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In Their Own Words / Results:
The following Volunteer Stories match your search criteria. Click on a title to read the full story.
16 Stories Found

Country   Title   Volunteer

Belize   From a Ghetto Brownstone to a Jungle Brown Hut   Henry Mulzac
Benin   From Hawaii to Benin   Dana Miller
Bolivia   Profile: Mike Dockry (Citizen Potawatomi Nation)   Michael Dockry
Ecuador   Fellows/USA Profile: Jim Burkett   James Burkett
Ecuador   The Student Arrives at the Door   Moritz Thomsen
Guatemala   RPCV Fellows/USA Profile: Amanda Martin   Amanda Martin
Guatemala   Magic Pablo   Mark Brazaitis
Honduras   Profile: Peter Arellanes   Peter Arellanes
Liberia   Save Johnny   Paul Eagle
Mali   White   Lynn Marshall
Nicaragua   Profile: Dana Carson and Ed Chew   Dana Carson
Paraguay   Profile: Alexandra Stanat   Alexandra Stanat
Sierra Leone   Canaan Village   Elva Heinz
Thailand   Profile: Lanette Woo   Lanette Woo
Tonga   A Day's Gift in Tonga   Paul Neville
Zaire   The Joy of Digging   Michael Tidwell

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