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Peace Corps

About the Peace Corps
What is Peace Corps?

What Do Volunteers Do?
Education, Youth Outreach, and Community Development
Business Development
Applied Agriculture
Farm Management and Agribusiness
Animal Husbandry
Information Technology

Where Do Volunteers Go?

What's It Like to Volunteer?

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

Who Volunteers?

What are the Benefits?

What About Safety?

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Life is calling. How far will you go?

About the Peace Corps

What Do Volunteers Do?
Agriculture / Agroforestry:

Volunteers' projects include establishing and maintaining soil and water conservation structures and practices; fruit tree production, live fences, and other agriculture-related forestry practices; fish cultivation; raising trees in small nurseries; apiculture and honey production; livestock health; meat and wool production; range management; vegetable gardening; and nutrition education.


Applicants can qualify with a bachelor's degree in any discipline; or no college degree and one year of relevant experience.


Applicants must have three months of experience in vegetable gardening, landscaping, tree planting or care, urban forestry, livestock care or management, or fish (freshwater or marine) cultivation or production.

Other relevant experience includes an interest and background in environmental issues and formal or informal teaching or tutoring of adults or youth.

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