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U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Science
Notice of Intent to Issue Solicitation Notice 99-23

Outstanding Junior Investigator Program in High Energy Physics

The High Energy Physics Program, Office of Science, expects to publish a solicitation notice 99-23 in the Federal Register about mid August 1999, for its Outstanding Junior Investigator Program. Applications should be from tenure-track faculty investigators who are currently involved in experimental or theoretical high energy physics or accelerator physics research, and should be submitted through a U.S. academic institution.

The High Energy Physics Outstanding Junior Investigator program was started in 1978 to provide research funds for outstanding unestablished scientists. Since its debut, the program has initiated support for between five and ten new Outstanding Junior Investigators each year. The program has been very successful and contributes importantly to the vigor of the U.S. High Energy Physics program. Applicants should request support under this program for normal research project costs as required to conduct their proposed research activities. The full range of activities currently supported by the Division of High Energy Physics will be eligible for support under this program.

The deadline for submitting applications is expected to be November 2, 1999.

Once this Notice 99-23 is published in the Federal Register, it will also be available at the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site at