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Updated 12 October, 2003

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From Acclimations, November-December 1998
Newsletter of the US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change


By D. Briane Adams, U.S. Geological Survey

Water resources are integral to every region and sector included in the National Assessment. The scope of the sector includes everything from water availability and quality to almost every aspect of societal needs and dependence on water resources. Topics for the assessment thus range from water quantity to the economic impacts resulting from the potential consequences of climate variability and change, including possible responses of water managers and planners.

The water resources sector of the National Assessment has been organized with nationally recognized team members from federal and state governments, academia, and the private sector. They represent a wide variety of technical, management, and legal disciplines and stakeholders. The sector team is being sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and is co-chaired by D. Briane Adams (USGS) and Peter Gleick (Pacific Institute). Sector Assessment Team (SAT) members have been identified to serve as the principal authors of the assessment report and of journal papers in their area of expertise, and to guide any additional work to be done during the assessment. In addition to the SAT, an advisory committee (ADCOM) has been formed that complements the expertise of the SAT.

The USGS Water Resources Division has also provided a core of researchers (ATEAM) that will provide analytical support for the assessment. The sector is also making plans to work with various water-related organizations at the national and international level, including the American Water Works Association, the American Water Resources Association, the American Geophysical Union, the International Water Resources Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and many others. One member of the SAT is an education and outreach professional and is developing plans for a public education process that will include focus groups to interpret needs and to design processes for effective outreach.

The water resources sector work began on July 2, 1998, with a meeting of the SAT and other National Assessment participants. The SAT identified required work areas, and made initial assignments to members. A workshop was held from September 14-16, 1998, in West Palm Beach, Florida. This meeting invited participation from all the team members, water resources representatives from the twenty regions, and other sector representatives. The workshop summarized and prioritized water resources issues from the regions and other sectors in the assessment (see Regional Water Issues sidebar).

The products of ongoing water sector research activities will be presented publicly at an American Water Resources Association (AWRA) symposium held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 10-12, 1999. Proceedings of this meeting will provide an opportunity for wider professional, policy and public comment. Significant papers will be selected for further development and will be published in the October 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association.

For more information, contact:

D. Briane Adams, Hydrologist, USGS; 3850 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 160, Norcross, GA. 30092-2202; phone: (770) 409-7708; fax: (770) 409-7725; email: DADAMS@USGS.GOV.

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