Water and Climate Bibliography
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Welcome to the the Pacific Institute’s Water and Climate Bibliography.

This Bibliography is a comprehensive database of scientific literature pertaining to climate change and freshwater resources worldwide. The current version contains more than 4,300 entries, and we continue to update the database periodically. Abstracts are searched and displayed where available.

Each entry has been assigned subject keywords and regional terms. Using these can make your searching more effective. Use these terms and other search tips for more effective use of the database.

We hope to provide a valuable resource for the academic community, policymakers, and individuals interested in the science and policy of climate change and water resources. We look forward to feedback from you on format, ease of use, and additional sources we should include. Please contact us with any comments. Suggestions for additional references, are most welcome.

Note: The Pacific Institute does not maintain a real or virtual library of all of these materials. If, however, you are experiencing difficulty finding any references, you may contact us.

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