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2003 Agricultural Statistics

PDF Files
PDF 175 k
Grain and feed
PDF 343 k
Cotton, tobacco, sugar, crops, and honey
PDF 285 k
Oilseeds, fats and oils
PDF 203 k
Vegetables and melons
PDF 246 k
Fruits, tree nuts, and horticultural specialties
PDF 378 k
Hay, seeds, and minor field crops
PDF 76 k
Cattle, hogs, and sheep
PDF 319 k
Dairy and poultry statistics
PDF 253 k
Farm resources, income, and expenses
PDF 251 k
Taxes, insurance, credit, and cooperatives
PDF 154 k
Stabilization and price-support programs
PDF 83 k
Agricultural conservation and forestry statistics
PDF 191 k
Consumption and family living
PDF 82 k
Fertilizers and pesticides
PDF 87 k
Miscellaneous agricultural statistics
PDF 216 k
Appendix I: Telephone contact list
PDF 10 k
PDF 67 k

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