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DeskShare affiliate revenue


  Affiliate Program
Join our exciting, new Affiliate Program and start earning commissions immediately!
Exciting New Affiliate Opportunity!
  DeskShare produces top quality software that converts your internet traffic into commissions. All sales you generate are tracked with the latest in technology and paid directly from our payment provider - always on schedule. Our excellent affiliate login area displays all your statistics and sales in real-time.

If you have a web site, newsletter or other means of promotion, you’ll earn up to a industry-leading 50% commission on all sales of our award-winning software that you generate.

  It's simple. Just take a few minutes to sign up as a DeskShare Affiliate.
  DeskShare affiliate process
  How It Works!
  You can offer all of our software as free trial downloads.  Our service embeds your affiliate code into the downloaded software.  Whenever that user goes to register, you get your commission.  No cookies to lose, no timeouts, no missing referrer links - this is a rock solid guaranteed commission payout on every sale!
  Hosted Downloads
  We will host the downloads, and pay for all the bandwidth for you!  We even provide hosted Affiliate ID-Tagged landing and purchase pages.  We have made it easier than ever before, so now you can concentrate all your efforts on promotion

Note: This revolutionary Affiliate technology means you will always have the latest version of ALL of our software (with your embedded Affiliate ID) the same day we release it on our site. Since we host the pages for you, there is never a stale page or obsolete version.

  Unique Tracking Features
  The exclusive technology from eSellerate automatically hardcodes your Affiliate ID, assigned to you when you enroll in the program, into the purchase link of the software. This way, if you offer our products as trial downloads to others, this unique technology GUARANTEES that you’ll be recorded as the affiliate and receive credit for the sales generated from your downloads, even if the buyer upgrades six months later. It’s your sale no matter when it’s made. Affiliate Program
  Don’t confuse this program with other ‘so-called’ shareware affiliate programs that rely on simple cookie tracking to track credits for sales. There are just too many ways cookies are munched, leaving you with crumbs but no commissions. This exclusive, innovative technology is much BETTER!

eSellerate also offers affiliates the option to promote our software for direct sale, instead of using the trial/shareware seller model. Some affiliates may find this produces more sales from their demographics, and avoids the need to host shareware downloads themselves. However, most affiliates choose to allow the customer to try the software first because, frankly, it sells itself. It’s that good.

  Promoting Your Affiliate Software

We have a page for each software in the affiliates program with various banners and graphics you can use. Or, if you have artistic talent, feel free to create something that fits your site’s design motif.

  Merely placing a banner graphic on a web page doesn’t assure much in the way of sales. Good promotion generates good sales. You can link to our store where there’s a brief explanation of what each of our software products does. By actively promoting our software, and linking to the landing page we provide for you, you’ll give your visitors more information and persuade them to download or purchase the software.
  That's all there is to it! It costs you nothing to become an affiliate, there’s no risk and it works! Why not recommend our great shareware products to your friends? They'll thank you for helping them improve their computing productivity, and you'll make money on every sale!

Once you’ve signed up as an affiliate, and have your login information, you can get the links to your Affiliate ID-tagged versions of all the DeskShare applications you want to promote.

  Getting Started:
1. Sign up with and become a DeskShare Affiliate.
2. Choose Hosted EST or Purchase Links
3. Get your link codes and start earning commissions!
  Remember, this exclusive program will automatically hardcode your Affiliate ID, assigned to you when you enroll in the program, into the purchase link of the software and virtually GUARANTEE that you will receive credit for all sales generated through your downloads.
  If you have further questions, please contact us or visit eSellerate's Affiliate Information page.