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Rail Profile

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  1960 1970e 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Class Ia,1                        
Operating revenues, total ($ millions) 9,514 11,992 28,258 28,370 30,809 32,280 32,693 33,118 33,151 33,521 34,102 34,576
Passenger 640 421 446 94 88 89 59 60 61 61 62 62
Freight 8,025 10,922 26,350 27,471 29,931 31,356 31,889 32,322 32,247 32,680 33,083 33,533
Other 849 649 1,462 805 790 835 745 736 843 780 957 981
Operating expenses ($ millions)b 8,775 11,478 26,355 24,652 25,511 27,897 26,331 27,291 27,916 28,011 29,040 29,164
Total revenue ($ millions) N 162 429 1,308 1,413 1,490 1,550 1,669 2,244 2,011 2,111 2,109
Total expenses ($ millions) N 301 1,103 2,012 2,246 2,257 2,258 2,359 2,548 2,660 2,876 3,288


  1960 1970e 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Class Ia, 1                        
Number of vehicles, total 1,965,486 1,784,181 1,710,827 1,212,261 1,192,412 1,218,927 1,240,573 1,270,419 1,315,667 1,368,836 1,380,796 1,314,136
Class I freight cars 1,658,292 1,423,921 1,168,114 658,902 590,930 583,486 570,865 568,493 575,604 579,140 560,154 499,860
Other nonclass I freight cars 307,194 360,260 542,713 553,359 601,482 635,441 669,708 701,926 740,063 789,696 820,642 814,276
Number of Locomotives 29,031 27,077 28,094 18,835 18,505 18,812 19,269 19,684 20,261 20,256 20,028 19,745
Number of companies 106 71 38 14 12 11 10 9 9 9 8 8
Number of employees 780,494 566,282 458,994 216,424 189,962 188,215 181,809 177,981 178,222 177,557 168,360 162,155
Miles of road owned 207,334 196,479 164,822 119,758 109,332 108,264 105,779 102,128 100,570 99,430 99,250 97,631
Number of passenger vehicles3                        
Train-cars N 1,569 2,128 1,863 1,852 1,722 1,730 1,728 1,962 1,992 1,894 2,084
Locomotives N 185 419 318 338 313 299 332 345 329 378 401
Number of employees4 N 1,500 21,416 24,000 25,049 23,646 23,278 23,555 24,528 25,291 25,624 27,316
System route mileage5 N N 24,000 24,000 25,000 24,000 25,000 25,000 22,000 23,000 23,000 23,000


  1960 1970e 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Class Ia                        
Car mileage, freight (thousands)1 28,170,000 29,890,000 29,277,000 26,159,000 28,485,000 30,383,000 31,715,000 31,660,000 32,657,000 33,851,000 34,590,000 34,243,000
Train mileage, freight (thousands)1 404,464 427,065 428,498 379,582 440,896 458,271 468,792 474,954 474,947 490,442 504,001 499,546
Locomotive mileage, total (thousands)6 N N 1,531,050 1,280,365 1,404,706 1,444,691 1,465,149 1,423,229 1,439,703 1,503,947 1,502,819 1,477,546
Freight 421,900 1,278,200 1,319,010 1,144,559 1,261,482 1,293,851 1,311,351 1,281,768 1,285,706 1,349,580 1,354,590 1,327,669
Train and yard switching N N 212,040 135,806 143,224 150,840 153,798 141,461 153,997 154,367 148,229 149,876
Revenue ton-miles of freight (millions)1 572,309 764,809 918,958 1,033,969 1,200,701 1,305,688 1,355,975 1,348,926 1,376,802 1,433,461 1,465,960 1,495,472
Average length of haul, freight (miles)1 461 515 616 726 817 843 842 851 835 835 843 859
Fuel consumed in freight service (million gallons)1 3,463 3,545 3,904 3,115 3,334 3,480 3,579 3,575 3,583 3,715 3,700 3,710
Average miles traveled per vehicle                        
Locomotive N N 54,497 67,978 75,910 76,796 76,037 72,304 71,058 74,247 75,036 74,831
Car 14,332 16,753 17,113 21,579 23,889 24,926 25,565 24,921 24,822 24,730 25,051 26,057
Average miles traveled per gallon                        
Train 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13
Car 8.13 8.43 7.50 8.40 8.54 8.73 8.86 8.86 9.11 9.11 9.35 9.23
Passenger train car-miles (millions)7 N 213 235 301 304 292 276 288 312 342 371 378
Passenger train-miles (millions)2 N 26 30 33 34 32 30 32 33 34 35 36
Passenger locomotive-miles (millions)2 N N 41 49 51 48 U U U U U U
Revenue passengers carried (millions)2 N 17 21 22 21 21 20 20 21 22 23 24
Revenue passenger-miles (millions)2 N 3,039 4,503 6,057 5,921 5,545 5,050 5,166 5,304 5,330 5,498 5,559
Average passenger fare (dollars)2 N 8.3 17.7 38.5 R39.10 R39.92 R43.31 R45.26 R44.75 R46.85 49.61 51.58
Average passenger revenue / passenger-mile (cents)2 N 4.5 8.2 14.1 13.7 14.6 16.6 17.3 17.5 18.4 23.2 24.9
Average passenger trip length (miles)2 N 182.6 217.0 273.0 279.3 267.9 256.3 255.7 251.4 247.9 244.4 236.6
Locomotive fuel consumed8                        
Diesel (million gallons) N N 64 82 75 66 71 75 75 74 U U
Electric kWh (millions) N N 254 330 309 304 293 282 275 283 U U


