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STEP 2.2: Establish Baselines

Measuring energy performance at a specific time establishes a baseline and provides the starting point for setting goals and evaluating future efforts and overall performance. Baselines should be established for all levels appropriate to your organization.

The main steps involve using the date you’ve collected to:

  • Establish base year — Establish a base year (weather-normalized) or an average of several historical years. Use the most complete and relevant sets of data available.
  • Identify metrics — Select units of measurements that effectively and appropriately express energy performance for your organization. (e.g. ENERGY STAR benchmark score, Btu/square foot, Btu/ product, total energy cost/square foot).
  • Publish results — Announce performance baselines to facilities, managers, and other key stakeholders in your organization.


  • Some voluntary environmental initiatives have specific baseline years. If your organization is participating in such an initiative, check to see if a specific base year has been established.
  • If price is not used as a normalizing factor, then be sure to use a source energy accounting method. Otherwise, if your facilities use a combination of fuels, your baseline data may contain errors.

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