Ancillary Projects

Marine Mammal Observations

Miller Freeman maintains an active ancillary marine mammal observation program, based on occasional interception of marine mammals during operations. All reported sightings are positively identified, referenced through NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 444, and reported by form to NMFS Marine Mammal Lab. Miller Freeman averages 270 sightings per year.

Reconnaissance Hydrography Program

Miller Freeman maintains an ancillary reconnaissance hydrography program for uncharted waters of the southern Alaska peninsula shelf and the Bering Sea shelf. Conducting sounding lines in conjunction with hydroacoustic surveys enables bathymetric data, with GPS control, to be collected over uncharted waters without impact on the program. Data is scanned by ship's officers and provided to the NOS Pacific Hydrographic Section. Miller Freeman has collected more than 8500 nautical miles of sounding lines since the program inception in 1993.

Shipboard Environmental (Data) Acquisition System (SEAS) Meteorological Reports

Miller Freeman maintains an ancillary task of providing synoptic meteorological reports through the SEAS automated reporting system. Utilizing INMARSAT C satellite communications, the vessel reports at-sea weather conditions every 3 hours. Miller Freeman averages almost 1500 weather reports per year and has been one of the program's Top 10 weather reporting platforms for 1992, 1993, & 1994.

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•  Updated: May 23, 2000