State of Colorado: Governor Bill Ritter

FY08-09 Budget Requests

The links below contain the FY 2008 - 2009 Budget Request documents for each department, the Capital Development Committee and the Governor's Office.  Please check back soon for more updates.



Summary of Governor Ritter's FY 2008-09 Budget Proposal- NEW!

Budget Request Press Release

Governor Ritter's Letter to the Joint Budget Committee


Crime Prevention and Recidivism Reduction Package:




Department of Agriculture


Capital Construction


Department of Corrections


Department of Education


Governor's Office


Department of Health Care Policy and Financing


Department of Higher Education


Department of Human Services


Department of Labor and Employment


Department of Local Affairs


Department of Military and Veterans Affairs


Department of Natural Resources


Department of Personnel and Administration


Department of Public Health and Environment


Department of Public Safety


Department of Regulatory Agencies


Department of Revenue


Department of State


Department of Transportation



Todd Saliman, Director
Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting
200 East Colfax, Room 111, Denver, Colorado 80203
Phone: 303.866.3317 Fax: 303.866.3044
Send comments or questions to:



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