About this issue

This virtual journal is intended solely for the use of contributing authors and editors. It provides a method for authors to acquaint themselves with and reference, as necessary, other manuscripts in the edition. This virtual journal was produced by Allen Macklin, NOAA/PMEL, with the permission of the authors and editors, as a precursor to the final version discussed below.

A volume of Deep-Sea Research II (also known as Topical Studies in Oceanography) on the southeastern Bering Sea ecosystem is planned for publication in 2001.  The volume will focus on research findings from the 1990s and establish a timely picture of how the southeastern Bering Sea ecosystem works today.  Research results from studies outside of these time and space domains are not acceptable for publication in this volume.

Manuscripts from Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC) and NSF Inner Front Study researchers will form the core of the volume.  Additional material will come from other colleagues.  There is a link at the bottom of this page to a list of candidate papers and authors.

For this issue, authors should aim for 12-15 double-spaced pages and about 4-8 figures and tables.  Authors can save the effort of extensive editing later on by reading now the Guide for Authors for which there is a link at the bottom of this page.  There are no page charges.  Authors are responsible for all charges related to publishing and printing of their manuscripts:  this includes costs for color figures (about US$400 per plate for the first page, US$200 for each additional color page) and CD-ROMs.  Each senior author will receive a complimentary copy of the volume and 50 reprints of the manuscript.  Draft manuscripts are due December 4, 2000.  Manuscripts received by that date, if accepted for publication, are guaranteed inclusion in the special issue.  Manuscripts may be submitted after December 4, but these may be returned unreviewed, and, if reviewed and accepted, are not guaranteed inclusion in the special issue.  Specific instructions for manuscript submission for this issue are contained in the Guide for Authors.

A special issue steering committee consisting of George Hunt, Jim Overland, Phyllis Stabeno, and Anne Hollowed is overseeing production of the volume.  Two guest editors, Tom Royer of Old Dominion University and Mike Dagg of the Louisiana University Marine Consortium, will read all assigned papers, solicit reviews, advise authors of acceptability, and provide guidance to the advisory panel.  Allen Macklin will coordinate activities.

Questions, comments?  E-mail the SEBSCC Coordinator