLG 87)
50-99 US$45 (NLG 78)
100-199 US$40 (NLG 70)
200+ US$35 (NLG 61)
These prices assume that the journals are despatched in bulk. Arrangements for further distribution are the responsibility of the Guest Editor (s).


Simon Richert, Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard,
Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843432 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 843960