
Grantees Must Acknowledge Federal Funding

Updated December 31, 2007

Dear National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Funding Recipient:

Please help fulfill our commitment to inform the American public about NIAMS'/NIH's role in your research accomplishments. We need you to let the public know when your research is funded, in whole or in part, with taxpayer dollars.

The NIAMS grant process requires researchers to acknowledge the source of Federal funding. Receiving a research grant from NIAMS/NIH obligates you to inform the public that funding for your research has come from taxpayer dollars.

According to the NIH Grants Policy Statement: "Grantees are required to place an acknowledgment of NIH grant support and a disclaimer, as appropriate, on any publication written or published with such support and, if feasible, on any publication reporting the results of, or describing, a grant-supported activity. An acknowledgment shall be to the effect that:

'This publication was made possible by Grant Number ________ from _________' or 'The project described was supported by Grant Number ________ from ________.'"

Scientific conferences and events in clinical, basic, and translational areas are venues in which you can help promote awareness of the tax-supported funding you receive through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the NIAMS. In the attachment below, we have sent you an acknowledgement slide as an electronic file in PowerPoint.

Funding Acknowledgement Powerpoint Slide (.PPT)
The attached slide has been tested and works in both PCs and Macintoshes.

You can also print out this slide and attach it to your poster exhibits. Or, if you prefer, please call us and we will mail you poster cards.

If you have any difficulty with the file or if you require a different format, please let us know. Film slides also are available. Please specify the quantity you need. You may direct your call to 1-877-22-NIAMS or you may e-mail

Thank you for helping us spread the word that taxpayer dollars are funding progress in improving the health of all Americans through biomedical research.

Also, if your NIAMS-supported research results in an article(s) for publication, please let us know in advance, if possible, at the above contact information. We are pleased to learn about your progress, and we sometimes publish short articles or press releases to share your findings with the public. The NIAMS honors all embargo dates. Thank you.


Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, NIAMS