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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
horizonal rule

  • A free software for fast-calculating descriptors from a two-dimensional chemical structure

  • Suitable for small and large datasets

Mold2 is a software package that calculates a large and diverse set of molecular descriptors encoding two-dimensional chemical structure information. Comparative analysis of Mold2 descriptors with those calculated from commercial software on several published datasets demonstrated that Mold2 descriptors convey sufficient structural information. In addition, better models were generated using Mold2 descriptors than the compared commercial software packages. This publicly available software is developed by the Center for Toxicoinformatics at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) which is led by Dr. Weida Tong.

To download Mold2, please complete the following form and click "Submit."






Contact Information
Please address any questions or suggestions to Dr. Huixiao Hong at (870) 543-7296
or e-mail him at Huixiao.Hong@fda.hhs.gov.

horizonal rule