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HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women
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Reaching My Calcium Goal

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Reaching My Iron Goal

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Reaching My Goal By Understanding the Nutrition Facts Panel on the Food Label

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Tips for Eating Out

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Grocery Shopping

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Reaching My Healthy Weight

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Reaching My Goal With Daily Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity – Getting Started

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Walking

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My Bright Future: Reaching My Goal With Daily Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is important for your health. It can make you feel energetic, help to beat stress and the blues, lower the risk of many diseases, and help you get in shape.

My goal: ________________________________________________________________________
                 (e.g., Take a 30-minute walk with a friend 5 days a week.)

Tips to Help Reach My Goal

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator in office buildings.

  • Stretch or lift hand weights while watching television at home. Use cans of soup or beans as hand weights.

  • Play actively with your children or grandchildren. Join in on a game of tag, catch, or basketball.

  • When catching the bus, walk to a further bus stop or get off one stop earlier.

  • Sign up for an activity class like aerobics, martial arts, or dance at your local recreation center. Classes are fun, interesting – and many are low-cost.

Getting Started

“I’m trying to get 10 minutes of physical activity every morning, afternoon, and evening. Here’s one exercise that I recommend to friends. I do this when I’m cooking dinner.

Do a standing push-up while you wait for a pot to boil. Pick a kitchen counter that is away from the stove. Stand about an arm’s length away from the counter. Put your arms straight out and touch the counter. Push in and out against the counter to exercise your arms and shoulders.”

—Sheila, Baltimore, Maryland

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Department of Health and Human Services