Center for Cancer Research NCI-Frederick

Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory

Animal Holding and Technical Support Program
Responsible for the health monitoring of all rodents and rabbits at NCI-Frederick, NCI-Bethesda, NCI-DTP Rodent Producers, and several NCI contract facilities
Provides diagnostic resources to several other NIH animal facilities and the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
The major focus of diagnostic services includes bacteriology, parasitology, serology, molecular detection of pathogens, and health monitoring necropsies
The AHDL works closely with the Animal Holding and Technical Support, the Laboratory Animal Medicine Program, and the Pathology and Histotechnology Laboratory to provide a comprehensive approach to health monitoring
The AHDL has more than 26 years of service to the research community
The AHDL has been in the forefront of rodent diagnostics, including the detection and original isolation of Helicobacter hepaticus, one of the most recently discovered and significant rodent pathogens in many years

General Program Information
Program Expertise
Scheduling Service
Courier Service
Instructions for Sample Submissions and Frequently Asked Questions - Mouse/Rat Antibody Production (MAP/RAP) TEST Molecular Testing of Biological Materials-Mouse/Rat (MTBM-M/R)
Health Reports

Electronic Forms
MAP/RAP/LDH TEST/Molecular Testing Of Biological Materials (MTBM) Request Form
Mouse Hepatitis Virus PCR Assay Request Form
Downland MPV PCR Assay Request Form

Contact Information

Peter L. Gorelick, MS, Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology Head, Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory
SAIC Frederick, Inc.
Phone: 301-846-1134
Fax: 301-846-6031
Carrol E. Selby, BS, Physical Education Supervisor, Bacteriology and Parasitology Laboratory Phone: 301-846-1134
Fax: 301-846-6031
Margaret M. Gorelick, BS, Microbiology, Public Health Supervisor, Serology Laboratory
SAIC Frederick, Inc.
Phone: 301-846-1134
Fax: 301-846-6031
Rhonda Anderson, Applied Molecular Biology Supervisor, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
SAIC Frederick, Inc.
Phone: 301-846-1053
Fax: 301-846-6031

  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)