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Mapping, Zoning & Standard Plans

View the three "sketch" plans, leave comments here

Three detailed maps, each providing alternative views of where Lodi should grow and how land should be developed, were unveiled to the public at an open house Saturday, May 10.

The maps are intended to elicit reactions from visitors to help Lodi update its General Plan in a way that best fits the community's vision. The General Plan is a document required by state law that acts as a blueprint for future growth.

None of the three maps is intended to survive as a preferred alternative for adoption in early 2009. They do include, however, some thought-provoking concepts intended to spark discussion that will help Lodi's General Plan team develop choices that more accurately reflect a consensus of the community's wishes.

Tell us what you think!

First, view the three sketches below and, for more detailed information, click on the link to view the entire report on the General Plan update's alternatives. You need Adobe Reader to view the files and a high-speed connection advised. Each sketch is between 4MB and 5MB:

Sketch A

Sketch B

Sketch C

Link to entire report on General Plan alternatives

Then, fill out the following form to let the City of Lodi's General Plan Update team know what you think.


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Please describe what you like and/or dislike about each of the sketch plans:

In the weeks following the open house, General Plan Manager Rad Bartlam will be available to speak to community groups and service clubs interested in hearing more about the General Plan update. Comments from the various groups will be considered in developing the final General Plan alternatives.

"We look forward to gathering views from the community and believe this is a good next step in the process toward developing a final document," Bartlam said.

Contact Bartlam at rbartlam@lodi.gov.

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