  1960 1970e 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Number of fatalities, railroads and grade crossings, total 2,345 2,331 1,424 1,300 1,226 1,146 1,039 R1,063 R1,008 R932 R937 969
Passengers on trains 34 10 4 3 5 0 12 6 4 14 4 3
Employees on duty 215 179 97 40 31 34 33 37 27 31 24 22
Employees not on duty N N 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0
Trespassers 637 607 566 700 682 660 620 646 644 570 570 671
Nontrespassers 1,459 1,535 746 554 505 443 365 362 324 304 332 269
Contractor employees N N 7 3 3 7 9 11 5 12 3 4
Grade crossing only 1,421 1,440 772 698 615 579 488 461 431 402 425 421
Railroad onlyd 924 785 645 599 611 567 551 602 577 530 512 548

KEY: kWh = kilowatt-hour; N = data do not exist; R = revised; U = data are not available.

a Excluding Amtrak and all non-Class I railroads, except for Section IV.

b Operating expenses include equipment, joint facility rents, leased roads and equipment, and all taxes except Federal income.

c Safety figures from U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration are for all railroads.

d Figures may not appear directly in data source.

e Amtrak data in this column are for 1972, Amtrak's first full year of operation.


Amtrak figures are based on Amtrak fiscal year (October 1-September 30).


Unless otherwise noted, refer to chapter tables for sources.

1 Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, Annual issues, pp. 3, 10, 27, 33, 34, 36, 40, 49, 51, 77, and similar pages in earlier issues.

2 Amtrak, National Railroad Passenger Corporation Annual Report, Statistical Appendix to Amtrak Annual Report, Annual issues.

3 1970-1980: Amtrak, National Railroad Passenger Corporation Annual Report,1972, 1980, 1990, and 1993-95. 1990-2000: Ibid., National Railroad Passenger Corporation Annual Report, Statistical Appendix to Amtrak Annual Report, Annual issues. 2001: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), p. 77.

4 1970-1990: Amtrak, Public Affairs, personal communication. 1994-1997: Ibid., National Railroad Passenger Corporation Annual Report,1972, 1980, 1990, and 1993-95. 1998-2001: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, Annual Issues, p. 77 and similar pages in earlier issues.

5 1980-1990: Amtrak, Route Miles by Railroad, Corp. Planning & Development. 1994-2001: Amtrak, National Railroad Passenger Corporation Annual Report, Statistical Appendix to Amtrak Annual Report, Annual issues.

6 Association of American Railroads, Analysis of Class 1 Railroads, Annual issues.

7 1970-1990: Amtrak, Train Information System Reports. 1994-1999: Amtrak Corporate Reporting, Route Profitability System, Washington DC, personal communication, August 2001. 2000-2001: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, Annual Issues, p. 77 and similar pages in earlier issues.

8 Amtrak General Accounting, Pennsylvania, personal communication, June 1999.

9 1960-1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Systems Support Division, RRS-22, personal communication. 1990-1994: Ibid., Accident / Incident Bulletin, Annual issues, tables 7 and 9. 1995-2001: Ibid., Railroad Safety Statistics, Annual Report 2001, table 1-3.